Chapter 215

Ye Sui leaned back, crossed her legs in an unimpressive manner, rested her arms on the back of her head, closed her eyes, and the dimples on her lips appeared as she spoke, making people want to poke her with her fingers.

"You may not believe it, but I actually have the potential to be a master."

The boy looked at her for a while, and felt that the more he looked at her, the more itchy his heart became, so he moved his eyes away, "Yeah."

Ye Sui thought he would laugh at her, after all, the persona of a scumbag has already been confirmed.

She half-closed her eyes and looked sideways.

The boy's jaw was perfectly curved, and he was rummaging through things in the desk with both hands.

Ye Sui sat down, and put a paw on the young man's shoulder, "Brother Zheng, what about the seven times the odds, are you not tempted?"


"Shall we make a fortune together?"

The boy's movements stopped, "Are you so confident that you can surpass me?"

Ye Sui: "Mathematics, physics and chemistry are my strengths. After all, Brother Zheng, you don't get full marks, do you?"

The smile on the corner of the boy's lips deepened, "That's true, but I still want to remind Young Master Ye that there is a subject called Chinese."

Ye Sui suddenly looked like a small animal with drooping ears, classical Chinese or something, scientists of the dark department in the future are not good at it...

No, I just don't understand...

The young man moved his fingers and wanted to reach out and rub her head, but he held back and said lightly, "I bet [-] million."

Ye Sui's eyes lit up. Seeing that she still couldn't resist the temptation of money, she put her arm around the boy's neck and got very close, "Brother, happy cooperation!"

With that proud little look, it seemed that he was sure that he would win.

Rong Zheng's body froze indiscernibly, and it took several seconds before he spoke, "I didn't say I would release water on you."

Ye Sui had a hippie smile on his face: "Just let the Chinese subject go."

Rong Zheng was ruthless: "Impossible."

Ye Sui: "Brother Zheng, if I miss you by a small amount and don't surpass you, your [-] million will be in vain!"

Rong Zheng: "I can't win, you pay me back [-] million."

Ye Sui opened her eyes wide, her hands were itchy and wanted to fight, what should she do!
The teenager looked at her gnashing her teeth at him, and smiled, "From tonight onwards, I will give you tutoring."

Ye Sui was stunned for a while, "Brother Zheng has a lot of things to do every day, so it takes up your time so much."

There was an unknown light in the boy's eyes, "There is still time for you to study."

"Okay, as long as you don't delay brother Zheng's time."

However, the boy actually knew her weakness, when did she show it?Why doesn't she know?
The corners of the boy's lips rose uncontrollably, and it was obvious that he was in a good mood.

As this guy puts it, why force yourself to live up to what other people see as normal?
Do what you like, do what makes you happy.

He didn't think much about anything else, he just thought that he would be happy to spend more time with this guy.

After school, Rong Zheng planned to take the boy into his car.

However, Ye Sui still has a sense of crisis. If she goes to the boy's mansion, if the tutoring is too late, wouldn't it be possible for her to stay overnight.

She doesn't want to!

Ye Sui calmly broke free from the boy's hand and rubbed the back of his neck.

The boy tilted his head and looked at his empty hand, his eyes were a little cold, "Uncomfortable?"

Ye Sui hummed vaguely, "Probably because I have been playing games for a long time, and my cervical spine is not feeling well, just take a rest."

"Brother Zheng, you haven't been to my house yet, how about you being a guest?"

(End of this chapter)

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