The peasant girl high school student in the rebirth space

Chapter 134 Be the Best Sister in the World

Chapter 134 Be the Best Sister in the World (4)
"Zhang Bao, my dad is a policeman. If you dare to touch me, my dad will definitely not let you go!" The curly hair suddenly jumped up and shouted at Brother Bao's back. He was desperate.

"Hahahahahaha!" Unexpectedly, Brother Bao burst out laughing when he heard his threat, and his three subordinates did the same, as if hearing some funny joke.

"Is your father a policeman? The chief or the provincial public security chief? It's so awesome, I'm so scared. Let me tell you, your father is the minister of the Ministry of Public Security, and it doesn't work!" leave with a smile.

In fact, the reason why Brother Bao is so arrogant and utters wild words is because he also knows that Curly Hair's father is just a small policeman in the police station, and he and the director of the police station are called brothers and brothers, why are he afraid of his father?
And curly hair obviously knows this, otherwise, if his father is really a director, even if he is the director of a police station, as long as he moves his father out, who would dare to touch him?I'm afraid I have to rush to give him pocket money!
Seeing Brother Bao walk away, the curly hair face is ashen, only ten days, how did he get 2000 yuan!

If I asked my dad for it, with my dad's violent temper, if he knew that he was gambling, he would beat himself to death, and he would do it for him without Brother Bao's help!



After she couldn't catch up with Su Yang, Su Yue gave up. At first she was very sad and regretted, she stayed where she was and burst into tears, because she made her brother sad again.

The first time was a year ago, that day she heard that Su Yang had fought with someone and was punished, so she went to find him.

At that time, she was still weak, so after comforting Su Yang a few words, she told Su Yang to study hard and not to fight with others.

"Ayang, you have to study hard at school, don't fight with others, don't get into conflict with others over trivial things, learn to be patient, otherwise sister will worry about you, you know?"

Su Yue will always remember what she said at that time, and also remember the extremely disappointed look in Su Yang's eyes towards her after hearing these words.

At that time, Su Yang had a cold war with her for two full months, and she avoided seeing her. She was lost in spirit every day, thinking that she would lose Su Yang forever.

At that time, Su Yue also felt a little baffled. She didn't know why her words were not very sharp but made Su Yangsheng so angry.

But now Su Yue can vaguely guess the answer. Maybe Su Yang was bullied beyond endurance, so she was dissatisfied with her rhetoric that made him tolerate and even implied that he caused trouble.

Fortunately, Su Yang took the initiative to find her to reconcile, otherwise she didn't know what would happen, but at that time, her poor grades also plummeted to the bottom.

And she also knew that the reason why Su Yang took the initiative to find her was because in this world, he had only one support in his heart, and that was her sister, nothing else.

Su Yang regards himself as a reliance, he forgave himself last time, showing that he trusts himself.

But today, she failed Su Yang's trust and caused him to be traumatized again. Su Yue felt that she was so sorry for Su Yang and him.

So Su Yue wiped away the tears on her face, what's the use of crying?
Since I am sorry for Su Yang, I should try my best to make up for Su Yang and ask him to forgive me.

Since I'm sorry for Su Yang, then Su Yue will spend the rest of her life to take care of him with all her strength, not to let him suffer any grievances, and make Su Yang the happiest younger brother in the world.

And she is naturally the best sister in the world.

"Hey, how are you, beautiful woman, we meet again, it is really destined!"

Just as Su Yue was walking on the road with her head down, thinking about how to make Su Yang forgive herself, an abrupt voice suddenly sounded in her ear.

(End of this chapter)

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