Mountain wild man Ziwang and his wife

Chapter 846 Arrival in Beijing

Chapter 846 Arrival in Beijing
"What are you going to do about this?" After Mrs. Xu finished scolding, Shen Xiao also finished cooking.

The family was sitting in the yard eating, and Shen Xiao asked Yin Tao.

After all, the Duke's Mansion has raised Yin Tao for 16 years, and Shen Xiao feels that he still needs to ask clearly about the Duke's Mansion.

Xu Shi and Yin Baosheng also turned their heads to look at her, even the little Yue'er in the cradle by the table was also babbling and dancing.

"Let the brothers practice their hands, how about we run behind?" Yin Tao, who was full, was in a very good mood, and she blinked at a few people.

Mrs. Xu and Yin Baosheng looked at Shen Xiao again. Shen Xiao had already finished eating. After rinsing his mouth, he picked up his daughter and started strolling in the courtyard.

"Success, then listen to you and write to them in a while."

Hearing what Shen Xiao said, Xu and Yin Baosheng were relieved.

It's time for the few losers at home to practice, and they can't just look for Shen Xiao whenever they have something to do.

"Come on, let's go for a stroll!" Shen Xiao turned to greet Yin Tao, Yin Tao called Xu Shi and Yin Baosheng to go together, Xu Shi waved his hand and said: "After a day in the carriage, everyone is about to fall apart, you go, our boss I won't go after two bites!"

Xiaobai got up to follow, but Yin Baosheng stopped it: "Don't go, you don't want to scare the people outside to death!"

Xiaobai whimpered aggrievedly, Yin Baosheng hurriedly scratched its neck, squinted its eyes comfortably after two strokes, and then simply lay down on the ground, holding Yin Baosheng's hand with its paws and pressing it on its own chin shell make up.

Yin Baosheng: ...

Get used to it!
Yin Baosheng still knelt down and tickled it with his hand, Xiaobai hummed in comfort.Zhaodi jumped up and down on it to make trouble, Zhaodi wanted to chase after the little master, but the door was closed, so it asked the old man for help, but the old man was not reliable.

Bai Yougen couldn't make a fuss, so Bai Zhaodi simply found Bai Yougen's prickly ash shell and wrapped it up noisily, Bai Yougen slapped Bai Zhaodi away, and Bai Zhaodi rolled on the ground and bounced ran to find it.

Make Xu Shi and Yin Baosheng laugh so hard.

Walking on the small roads in the country, the eyes are full of lush greenery, and the large expanses of green light are very comfortable to look at.

Xiao Yueer fell asleep in her father's arms, Shen Xiao handed her to Yin Tao, took off his coat and wrapped it around Xiao Yueer's body, and hugged her back.

"I used to think about living a good life with you in the village, buying some land and renting it out, and I will go hunting to earn money, and slowly accumulate some family property. When the children are older, they will learn literature if they want to learn literature, and martial arts if they want to learn martial arts...

I am very satisfied with such a small day. "But I didn't expect that he and Xiao Taozi had different backgrounds. They didn't want to fight, but those people were restless, so they had to fight.

"In the future we will be able to live such a small life. When the child grows up, we will find a place to buy a large villa with several tens of square feet. If we want to be close to the mountains and rivers, we will build a small courtyard and just us two old people. "

Retirement, picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, and seeing Nanshan leisurely... What a wonderful day this is.

Two more cats and dogs...

That day, beautiful!

"Didn't you still think about taking the throne a while ago? Why did you change your mind again?" Shen Xiao asked her with a smile.

Yin Tao rolled his eyes at him: "Don't you know that women are fickle?"

"Hahaha..." Shen Xiao laughed loudly, "It's up to you, if you want to be a queen, I will take this country even if I risk my life.

You don't want to be a queen, let's support an emperor. "

"Or let your brother be the emperor?"

"Anyway, Mrs. Zhao's idea is the same!"

It is not easy to change the dynasty. Even the most stupid emperor has several loyal ministers to defend him. To change the banner will always be accompanied by bloodshed.

If Shen Xiao seized the Xiao family's throne, those with military power could use the excuse of expelling rebellion to rebel. Shen Xiao is not afraid of fighting.

But no matter how much he cared about Xiao Taozi, he also cared about Xiao Yueer.

Xiao Taozi said that she would accumulate blessings for Xiao Yueer.

and so……

"Let's take it one step at a time, it depends on how well the emperor's sons are doing." She said, Shen Xiao's worries were not hers.

She is selfish, but she doesn't want innocent people to die because of her impulsiveness and selfishness, causing the world to fall into war again.

Cherish the good life, I hate wars the most!
The two walked around the small village, and went back when it was dark.

The group of people set off after dawn the next day. They traveled lightly, and there were not many salutes in carriages.

After walking for a day, they arrived at the outskirts of Beijing. Dalin was waiting for them at the intersection early on. Shen Xiao originally had a villa in the outskirts of Beijing. He asked Dalin to take care of it first and tidy up the villa.

"Fifth brother!" Yin Tao was also very happy to see Dalin again.

"Tao'er!" Dalin laughed, although it hadn't been a few months, but he was still very happy to see his younger sister Dalin again.

"Okay, hurry up and lead the way, you're almost suffocated!" Yin Baosheng said.

Dalin picked his head: "Do you have roots?"

"It's Xiaobai, I gave Xiaobai a new name! It brought its daughter, Zhaodi, to Yue'er. Its daughter is called Zhaodi, so I named it by the way!"

"My younger sister is really talented! These two names are well-chosen! She is down-to-earth and loud!" Dalin praised with her eyes closed, but Xu covered her ears and was unwilling to listen.

Stupid to death!

"Where's Yue'er? I'll hug my precious niece!" Da Lin poked his head over his head to see, Shen Xiao said in a cold voice, "Yue'er is afraid of life."

Dalin: ...

Yin Tao glared at him, took Yue'er from his arms and handed it to Da Lin, and Da Lin was delighted when he saw Yue'er smiling at him with wide eyes.

A heart, turned into water.

So cute!

"Yue'er looks like Shen Xiao." After watching for a long time, Dalin said.

The corners of Shen Xiao's lips curled up when he heard this, and the displeasure in his eyes disappeared.

It's a good thing that the fifth brother-in-law has good eyesight.

"Let's go!" It's not too far anyway, so the whole group just walked, the carriage ride was really uncomfortable.

Shen Xiao's villa is not very big, but Dalin has arranged it very warmly inside and out.

Dalin first led Mrs. Xu and Yin Baosheng to settle in their yard, and the housekeeper brought Shen Xiao and Yin Tao back to the main yard.

Bai Yougen'er and Bai Zhaodi followed the couple, when they got out of the carriage, they really surprised the servants.

In fact, Dalin greeted his servants in advance, but this is a tiger, and Xiaobai is taller than ordinary tigers, who can not be afraid of it!

Yin Tao asked the housekeeper to summon all the servants to the main courtyard. She recognized the people, and at the same time asked Bai Yougen, father and daughter to also recognize the people in the villa next to each other.

The servants froze, but the guards were much better, after all they practiced martial arts.

Xiaobai took his daughter Gai to sniff the people one by one, Yin Tao said: "Don't run away when you see them, don't do things or actions that hurt them, they won't take the initiative to hurt people.

Just treat them as big cats at home, the big one is called Bai Yougen'er, and the small one is called Bai Zhaodi... Remember, the food for them should be less salty..."

(End of this chapter)

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