Chapter 251 Bored?


Knowing that the cicadas are constantly barking, it makes people feel a little annoyed...

Han Feng is holding a good cigarette and a few bottles of Moutai in his hand at this time. This is Li Min's own private possession.··
Han Feng was moved for a while. When he came back, he hadn't thought of these things. He didn't expect the uncle and his wife to be so thoughtful...
It's just that Han Feng stood not far from Grandpa Six at this time, feeling a little uneasy, like a child who has made a mistake and dare not go home...

It looks like five or six minutes...

Han Feng felt overwhelmed, the big deal is that he will die, and of's only when he is facing the closest person to him.

At this moment, Grandpa Six was shaking the rocking chair, smoking a pipe under the jujube tree...
He half-closed his eyes and looked at Han Feng who was gradually walking in...
"Grandpa Six..."

He turned his head to the side, pretending he didn't see anything...

Han Feng smiled and shook his head, feeling quite helpless in his heart...

Sixth Grandpa's personality is really a bit like a child...even when he is angry...
Han Feng had no choice but to put all the things in the hall...
He conveniently moved the small bench to Sixth Grandpa's side and sat down...

Grandpa and I are so speechless one after another...
about ten minutes...

Grandpa Six turned his head and glanced at Han Feng...

"have you eaten?"

Han Feng smiled, a child-like innocent smile filled his face...
"have eaten··"

"How does it feel in there?"

Han Feng was immediately speechless...
How can you ask such a direct question... If you change someone, how would you answer?

"Okay, now that you're back, you should remember something..."

Han Feng instantly transformed into the role of a good baby...

Grandpa Six nodded when he said a word...
The little estrangement between the father and mother disappeared in an instant...

You know, the moment Han Feng was slapped by him, Han Feng still blamed him...
After thinking about these things clearly, he felt that... people cannot judge other people's intentions with their direct eyes. For example, Grandpa Six's personality is changeable...
But Grandpa Six must have a good starting point...
Just like when you were young, you did something wrong and your parents beat you up. You might blame them at the time, but they still treat you well and care about you... What do you think?

Time goes by so fast...

Grandpa and I chatted a lot...
"By the way, your uncle and aunt really didn't look for you?"

Han Feng nodded heavily and said, "It's true..."

Grandpa Six was silent for a while...
"Li Ergou, this brat must have done a lot of evil things... Otherwise, according to his personality, it is impossible to just let you go..."

Han Feng was shocked, it was exactly as he thought... Sixth Grandpa was really clear about these things...
Han Feng stroked his chin and thought for a moment...
"I'm in the detention center, and I got a message by chance..."

Grandpa Six turned his head and glanced at him, obviously wanting to know what the news was...

"Li Ergou, it is said that he is dealing drugs..."


Grandpa Six's eyes widened in an instant, and his body sat upright...

He carefully looked at Han Feng's cheeks, as if he wanted to see traces of Han Feng's lying...

a few minutes later...


"This Li Ergou is really devoid of conscience, he can even do this kind of thing..."

Han Feng didn't say a word, he knew that Grandpa Six was an upright person...

From the first video of Han Feng, it can be seen that he takes Chinese laws very seriously...

For the news that Han Feng got, he would naturally be more furious...

would like to be without it
Because, no matter what Li Ergou said, he was from the Li family in Taoyuan...

If he is caught and his hometown is exposed again, it will be really embarrassing...

Grandpa Six, as a higher-ranking existence in the village, of course thinks farther away...

"Xiao Feng, does anyone else know about this?" His tone was very bad.

After hesitating for a moment, Han Feng said, "Sister and brother-in-law, I'm afraid I already knew..."

Grandpa Six's face darkened...

He could have guessed earlier that Li Ergou was doing some bad things...

His education is so low, how could he be so good all these years?This is still in my own city... If it is out of town, it will be another matter...
To put it another way, even if he is lucky and meets some noble person to help him...

But it's not as exaggerated as him. It is said that there are more than a dozen properties in the city that belong to him, and the money he took last time alone is something that many people have never seen in their entire lives...

"Don't say anything about this matter. If you have any thoughts of your own, I won't stop you..."

Han Feng nodded, he understood what Grandpa Six meant...

In the village, most of the grievances and grievances between myself and him are known...

If it weren't for Li Ergou, who bullied people too much, he wouldn't really hit so hard...
"He has suffered a lot... No wonder, they don't look for you..."

Han Feng smiled and didn't continue talking...
Time flies, and night falls...

Since Han Feng stayed at Grandpa Six's house until the meal time, he naturally had to eat here...
So I took the basket and walked into the vegetable garden to pick vegetables...

Grandpa Six looked at Han Feng's back with an inexplicable look in his eyes...

In fact, he slapped Han Feng last time...
I regretted it at that time, Han Feng, the child, he knows best...

Unless it is a last resort, I will not hit someone, let alone so hard...

That night, he didn't sleep well all night... It's the same in the past few days. He resisted not going to see Han Feng, because he wanted him to suffer a little while there, and he still has a little memory so that he can't break the law casually...

"Grandpa Six, let's eat!"

After Han Feng put away the last green pepper stir-fried water spinach...

Grandpa Six came out of the room, with a lot of things in his hand...

Han Feng suddenly felt a little helpless...

Isn't this the specialty beef jerky I bought when I first came back...
Why hasn't he eaten yet?

"Xiao Feng, bring the scissors over here..."

After Han Feng handed over the scissors...

Grandpa Six poured the disassembled beef jerky into the prepared plate...

"Eat, eat..."

Han Feng felt a sudden warmth in his heart...

Grandpa Six himself was reluctant to eat the beef jerky. As soon as he came back this time, he opened it...You can imagine his position in his heart...
The two of you are together, let alone...

When we eat, we talk a lot...

It's just talking about childhood...

While chatting, Han Feng felt something was wrong...
If I guessed correctly, Liu Ye should also know that I have been to Ganzhou...

Otherwise, I wouldn't talk about what happened after so many hours.

(End of this chapter)

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