Chapter 247

"Appreciate further details."

Although Zuo Feiyu felt that it would be difficult for Gu Qingye, a princess who came out of a deep palace compound, to have a good business experience.

But because the other party was Gu Qingye, even if she was just talking nonsense, he was willing to listen.

Gu Qingye took another sip of tea, moistened his lips, and said solemnly: "I want to make money from most people, and I also want to make money from rich people."

"Wealthy people have more money. I will make high-end things for them to attract them to buy. As for most people's money, I will make things that everyone cannot do without in their daily lives."

Gu Qingye was very ambitious, Zuo Feiyu originally just wanted to listen casually, but Gu Qingye's words made him think highly of her.

How many potentials and advantages does this girl have that he has not discovered.

She speaks clearly and logically, and even hits the point in everything.

Zuo Feiyu became interested, and he asked, "What do you want to do?"

"Jewelry and food."

"Food is just needed. There is going to be a war. If you stockpile food in advance, the price of food will double. And no one can live without food. This is what most people need."

"As for jewelry. Rich people have everything, and they will pursue novelty. I happen to have the idea of ​​designing novelty jewelry. Rich people are most willing to spend money, as long as they are interested in something, they will not be stingy with money."

Gu Qingye came prepared.She took out the jewelry drawing she designed in advance and handed it to Zuo Feiyu.

She designed two things.

One is a butterfly bead hairpin made of luminous light.The night was pitch black, but only the butterfly hairpin shone in the darkness, as if the butterfly was about to spread its wings and fly high.

There is also a quicksand bracelet.The bracelet is made of white jade, it seems ordinary, but if you look closely, you will find that the sand in the middle of the bracelet will slide with the movement, as if it is really quicksand.

These two things may seem ordinary, but they are very ingenious.It's a novelty indeed.

Zuo Feiyu can already be sure that after this thing is made, it will be sought after because of its uniqueness and uniqueness.

"Xiao Qing'er, you really impress me. Where did you come up with so many new ideas?"

Gu Qingye smiled brilliantly, and said, "If you know about it, wouldn't it be fun?"

"Are you interested in working together?"

This time, Zuo Feiyu responded quickly.

"Must cooperate."

Cooperation is necessary for love, and cooperation is even more necessary for this unique ingenuity.

"I don't have money for food. If you have money, you buy it first and stock it up first. After all, I don't contribute. I get [-]% and you get [-]%. As for this jewelry, I need you to provide me with shops and manpower. I will be responsible for making new ones every month." Jewelry design. Jewelry, we are [-]-[-]."

Lu Qingye tried his best to stand on a fair point of view and distribute the profits well.

Zuo Feiyu frowned slightly, and said, "Xiao Qing'er, do you need to figure it out with me so clearly?"

Lu Qingye nodded: "Yes."

You can't give hope to the other party, it's better to be straightforward, it's good for both parties.

At this time, a pot of good tea has bottomed out.

The two chatted happily.

When Gu Qingye got up, it was almost time to go back. If he didn't go back, the jar of vinegar in their house would be overturned again.

She remembered someone's advice to go home early.

While standing up, Gu Qingye suddenly became dizzy.

His legs went limp and he didn't stand firm.

Spin around
"Xiao Qing'er. Xiao Qing'er, what's the matter with you?"

The second before Gu Qingye lost consciousness, he only heard Zuo Feiyu's anxious voice, catching her limp body.

It was pitch black and unconscious.

(End of this chapter)

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