Chapter 251

The young man smiled inexplicably, "Are you sure you want to know?"

Looking at his expression, Ye Sui felt panicked, and suddenly remembered a line, "The more you know, the sooner you die."

Ye Sui shook her head, gathered the clothes on her body, and raised her legs lazily, "No, it's better that I don't know."

The boy withdrew his gaze, flipping the wooden stick with rabbit meat over and over in his hand.

The only sound in the air was the sound of firewood burning.

After an unknown period of time, when Ye Sui was about to fall asleep leaning against the stone, the boy handed over a delicious roasted rabbit.

Ye Sui, whose eyes were blackened from hunger, devoured several mouthfuls before realizing a problem.

"Huh? Why doesn't it smell like salt?"

Rong Zheng froze.

Ye Sui looked suspiciously at the lake not far away, "Brother Zheng, didn't you say this is a saltwater lake?"

Rong Zheng: "... If you don't want to eat, give it back to me!"

Ye Sui, who was murdered for no reason, stopped talking, silently gnawed on the unsalted barbecue, glanced at the young man's face from time to time, feeling extremely weird, what was wrong...
Murong Chengguang came very quickly, after all, the coordinates that Ye Sui sent her were quite accurate.

In less than two hours, three helicopters landed.

However, Old General Murong also came up from the helicopter.

After not seeing this upright old general for a long time, Ye Sui still remembered how aggressive the other party was, so he didn't take the initiative to meet him.

Old General Murong trotted over as soon as he got off the helicopter, with an anxious expression on his face that even the dense wrinkles could not cover up.

He looked Rong Zheng up and down, and asked nervously, "Are you injured?"

Rong Zheng shook his head, "I'm fine, don't worry."

Old General Murong finally breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words.

Ye Sui felt very strange, why did the old general care so much about Brother Zheng?
She stood up from the ground, Old General Murong looked over, and then glared, "Aren't you that useless kid from the Ye family who just came back? Why are you here?"

Who is obsolete? !

Ye Sui looked displeased, and looked at the old man carelessly, "I'm so handsome that I've been here all my life, why is your old man dim-sighted? You just saw me now?"

Old General Murong frowned, his white eyebrows were like arrows, and his eyes were sharp.

Seeing this, Rong Zheng said, "Grandpa, Ye Sui is my right-hand man, she is very powerful."

Hearing this, Ye Sui felt a lot better.

Old General Murong turned pale with shock, even the president didn't know about their relationship, so how could he tell others so easily.

Before the old general opened his mouth, Rong Zheng said solemnly, "I believe her."

These words made Ye Sui feel completely at ease. After thinking about it again, she remembered belatedly, what did Brother Zheng call the old man just now? !
Grandpa? !
Ye Sui: "My own?"

The young man nodded.

Ye Sui checked, and the president's wives were all rich businessmen with rich but no power.

Therefore, the president has always been quite at ease with his sons who will one day replace him. After all, in any case, in his opinion, these sons will not make any trouble.

As long as he doesn't delegate power, no matter how thoughtful the sons are, there is nothing they can do.

However, General Murong is different, he holds absolute [jun] power that can shake the entire country.

If the president knew the real relationship between old general Murong and Rong Zheng, with his temperament, he would definitely regard this son as a thorn in his side.

(End of this chapter)

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