The story of the interstellar animal husband chasing his wife

Chapter 3 Do you want to enter the military school?

Chapter 3 Do you want to enter the military school?
"Hi, my name is Yaya."

The old grandma has lost her youthful sharpness, her curved silver-white eyebrows have lost her murderous spirit, and her kind smile is her love for life.Although she is over fifty years old, her figure is still straight and fleshy, and she looks fashionable and energetic in a floral shirt and cargo jeans.

Respect arises spontaneously, and blood rushes to Ye Ming's chest. "My name is Ye Ming, thank you for prescribing the medicine for me."

Yaya smiled, bent down and touched Xiong Xiaobai, "You cook first, and I'll change Ye Ming's medicine."

Xiong Xiaobai gave a cheerful "Oh" and picked up the vegetables he could carry to the kitchen.Yaya put down the other bags, took out a box of ointment and said to Ye Ming, "I bought ointment for burns, let's go to the room."

Ye Ming put down his vigilance and followed Yaya into the room.

Yaya's bedroom is very tidy and the color is light. The quilt on the bed has attracted Ye Ming's attention and made her feel very cordial.Suddenly being picked up by someone, she subconsciously stretched her hind legs to be on guard. It turned out that Yaya was going to carry her to the dressing table.

Yaya couldn't help laughing, telling her not to be nervous.Then she put on her glasses and brushed away Ye Ming's hair, carefully inspecting the wound.For a moment, Yaya's eyes were full of blame, and her words were full of distress, "You must have run around after waking up, and a few wounds were open. You can bear with the medicine later, and the pain will soon be gone."

Ye Ming nodded, looking at her busy looking for medicine, thinking of her family.The unsmiling father was buried in the sea of ​​fire with her. If she can come to this planet, where is her father?Can you come too?
"Why did you suddenly disappear?" Yaya nodded Ye Ming's small nose, "Are you missing someone? When I found you, you were alone. Where are your parents? There are very few animals born in the shape of a beast on this planet. Yours Are the parents animal-shaped?"

Ye Ming lowered his head, "I don't remember, I don't remember anything else except my name." If you tell Yaya that she is not from this world, will she believe it?
"Poor child, you are very similar to a child I adopted." Yaya gently stroked the hair on her back, her eyes full of love. "He has soft hair like you, and he was alone when I met him."

"How is he now?"

"He's in the army and he's doing well. Oops, I forgot to apply the medicine while chatting. Come on, lie down and apply the medicine first."

Yaya opened a brown bottle, and the strong smell of medicine dissipated immediately.Ye Ming lay down obediently, and when the potion touched the wound, it was like sprinkling salt, it was stinging and hot.Ye Ming gritted his teeth and turned his head to look at other things to distract his attention, but he saw the two photo frames in front of the mirror at the first sight.

The first photo should be of Yaya when she was young. She has silver hair and shawls, and she salutes in a heroic military uniform. She has beautiful features but shows perseverance.Ye Ming couldn't understand Mulanxing's military rank, but there were many badges on the shoulders of the military uniform, so Yaya's previous military achievements should be very prominent.

And the orchid-shaped badge on the chest of the military uniform impressed Ye Ming deeply, because what she saw before she fainted was exactly the same.

In the second photo, Yaya is holding a handsome man, his temperament is exactly the same as Yaya's.The two cuddled together, looking at each other with love in their eyes.

"He is my husband." Yaya said suddenly, "He died on the battlefield 30 years ago."

Ye Ming felt that Yaya's mood became depressed and sad, and turned around guiltily, "I'm sorry Yaya, I reminded you of sad things."

But Yaya shook her head and smiled, "Happy memories between me and him are enough to fill the days without him. Ye Ming, it is very rare for two people to live together forever, so don't be contaminated by that kind of atmosphere." Ye Ming was puzzled by Yaya's sincerity.

"You'll understand when you grow up." Yaya Waner turned to ask, "Do you want to go to military academy? When you mention soldiers, your eyes look hot, just like when I was young."

"I think." Ye Ming didn't think about it.She was born in a military family, and her mission is to serve the country and the people, and when the end comes, her mission is to regain the homeland for mankind. "But I can't transform into a human form, and I don't have supernatural powers."

Yaya couldn't help laughing, laughing heartily.In the end, she lovingly stroked the little black head, full of pride. "Okay, my two children are so ambitious! You don't have to worry about the transformation issue. The cub will turn into a human after eating the transformation fruit and activate its abilities. This matter is on my shoulders."

"Thank you, Yaya. Is there anything I can do? I should do my part!" Ye Ming rubbed her palm, a word is not enough to express his inner gratitude.

"Silly boy, your mission is to heal your wounds."

After taking the medicine, Yaya carried her out of the living room.Xiong Xiaobai behind the bar skillfully stir-fried the dish, and Ye Ming noticed that it had doubled in size, reaching the height of an adult's arm.When it came out with a plate carefully, Ye Ming stared at it.

Yaya answered her doubts in a timely manner.It turns out that Xiong Xiaobai's outer skin is not only soft but also extremely elastic, which can support the stretching of the inner metal skeleton.

Finally, Xiong Xiaobai brought a delicate plate to the short round table. "Little kitten, this is your dinner. Fish meat is rich in protein and can supplement nutrition and physical strength." After speaking, it sat aside and swayed its legs, with a straw in its small mouth.

Ye Ming leaned over to sniff the box it was holding, and smelled a smell of motor oil.Then she chewed and ate her dinner slowly, and when she smelled the smell of fish, she realized that she was hungry. In addition, after a round of fighting, her body seemed to be hollowed out, so she ate all the dinner.

"Xiaobai, I have to leave for two days, you have to take good care of the house." Yaya said.

Xiong Xiaobai stopped sucking the engine oil, turned his head to look at Yaya, his blue eyes flickered like blinks.

"I'm going to find Huaxingguo, and try to come back in two days to catch up with the summer campus conscription. Ye Ming, you can rest assured these two days to recuperate, and if you are bored, you can go online to learn about the military academy." Yaya showed her face, and the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes added to her charm.

"The little cat is going to transform?" Xiong Xiaobai was happy for a while, but soon he lost: "There are very few cubs that need to transform, and the transformation fruit is not common. Where can Ya Ya go to find it? It's still spring, why don't you wait?" Let's go together after the little kitty is better, I have downloaded hundreds of maps and can recognize the way!"

"That's right, Yaya, I'll look for it too." She didn't expect that the shape change fruit was hard to find, and she wasn't used to shrinking behind others and waiting for help.

Yaya shook her head, "It's too late. Their school recruits students with potential, and entering the military academy will help them to be promoted in the future. Ye Ming needs to go to the school to verify his personal identity before he can apply. Exercise physical fitness. The next time will have to wait until next year."

Afraid that they might not be at ease, Yaya said again: "Shanren has a clever plan, and I have a way to find the Transformation Fruit, so you don't have to worry."

Ye Ming and Xiong Xiaobai looked at each other, but the old man could only say in unison: "Ya Ya, be careful all the way."

(End of this chapter)

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