God needle ugly princess

Chapter 39 Body Secrets

Chapter 39 Body Secrets
Otherwise, why would there be such a weird discovery every time she was seriously injured?She woke up on weekdays, but there was no such strange thing. The more she thought about it, the more uneasy Li Yuan, now completely suppressed her desire to detoxify, and it would not be too late to detoxify after the secret was unraveled.

After Yuzhen and Zhengmei came in, they immediately noticed the strangeness of her body. Although this was not the first time the two met, but compared to the surprise on the face a few times before, this time they thought about it from the bottom of their hearts, especially It was the scent from last night. They were basically sure that it came from the room of their own lady, which intensified the suspicion in their hearts.

"Miss, are you really sure that you have been poisoned? Over the years, has this poison caused any burden to your body?"

Facing Yuzhen's question, Li Yuan raised her head in surprise. She sat in front of the mirror, looked at herself in the mirror, and shook her head gently: "From the pulse point of view, it is indeed poisonous, but after so many years , No one has been able to diagnose what kind of poison it is, including myself, as for the so-called antidote, I also researched it based on the dirt and blood on my body, and it is hard to say if it is really useful."

"That is to say, there is nothing wrong with your body itself? Except for the black skin and obesity on the surface?"

After pondering for a moment, Li Yuan nodded, "You can say that."

Yuzhen and Zhengmei exchanged glances quickly, and then looked at their master at the same time: "What about last night? You were in a deep sleep last night, did you feel any discomfort?"

Li Yuan glanced at them in surprise, and saw that the two of them didn't mean to explain at all. She tried her best to recall last night, and after a while, she shook her head: "I slept very well these two days. I didn't have any dreams, and I couldn't feel the outside world. It was only after waking up that I felt wet and sticky all over my body, but I felt much more comfortable inside than the previous few days, and even the internal energy that disappeared without a trace gradually returned."

The more Yuzhen and Zhengmei thought about it, the more miraculous they became. Finally, the two contacted the previous situation and said to Li Yuan: "Miss, your body is really strange. You don't know. Last night, we smelled that fragrance again. The fragrance gradually dissipated when it was almost dawn, but we can be sure that it emanated from our Tao Ranju."

"Scent?" Li Yuan raised her eyes in surprise, "Why is there a scent?"

Zhengmei was slightly taken aback, but soon thought that her master was asleep at night, so how could she smell it?Immediately, he briefly explained what he smelled before, and after listening to the two of them, Li Yuan fell into a long silence.

Zhengmei and Yuzhen exchanged glances, and sighed slightly, "Miss, since you can't think clearly about this matter for a while, why don't you go take a bath first, His Royal Highness Feng Wang, I'm afraid you will have to go out of the ice pool right now." Don't you want to see it?"

His Royal Highness the Wind King?Ice pool?

Li Yuan suddenly raised her head: "That's right, I almost forgot the important thing, come on, help me to take a bath."

When Li Yuan took a bath, she never liked the presence of others, so the two of them withdrew immediately after preparing the water.

Li Yuan stepped into the tub blindly, but in the blink of an eye, the water in the tub turned black, and the corner of her mouth twitched, "Are these all the dirt that I secreted? God, I have to How dirty is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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