Chapter 321

Ye Sui almost ran away, and when he drove all the way to the Ye's Scientific Research and Experimental Center, he still felt his face was still hot.

The college entrance examination is over, and it's time for her to pick up her old books.

How she blew up the experimental building in her previous life, she still uses that method in this life, but it takes more energy to go deep inside.

Ning Zhizhi knew Ye Sui would come early in the morning, and was already waiting for her with the S012 sample gun.

Ye Sui had promised before that she would give the boy a big gift after establishing the legion, but after many improvements, she designed the S012. After thinking about it, she decided to give the boy the latest firearm.

About the birth of the sample gun, she kept it a secret.

Only Ning Zhizhi knew about the entire scientific research and experiment center. Ye Sui provided the design drawings, and Ning Zhizhi alone completed the construction of the prototype gun.

Ye Sui took the metal box containing the sample gun, opened it, tried to fire two shots, and was very satisfied.

The next step is mass production to equip the Rose Legion with new weapons.

In order to mass-produce S002, the Ye family spent a lot of money and material resources to build a new arms factory, which has the latest production equipment, but Ye Sui does not plan to use it.

After all, the president she hates is still in power now. If the secret is leaked, with the president's insatiable greed and shamelessness, not only Brother Zheng and the Ye family will be in trouble.

Ye Sui got into the car with the metal box in his arms, and sat in the car lost in thought.

Suddenly, the phone rang in the quiet air.

As soon as he picked up the phone, a boy's chuckle came from the phone, "Where is it?"

Ye Sui reported his location, thought for a while and said, "Brother Zheng, I plan to go abroad for a while."

In order to prevent the same thing from happening last time, Ye Sui felt that she still needed to report to this person, and she still needed some help from him.

After a while, the boy drove off-road to the experiment center.

He sat directly in Ye Sui's co-pilot seat, "Why do you want to go abroad? Where are you going?"

Ye Sui didn't answer his question immediately, and threw the S012 sample gun to him, "Brother Zheng, how about using this to equip your Rose Army?"

The young man looked at it, and surprise flashed in Amber's eyes, "If the soldiers of the entire legion wear it, let alone in China, even in the whole world, the Rose Legion can rank among the top three."

After speaking, he raised the sample gun in his hand, "Name."

Ye Sui: "S012. It is more advanced than the one in your pocket."

The boy was quite surprised, "It has improved again."

Ye Sui said triumphantly, "Yes, my hobby is also my talent."

The young man sat up straight suddenly, leaned over slightly, with a charming smile: "Master Sui really didn't disappoint me."

Ye Sui was even more proud, the young man wanted to talk again after seeing his arrogant appearance.

"Your going abroad is also related to S012?"

Ye Sui nodded, "There is no way to mass-produce it from everyone in the country."

The boy frowned, "Look for an arms dealer's factory to produce on behalf of him? If so, the design drawings will definitely be leaked."

Ye Sui smiled wickedly, "So, early in the morning, I bought a piece of land abroad and built a factory myself. Now the equipment is in place. Although it is not big, mass production will take more time, but it is safe."

The young man was startled, and smiled, "So you have been planning for me so long ago."

(End of this chapter)

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