Chapter 305 Always Appear
Jiang Beiyan disappeared in Dongcheng State for no reason. Jiang State kept putting pressure on Dongcheng State, and the situation became more and more tense.

Zhuang Linglie was sent out to search for Jiang Beiyan's whereabouts day and night. How could such a decent person disappear for no reason.

Gu Qingye was also busy these two days. After Chiba's miscarriage, she seemed to be a little depressed, always staring out the window in a daze, with no expression all day long.

If she was crying and fussing, she could still vent, but she was silent.

Silence is scarier than ever.

Both the queen and the king came to see Qianye, and Qianye drove them all out.She still hated them in her heart, and the greed and trade-offs of the king and queen accounted for most of the responsibility for her current tragedy.

Cailing tried hard to persuade the princess to drink the medicine again, the child was gone, Qianye's heart died, and she didn't care about her body anymore.

"Princess, just drink a little. Your complexion is not good, and you will get better after drinking."

"What's the use of me getting better? I have nothing left." Chiba's eyes were empty and without light.

Lu Qingye took the medicine bowl from Cai Ling and asked her to go out temporarily.

"Who said it's useless to get better. When you get better, you can regain your health and be alive and kicking. You're sick all day long, and you're not beautiful at all."

Girls, how can you not pay attention to your appearance.

Qianye looked up and found that it was Gu Qingye, knowing that she must also be here to persuade him to take the medicine.

"So what if I regain my face, Qing'er, I will only be reduced to a tool for my father and queen after I have recovered, and I will be pushed around like a commodity. Now I feel that my soul and my heart , and died together with this child."

"My broken body, how can I have the courage to welcome the new life."

Lu Qingye put the medicine on the table, stepped forward to hug Qianye, and gave the girl some kindness and warmth in his arms.

The warm current flowed in through the body, Qianye felt a trace of warmth, she couldn't restrain it, buried her head on Gu Qingye's shoulder, and burst into tears.


The cry was shrill, sad and desolate.

After a few days, she was finally able to vent the pain in her heart through crying.

Gu Qingye kept letting her shoulders stay still, letting her cry.

Until she was tired from crying and her voice became hoarse.

Gu Qingye patted her on the back to help her feel better: "Qianye, you have to get better, not for anyone, but for yourself, and be your own Chiba."

Chiba shook her head and said, "I can't do it. I can't do it at all. I already"

Gu Qingye comforted softly: "Qianye, you have to believe that there will always be someone in this world who doesn't care about your past or your identity. He accepts you and likes you just because you are Qianye. If even If you give up on yourself, then the future one is not too pitiful, he will never meet again, the best Chiba."

"That person will love your scars and tolerate your pain. He may have been waiting for you, so, Qianye, you have to work hard and get better."

Lu Qingye has always encouraged Qianye, gave her a beautiful vision, made her have faith and motivation, and had a little courage to live in this real world, so that she would like someone in the future to become a better version of herself .

"There won't be such a person, I don't deserve it." After experiencing the loss of her son, Qianye felt a little inferior.

"Silly girl, there is nothing unworthy. You have to believe that every girl deserves happiness."

(End of this chapter)

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