The eldest daughter of the emperor, she began to build a city wildly

Chapter 30 Small Vegetable Gardens and Raising Honey

Chapter 30 Small Vegetable Gardens and Raising Honey

"Kill it."

When the mountains are covered by heavy snow in winter, there will be nothing to eat. If there is no special existence like Su Tang, this batch of sweet potatoes will be the food for the villagers to survive the winter. If there is no such food, they will probably freeze to death and starve to death in winter .

Under such circumstances, they still want to steal this batch of sweet potato seeds, regardless of the life and death of these more than 200 people, it can be said that they are not even considered scum.

Wu Da knew that they couldn't escape today, so he simply smashed the jar, "If you dare to kill us, Heifengzhai will not let you go."

"Black Wind Stronghold!"

The villagers were shocked when they heard the name. They always remembered the incidents of Heifengzhai robbing them of money and food, robbing girls and killing people.

"Yes, it's Heifengzhai, be afraid, hahaha." Wu Da roared with bloodshot eyes, "Back then Heifengzhai was so chic, you were so scared that you didn't even dare to fart, those novelties The sweet potato is a certificate of honor given to Heifeng Village, so that we can join in, and if you kill us, don’t think about it.”

"Heh, do you think Heifengzhai will attack us for the sake of you guys? You are too naive. Besides, even if Heifengzhai doesn't come to trouble us, I will come." Su Tang's icy voice Let Wu Da completely despair.

According to Xiao Che's words, Black Wind Village is notorious. If people are still killing wantonly in the Lingyun Mountains, people will come to kill them without her help. Su Tang expected that they would not do anything to Fufeng Village for such a few insignificant people. .

"Kill it and throw it in the mountains to feed the wolves." Su Tang said before leaving.

She has been here for three years, and she has long been used to beating and killing. She can't bear to treat some good people, but such scumbags kill one less.

The villagers finally couldn't take it anymore, a bunch of people jumped on them and beat them up, and before Wu Chong could make a move, they were already beaten to death.

At the same time, the villagers felt a greater respect for Su Tang. The case was settled too quickly and the process was very strange. The village owner must be a difficult person.

Su Tang bought cabbage seeds with [-] prestige points and radish seeds with [-] prestige points and gave them to Liu Zhonglin to distribute them equally according to the number of people.

Radish and cabbage are vegetables that are easy to store in winter. Although there are not many, they can grow enough for them to eat.

At the same time, she also asked Wu Chong to make more saltpeter, sulfur and charcoal powder. Su Tang thought about blowing up a road near the river in the west mountain first, so that it would be easier to go out and enter the mountain in the future.

And also sent someone to Qingping Village to ask Xiao Che to come over and talk.

"Master, what did you invite him for?" Yingyue was puzzled, too much contact with those bandits might not be a good thing.

"I have thought of a way to make money, but I just need Xiao Che's help."

Su Tang thought a lot, and decided to make some rare and valuable things and sell them. There are few people in Fufeng Village, which can save manpower and make money quickly.

So she decided to make a batch of glass. When she was in the palace, she had seen some glazed artworks. Those were very precious things, and their value was even higher than that of some jewelry and jade.

But there is a difference between glass and colored glaze. Glass is mainly pure color. If multiple colors are mixed, it will burst or make the color turbid. However, colored glaze that has been processed by special technology can mix multiple colors. It can still be transparent and colorful.

Because the density of colored glaze is higher than that of glass, there will be a metallic sound when knocked, while the sound of glass will sound dull.

Glass products are good, but the production is very complicated. They can only be made by hand. If there is a slight mistake, all the previous efforts will be ruined. It is said that half of making a good glass product depends on skilled skills, and the other Half can only rely on luck, which makes it rare to see a few pieces in Leng Anguo's palace.

Compared with colored glaze, which is translucent and difficult to make, simple and transparent glass also has its own unique advantages.

Not only can you make crystal-like artworks, but you can also make water glasses, glass windows and other things. These are poor people who have no money to buy. Since they are sold to rich people, the price will naturally be higher.

At this point in the plan, there is still a lack of an important person, that is, a master who can knead colored glaze. Whether it is colored glaze or glass, you can't make it if you want to. It takes a master to knead the perfect finished product with his own experience. Row.

Due to the preciousness of colored glaze, masters who can knead colored glaze are generally located in wealthy cities or around the capital. Su Tang, as the eldest daughter of the exiled emperor, cannot leave her fief and go back privately.

This reminds me of Xiao Che. When he was in Qingyan Pavilion, since the pavilion owner Hua Rong could receive him in person, it means that he has a good relationship with Qingyan Pavilion. Let him come forward and let Qingyan Pavilion use their information network to help It would be easier to find a Liuli master.

After explaining this, Su Tang told Yingyue to open a vegetable garden outside her yard to grow vegetables.

It may be that Chinese people always like to grow something on the land. In modern times, Su Tang lived in the city and there was no land for her to grow, so she especially liked to grow something when she came here when she was free.

When she was in the palace, she deliberately planted vegetables in the garden of her palace, which became a beautiful scenery in the palace. The emperor also said that although she was the eldest daughter of the emperor, she knew that she cared about people's livelihood and cared about people's feelings. She was very optimistic about her, but it was a pity that she turned her face Just turned around.

Recently, she bought a lot of seeds from the system, and after a good bargain with the system, she asked the system to send some vegetable seeds.

Tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, scallions, ginger and garlic, etc. Although there are not many of each, only a small handful, it is enough to satisfy Su Tang's desire to grow vegetables.

In order to be able to eat the scrambled eggs with tomatoes that he had been thinking about, Su Tang also specifically told Liu Zhonglin to buy a few chicks to raise when he went shopping next time.

For this reason, she specially invited Li Sheng to help him build a few chicken coops at the corner between the vegetable garden and the yard, and then surrounded them with a bamboo fence. There is a lot of space inside, and many animals can be raised.

Later, when Wu Chong and the others went hunting again, they saw live pheasant cubs, duck cubs, and rabbit cubs brought back to her and raised in pens, so that her poultry team grew stronger day by day, but that's all for later.

After planting all kinds of vegetable seeds in the vegetable garden next to the yard, Su Tang nodded in satisfaction.

Looking back at the wild flowers in the valley, I taught the villagers how to make beehives and how to raise bees. Honey is something that only those with a little spare money can afford. After collecting honey, they can sell it for money and exchange for some money. Poultry and the like come back to increase income for the villagers.

(End of this chapter)

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