Chapter 1 Military Soul
The sharp pain in the throat woke Ye Ming up.

She frowned and opened her eyes to calm down, the grass broke into her vision, and the strange smell of soil made her completely awake.There was a hard object in the esophagus choking on it, and my throat hurt every time I took a breath.

She touched her throat subconsciously and suddenly froze, the place she touched was a ball of hair.

But I didn't expect the hand to have a strange feeling.She looked down - her hands had short black hairs, and there were five pink fleshy pads on the plum blossom-shaped palms.

"Cough——" The foreign object in her throat made her short of breath, and she had no time to delve into the black hair on her hand, so she took the lead to find the water source.

In addition to the mutated hands, she felt that the functions of her body had also changed.By moving her nose, she could smell the traces of water vapor contained in the air. As long as she walked in the direction where the water vapor became thicker, she might be able to find the source of water.

In the unfamiliar woods, she galloped vigorously like a sharp arrow that never turned back.

Soon the sound of gurgling water came, and she carefully hid in the grass and listened intently.There was silence, only the sound of water, and she waited for a while before approaching.

The woods were peaceful, as if she was the only one with no enemies.

The fresh smell is like tempting food, but she calmly observes the crystal-clear river water, and only dares to reach out to fish when she sees the lush and green plants beside the water.But her hands turned into claws, and she had to drink with her tongue instead.

While drinking water, she took the opportunity to see her reflection clearly.There was a little black cat on the surface of the river with big green eyes, and it looked no different from the cats in its own world.

This is what she looks like now?
She clearly died with the zombies, but when she woke up she turned into a cat, she frowned deeply.

Regardless of whether there are zombies here or not, the throat problem needs to be solved urgently.She quickly withdrew her thoughts, and found that even after drinking water, she still couldn't swallow the foreign object in her throat, so she could only stick her paws into her mouth and clasp her throat.

Just as her stomach was shaking, a long howl pierced the sky, and she flashed into the grass vigilantly.

"Even if you hide, I can still find you!" The shrill female voice made Ye Ming hold his breath. Who is this person looking for?

Soon a dark cloud enveloped the grass, and a strong wind blew from above, causing Baicao to bow, and Ye Ming exposed his figure.She looked up as she ran behind the tree, and saw that the flying object had a pair of large wings.

Why can you still speak when you have wings?

Everything in this strange place was beyond her expectation. She herself turned into an animal, and the animal could speak human words; and this forest, in her world, everything outside the city had become a desert.

"Dead cat, come out!" The big wings slapped the branches fiercely, and its agile body lay down on the tree trunk and looked down at the weak prey.

Ye Ming tensed all his muscles, his claws deeply grasped the soil, and he stared at the opposite side without moving.In the face of unkind comers, she unleashes the murderous aura of the cold wind blowing the earth.

A gray eagle's head protruded from the opposite side, its black eyes glared at Ye Ming angrily, and its yellow beak opened and closed: "I found you, the dead cat that dares to bite me!"

Ye Ming moved her gaze to the left calmly, and she saw blood oozing from its right wing, but she didn't have any memory of inheriting this body.

At this time, the cloud came over again, and its huge figure swooped.Immediately she dodged sideways, but was hit by a brute force on the neck.She rolled to the side, and the palpitations of death flashed by.Suddenly her throat gurgled, and the foreign object that gave her a headache actually swallowed her stomach.

She touched her neck, breathing very smoothly.At this moment, there was a surge of warmth in her stomach, and she didn't know what she was swallowing.

While thinking, the strong wind blew again, and a pair of huge yellow claws were aimed at her head. She glanced sharply, and rolled out of the eagle claws neatly.Seeing Gray Eagle stunned for a moment, she rushed to bite its ankle like an arrow.

Be fast and ruthless, since you can't escape, it's better to fight.

Yongdou and the fishy smell in her mouth stimulated the fighting spirit in her bones, and her battle-tested killing spirit made Gray Eagle startled.At this moment, Ye Ming charged up and jumped up, flashing his paws across its lower abdomen.After hearing the heart-piercing screams, Ye Ming was thrown out violently by it.

In the air, the smell of blood from both sides was mixed.

Fortunately, there were weeds to catch her, and she could get up immediately after rolling a few times, staring at the other party's actions with sharp eyes.It is too strenuous to fight with this body, she moves and pays attention to the surrounding terrain without squinting.

"I'll peck your belly and feed you to the vulture today!" The furious Gray Eagle picked her up with one wing, and slapped her down to the ground with the other.The seemingly soft feathers are actually like knives, cutting her fur several times.

She stood on all fours, but the weight of her tail made her crooked.The shadow cast on the ground quickly grew larger, and she dodged to the side without looking back.

However, the situation changed suddenly, and a wave of hotness swept across her side.

The warning of the sixth sense followed, and the hair touched by the heat gave off a burnt smell.She stared sideways, and a circle of scorched earth appeared on the ground.When she turned her head, Gray Eagle was looking down at her, exuding a murderous aura.

She also looked at each other proudly, keenly aware that Gray Eagle and herself were of the same kind.

Gray Eagle's wings burst into flames, and he said through gritted teeth, "I've changed my mind, I'm going to burn you to nothing!"

After saying that, the fireball hit her head, and at the same time, she used the weight of her tail to rub against the fireball sideways, and the burning pain spread to her arm.

She didn't have time to think about why the eagle could make a fire, so she turned around and ran away instead of fighting.There is still a glimmer of life in hand-to-hand combat, but it can't beat it by itself.She ran according to the route she wrote down when she came, but unfortunately she couldn't run the flying gray eagle.

The fiery breath and the huge projection approached, the wings picked her up again, and the feathers were cut into pieces, and then the eagle claws grabbed her body.Tens of thousands of battle scenes in the past came to her mind, and she writhed with the awareness of survival between life and death, like a loach slipping through its claws.

Gray Eagle was stunned.

She dragged her tired and painful body and ran away panting, looking unyieldingly at the blue sky.Since she can live again, she can't just die.

The green grass and trees silently watched an eagle and a cat chase after each other, and suddenly Ye Ming felt the wind in the forest grow stronger.Not long after, a strange sound came from far to near, and a vague black spot appeared in her sight. As the strange sound got closer, the wind became stronger and stronger.

And the cries of Gray Eagle behind became louder and louder, and she continued to run forward regardless of her own safety.

There was a piercing and long cry, and she saw a black wheel with a mirror surface parked in front of her nose, and she faintly smelled the smell of engine oil.

She finally remembered that it was the familiar sound of a car.

After a while, a pair of black boots came up to her.She saw a badge, then went black.

Gray Eagle, who flew over in a hurry, stopped suddenly, vigilantly looking at the man with strong aura beside the black locomotive.

"The shape-changing harms the cubs, which violates Article [-] of the Mulan Star's Protection of Cubs Law, and can be killed on the spot."

"Wait! I'm a female beast, you dare to kill me—" Gray Eagle immediately shut up, because it saw the badge on his chest.

Without saying a word, the metal wristband deformed into a black metal crutch.

 This is the favorite article of the heroine~~~ The star of Mulan means that a woman does not give way to a man.

  The new book is released, please recommend tickets (ω)~~~

(End of this chapter)

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