Chapter 309

The winner of the competition was too unexpected for the president. If the rules set out before were followed, then there would be only one heir candidate for him, the Fifth Highness.

After all, all three national flags are in his hands.

However, he didn't like Rong Zheng, his son.

To be honest, among the six sons, he didn't particularly like any one.

After thinking for a long time, the president made a decision. This time, the other five sons cannot be eliminated all at once.

Although the fifth son got all the national flags, the second son's team also successfully eliminated the other team, which shows that the second son's team is also capable.

So, the final winner just added the Second Highness so abruptly.

Regarding this result, Rong Zheng just sneered.

On the second day after returning to the base, the Ministry of Jun issued a document, officially approving the establishment of their own legions by the Second Highness and the Fifth Highness.

Since the legion is going to be formed, their current number is too small, and they need to expand to 5000 people no matter what.

Different from the beginning, when the members of His Royal Highness's squad were directly appointed by the president, this time, they needed to recruit them themselves.

Recruitment is of course not from the masses, but from auditions in major cities and districts. However, what kind of recruits can be recruited depends on their own abilities.

As soon as Second Highness Rong Qin received the documents, he excitedly ran to the various military districts in person, as if he was afraid that if he went late, the good ones would be snatched by Rong Zheng.

However, after walking through all the major jun districts, he realized that even though he was one step ahead of Rong Zheng, he couldn't recruit anything that would satisfy him.

After all, anyone with brains and talents knows that if he really follows this Second Highness, he will be branded as Second Highness for the rest of his life.

In the current situation, whoever is in a hurry to stand in line is a fool!
But the above has ordered that people must choose, so what should we do?

Therefore, those who came to participate in the audition were all those with low strength, pretending to be top soldiers.

His Highness the Second Highness was so angry that no one from the major junctures wanted anyone, no matter how they came, they went back no matter what.

Now, the major junctures have their arguments, it's not that we don't give people, it's that you don't want it!
Rong Zheng came to the major jun districts slowly after Rong Qin left.

It's just that, the same method is used on this Fifth Highness, but the effect is quite different.

The Fifth Highness brought a white and clean young man. He looked thin and small, but he was quite handsome.

In the end, the young boy was too arrogant.

As soon as I saw those who came to participate in the audition, I said arrogantly that their soldiers were weak chickens!
What is even more infuriating is that they even said that their area is a chicken farm, and they raise black-bone chickens, and they raise weak chickens!

Even if he knew it was an aggressive method, could he swallow his breath? !

Si Ling was so angry that he thought he must teach this kid a lesson, so he asked the last soldier to practice with that arrogant young man.

Who knew that the kid who beat him more than a dozen soldiers in a row could still stand majesticly like a normal person and talk to the sick chicken among the weak, and his contemptuous eyes should not be too obvious.

So, just like that, Si Ling pulled out his middle class soldiers.

Who knows, they were beaten down one by one.

Now that's all right, the boy simply asked him if the chickens in the yard had chicken plague, and why one or two were so unrestrained.

In anger, he impulsively pulled out the real top soldier.

(End of this chapter)

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