Chapter 149 Hug Him
Jiang Beiyao saw that it was Gu Qingye, and there was no joy or anger on his face.

He said to Gu Qingye nonchalantly: "Get up, I am the prince, you are the princess, there is no need to salute me, I can't bear it."

"I didn't want to kneel you. If your servant wasn't so violent, I wouldn't have done it." Gu Qingye is a modern person anyway, why would he want to kneel at every turn? It's not because of Mu Zhong's violence.

Lu Qingye was about to get up to speak, but his legs were a little weak.

After all, the knife rests on her neck at the moment, if one is not good, her head will be separated from her neck.

"Are your legs weak?" Jiang Beiyao saw that she was not getting up for a long time.

Gu Qingye nodded to him aggrieved.

"It's really useless." Jiang Beiyao said disgusted, but he still reached out to help her up and let her sit by his bed.

In fact, Mu Zhongyi already knew that Jiang Beiyao had something special about Gu Qingye, so he was quite calm.

But the brother and sister who were still standing in the room, the younger sister, was a little uneasy.

"My lord, this woman knows too much. I think it's better to kill her with a single knife. This person cannot be kept." The woman waved her sword at Gu Qingye fiercely.

In desperation, Gu Qingye grabbed Jiang Beiyao's hand and stared at him without moving her eyes. She said, "Jiang Beiyao, I really didn't hear anything. My ears are not very good. At night, what's more I can't hear you clearly."

Seeing Gu Qingye grabbing Shizi's hand, but Shizi didn't wave it away, the woman felt even more glaring.

"My lord, you can't listen to this woman's nonsense, whether she hears it or not, she deserves to die." The woman's attitude was very bad, and she stabbed Gu Qingye with a sword.

Seeing the sword getting closer and closer to his chest, Gu Qingye yelled: "Ah!"

He closed his eyes in despair.

She didn't want to die like this.

The expected pain did not come.

When Gu Qingye opened his eyes to see, the sword that stabbed at her was broken in two by Jiang Beiyao.

And that woman, also injured by Jiang Beiyao's internal force, took several steps back.

"Gu Pianpian, you broke the rules." Jiang Beiyao looked at her coldly, without emotion.

"Your Majesty, Pianpian is overdoing it. Pianpian shouldn't have drawn the sword without his instructions. It's just that Pianpian is for the sake of your son. This woman cannot be kept!" Gu Pianpian knelt on the ground, excitedly talking to Jiang Beiyao. justifying.

And Gu Qingye was stunned by the name Gu Pianpian.

In the original book, this Gu Pianpian is the daughter of General Jiang Guo, who worked with Jiang Beiyao through life and death, so after Jiang Beiyao gained power, he made Gu Pianpian his concubine.

So the woman in front of me is Jiang Beiyao's woman in the original book.

No wonder this woman wanted to kill her so much. When meeting her rival in love, she was extremely jealous.

Gu Qingye didn't want this woman, Gu Pianpian, to be so complacent. Even if she was going to die today, she would be mad at this woman.

The original Gu Qingye is no longer around, and it is impossible for her now to let Jiang Beiyao have as many women as the original book.

She threw herself into Jiang Beiyao's arms and hugged him.

She used her sweetest and sweetest voice to coquettishly say to Jiang Beiyao, "Ah Yao, this woman is so fierce, I'm so scared, so scared."

Then, she glanced at Gu Pianpian provocatively.

As soon as his own voice came out, Gu Qingye's goose bumps fell all over the floor.

That contrived voice was actually made by her.

People are pushed into a hurry, and they really can do anything.

(End of this chapter)

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