Is Dr. Gao remarried today?

Chapter 229 The Humble Wife Chaser

Chapter 229 The Humble Wife Chaser
Chapter 225 The Humble Wife Chaser

It was not Jiang An who first saw Gao Chuan approaching, but the two little nurses walking beside her arm in arm. The little girls secretly pointed to the man with wide shoulders and narrow waist not far away and whispered admiration: "Look, look, look! so hot!"

Jiang An looked over in search of the sound, and at the moment when his gaze was winding, he met the eyes of the man in a black suit who was walking towards him. After staring for a few seconds, he quickly turned his gaze back.

The two unsuspecting little nurses beside them watched Gao Chuan walking towards them, and their hearts had already begun to sprout.

Soon, the man walked up to them, and Jiang An, who was as tall as a mountain, enveloped Jiang An in front of him. Without saying a word, he handed the flowers in his hand to Jiang An, who was thinking about how to avoid him.

There was an inexplicably extra bouquet of flowers in Jiang An's bosom, and the two colleagues beside him looked at them curiously. There were also 99 brightly colored roses, and they couldn't help saying in amazement: " are the one who brings flowers to Doctor Jiang every day. !"

The little girl's excited words fell into Gao Chuan's ears, and the man nodded slightly at them, his eyes immediately fell on Jiang An again, and he explained: "I went on a business trip a few days ago, so I didn't have time to tell you."

The words fell into the ears of the two little nurses, and the girls covered their mouths meaningfully and laughed, guessing that the person in front of them should have sent flowers to apologize because he had not reported to Jiang An on a business trip.

Jiang An on the side almost rolled his eyes, thinking that she didn't need to know what his business trip had to do with her.

"Do you still like the flowers I gave you?" The man stared at Jiang An who bowed his head and said nothing, his voice was low and serious.

Before Jiang An could speak, the two little nurses next to him tried to persuade him, "Doctor Jiang, please forgive me quickly. Where did you find such a romantic boyfriend?"

"Yes, yes, he is still so handsome."

Hearing the two little girls on the side full of praise for Gao Chuan, and their flattering voices fell to his ears, Jiang An felt a burst of noise, looked at Gao Chuan who was standing upright in front of him, and directly stuffed the flowers into the man's arms again, coldly Voice: "I don't like it."

"Please don't send me to the hospital again, it will seriously affect my work." The woman looked at him coldly, with a bit of sullenness in her words.

Because the man has been persistently sending flowers to the front desk these days, now the whole hospital is spreading gossip about her. On the surface, she never cares about it, but she will inevitably be affected by these gossips.

Gao Chuan caught the rose she returned, his eyes drooped, and his face showed a little puzzled.

Seeing this scene, the little nurse next to him spoke up for the man without knowing why: "Doctor Jiang, please don't be like this, this flower is so beautiful!"

"He also sincerely admitted his mistake, so please forgive him!"

Jiang An stared at them straight away, and said to them angrily, "If you like it, take it!"

Gao Chuan looked at Jiang An with a sullen expression, and for a moment he didn't know where he was making the woman unhappy, so he took the initiative to give in and said, "I won't give it away if you don't like it."

The hoarse voice is a bit humble no matter how you listen to it.

"Also, don't come to the hospital to look for me in the future." Jiang An took the opportunity to ask him, but he didn't expect the man to be stunned, and he agreed directly.

The two little nurses next to him couldn't help opening their mouths wide when they saw it, wondering where this fairy boyfriend came from.

"I've made a reservation at Shuiyunxuan. Let's go have dinner together tonight." Seeing that Jiang An's face finally softened, the man extended an invitation, and he couldn't help but want to hold Jiang An's hand. Thinking back, he was afraid that Jiang An would Disgusted, he shrank back silently.

Shuiyunxuan is one of the best high-end restaurants in Jingcheng, and the two little nurses next to them couldn't help but start jumping for joy.

Unexpectedly, Jiang An refused directly, and said bluntly to the man in front of him: "You can chase me, but I can also refuse."

The man took her resolute expression into his eyes, frowned silently, and the light in his eyes dimmed immediately.

Jiang An didn't pay any attention to him, and just wanted to bypass him and take a taxi on the side of the road. The little nurse who hadn't reacted looked at Gao Chuan, who was a little depressed, and hurriedly explained: "Handsome, don't get me wrong. Ah, our department is going to have a dinner together today, so let’s make an appointment with Dr. Jiang another day!”

After speaking, he hurriedly followed Jiang An into a taxi. Gao Chuan turned around and watched the car submerged in the traffic before turning his head to look at the roses in his arms.

The roses in the bouquet were in full bloom, and you could smell the fragrance coming from you by bending over slightly. The man stood there blankly, with a question mark on his face.

The two little nurses quickened their pace and finally caught up with Jiang An. After getting into the car with her, they asked about Gao Chuan's identity with a gossip, "Doctor Jiang, who is that man?"

Jiang An was looking at the scenery outside the window in a depressed mood, and replied coldly: "My ex-husband."

The two little nurses were dumbfounded when they heard the sound, and froze in their seats.

After a while, Gao Chuan returned to the car. Secretary Chen, who had been secretly observing in the car, couldn't help laughing, and found that Gao Chuan brought back the roses again. Through the rearview mirror, he saw that his boss had a sad face after getting into the car. Guess It should be the girl who refused.

"Did Miss Jiang not agree?" He asked tentatively.

Gao Chuan leaned on the leather seat behind him, closed his eyes tiredly, and kept quiet without answering.

After a long time, a man's thick voice came from the back seat, "Xiao Chen, do you have a girlfriend?"

Secretary Chen, who was driving, heard that his jaw almost didn't drop. The two had worked together for two years. How could Gao Chuan inquire about his private life like this.

So Secretary Chen who was asked proudly told him that his wife had given birth to her second child.

A loving husband and wife, with both children and a happy family, unlike him, who is a loner, chasing a wife seems to have encountered the problem of the century.

When Secretary Chen talked about his wife and children, he unknowingly opened up the conversation box, and began to chatter endlessly about his beautiful and capable wife in front of Gao Chuan, with a happy smile on his face as he spoke.

Gao Chuan, who was sitting in the back seat, listened quietly and remained silent.

When the man in the driver's seat finally stopped talking, he squirmed his lips and asked, "Then how did you catch up with your wife?"

Secretary Chen paused for a moment before realizing Gao Chuan's real purpose of caring about him.

The man began to share his experience of chasing girls back then without hesitation: "I spent a lot of energy chasing her back then. I picked her up from school by bike every day, often invited her to watch movies, and gave her small gifts from time to time..."

Gao Chuan listened carefully from behind, remembering every sentence in his heart.

 Explosion is over~
  The code word is not easy, I have to ask for votes and comments Doudou─=≡Σ(((つ3 )つ

  PS: 221 can watch now :)
(End of this chapter)

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