From the ashes: Return of the General

Chapter 269 Shangguan Mansion

Chapter 269 Shangguan Mansion

In the Shangguan mansion in the middle of Xushi, Shangguan Zhe, who was over fifty years old, hurried back home.As soon as he heard the servants say that the little daughter had really returned, his face suddenly became ugly as if he had swallowed a fly.

Since he left the court, he has devoted himself to teaching and educating people in Sinan Academy, and he doesn't care about family affairs or children's affairs.Therefore, he was very surprised when he heard the private discussions among the students in the academy in the afternoon. He never thought that his youngest daughter and King Huai of Chu were still inseparable, and had been secretly stealing people for decades.

For decades, it is equivalent to saying that she did not break contact with King Huai of Chu even after she married into Prince Liang's mansion.Not only that, the two of them have been communicating with each other secretly, giving and receiving each other in private, and secretly started a wild mandarin duck.

Unbelievable and horrified, he hurriedly sent someone to inquire quietly in private.He is the best teacher of Sinan Academy, a great Confucian of his generation, full of peaches and plums, and many students are officials in the court.Therefore, inquiring sounds very convenient, and inquiring is very clear.

This inquiry is insane, King Huai of Chu was recently arrested and Longyan was furious because of this incident, and stealing is not counted, Mei Sichu is actually a bastard born of the two.In the past few decades, not only the Prince Liang's Mansion was emptied, but even the dowry of Mei Zhan Nanyuan's first wife, Lu Shi, was not spared, all of which were sold in pawnshops.

This is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that the grandson of Duke Lu just happened to go to the pawnshop and bought a jade pendant from Lu's dowry, and her boudoir name was engraved on it.Originally, it was taken home to make the old Lu country happy, but thinking that the old Lu country was furious, he sued the pawnshop to the Jingzhao Yamen in a fit of anger.

The shopkeeper of the pawn shop was wronged. In order to get rid of the crime and calm the anger of the old Lu Guogong, he had no choice but to confess to the person who pawned the pawn in the future.

Since the old Lu Guogong is the most important veteran of the late emperor, he is also quite prestigious in Beijing, and one of his sons is the Minister of the Ministry of Officials and the other is the Minister of the Ministry of Industry. People in the Jingzhao Yamen dare not neglect, let alone fool .He rushed to send someone to investigate, but the investigation was impossible, and he pulled out the carrot and took out the mud to find it in the palace of King Huai of Chu.

If this is normal, it is definitely not possible to directly arrest people, but who is the old Lu Guogong?People in Jingzhao Yamen can't favoritism, so they have to arrest people first and then serve them with severe punishment.That man was useless, and he vomited up completely when he couldn't bear the torture.It is said that Lu's dowry was not stolen by him, but Shangguan Xinrou took the initiative to give it to their prince, and their prince asked him to take it out.

One word stirred up a thousand waves, and the two-phase pair involved the scandal between Shangguan Xinrou and King Huai of Chu, and the old Duke of Lu was furious.His son-in-law was bullied like this on the bloody battlefield, and his daughter was abused like this after her death. He couldn't live in peace. He couldn't bear it.What's more, his daughter's dowry was left to his eldest nephew, so how could he just take advantage of King Huai of Chu for nothing.

Burning with anger, the old Lu Guogong, who had not been in court for 20 years, personally wrote a book, and presented it to the imperial court to scold King Huai of Chu for his bruises.Shangguan Zhe, known as a famous Confucian of the generation, was scolded even more, not only saying that he deceived the world, stealing his name and misleading his children, but also saying that he was incapable of teaching women.

Guessing that after writing the scriptures and scolding King Chuhuai, the emperor and Shangguan Zhe, he was still angry and couldn't calm down his anger.The old Lu Guogong personally wrote a big paper and sent it to the Jingzhao Yamen to sue his stepmother, Shangguan Xinrou, for his nephew, Mei Jinze, to steal from the prison and not obey women's morals.

Due to the influence of Duke Lu's government, the Jingzhao Yamen did not dare not accept the pleadings, but they did not dare to deal with it casually if the matter involved the emperor's younger brother and Prince Liang.If you dare not deal with it, you can only report it to Dali Temple. Dali Temple is also very headache at first glance.

The emperor wanted to keep this matter under wraps, and he wanted to prevent Mei Xin from speaking out, but who knows that people are not as good as heaven, and the old Duke of Lu made a big fuss because of a piece of jade pendant.The papers presented not only had sharp words, but also scolded King Huai of Chu every sentence, accused him, and even brought out the late emperor, and he was so angry that he couldn't say a word.

Seeing that the Dali Temple Minister presented the paper, saying so convincingly, the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys of the emperor's anger began to ache.But he still can't get angry, the most important thing is that no matter what is said in the booklet or the pleadings, there is not a single dirty word, so he can't make a mistake even if he picks a bone.

And this was just the beginning. Not long after hearing the news, the censors of the Metropolitan Procuratorate rushed to impeach King Chuhuai and Shangguan Zhe, demanding a thorough investigation and severe punishment.

Good deeds do not go out and evil deeds travel thousands of miles. Such a big commotion in the court hall spread throughout the entire capital in a short time.

Shangguan Zhe has always kept his ears to the outside world and only read the books of sages and sages. As soon as he heard the news from his entourage, he rolled his eyes and passed out.

Shangguan's family are all scholars, and what scholars value most is reputation and face.So, as soon as he woke up, he rushed home and called his two sons back.

"Master, my aunt and grandma stayed at the old lady's place to talk after eating together. They are still in the old lady's courtyard." Asked everything clearly.

With a livid face, Shangguan Zhe was about to die of anger. He walked quickly towards the yard where he lived, and said, "Who is going to pick her up? What about that bastard? He brought her back too?"

All I knew was that Shangguan Xinrou had returned home, but the details were unclear, so Shangguan Zhe was even more angry.

Dong Da gritted his teeth when he heard what he said, and hurriedly reported the truth: "The slave asked clearly, it was the old lady's idea to pick up my aunt, and it was the eldest lady and the second lady who picked her up together. Miss Biao also came back together. , said that he was beaten and his palms were rotten."

Stopping suddenly, Shangguan Zhe yelled angrily: "She is the illegitimate son of King Huai of Chu, a bastard, and you are not allowed to call her Miss Biao in the future."

Unexpectedly, he would stop suddenly, Dong Da almost didn't bump into him, he stabilized his feet, and hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, I remember. Master, you calm down, the old lady must be worried about my little aunt when she makes such a bad move... "

Before he finished speaking, he heard Shangguan Zhe snort coldly, then turned his head and left angrily.

The Nuan Pavilion in the main courtyard was full of laughter and joy because of the arrival of Shangguan Xinrou's mother and daughter.Several granddaughters sat around Mrs. Shangguan, listening to her tell stories about her youth.

Shangguan Xinrou sat on the side peeling apples, seeing her daughter Cheng Sichu regained her previous appearance, she felt much better.God knows how worried she was when she was in Prince Liang's Mansion, and now that they are back home, their mother and daughter are finally safe.

She didn't think too much about it, so when Shangguan Zhe kicked the door open with an angry face, she was shocked. She looked at him blankly and said, "Father, why are you back?"

(End of this chapter)

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