space medicine girl

Chapter 231 Breaking the Marriage Contract 2

Chapter 231 Breaking the Marriage Contract 2
Miao Jingfu was not happy in his heart, but he had something to ask for, so he could only swallow his anger, thought about it, and immediately apologized: "Shu'er is right, you can't do this! Then father, go back and get in touch. If you can find out about your benefactor as soon as possible, I will definitely help you get rid of the marriage! Shu'er, Dad will definitely do what he says, let's see if you..."

If a person is so shameless and shameless, he is invincible in the world!
Miao Yinshu was so angry with Miao Jingfu's cheap face that she didn't know what to say to him, so she could only hold back her anger and asked Juhua to ask Cuigu to pay 5000 taels of silver to the warehouse.Of course, she was not a good person, so she wrote down the IOU without feeling embarrassed, and asked Miao Jingfu to press her fingerprints before handing over the money to him.

Miao Jingfu was internally hurt because he obviously didn't think that she really thought she was borrowing it. Fortunately, she still had a little conscience and didn't write down the money that her former wife took from her.

However, another letter of guarantee for divorce that he personally wrote made his heart tumbling for a long time.However, as long as he can pay back the debts of the public school, he can be regarded as saving his old life and the safety of his family, and he feels that he has overcome a difficulty first.

"Also, father, after you go back, you have to restrain your elder brother well. If he repeats the same mistakes in a few days, don't say that you are so shameless that you come to ask your daughter for money. If grandma comes to me personally, I will resolutely He won’t even pay for a penny!” Of course Miao Yinshu was also angry, so he simply said without losing any face, “Besides, if he rushes to me again and swears and talks nonsense, I don’t mind acting on behalf of him.” Parents educate him well!"

Miao Yinshu's words were implying Miao Jingfu, what you said just now that your son has fully realized and changed his past to become good is empty talk. He came here not long ago.

Then she didn't look at Miao Jingfu's embarrassment-colored face, and directly let Chrysanthemum see off the guests.

Of course, Chrysanthemum has been with Miao Yinshu for a while now, knowing what to say and what not to say, she is very sensible and well-behaved but pretends to be ignorant of world affairs. I described it in detail to Mr. Minister.

Miao Jingfu was so angry that he kept cursing evil, no wonder he felt that his daughter looked at him with disdain and contempt just now, even with the meaning of laughing at him!
He's mad at him!Really mad at him!At any rate, he, Miao Jingfu, also started as a servant of the second rank, but was looked down upon by his own daughter, and because of his son who caused trouble, his family property was ruined, and he was reduced to this place. He really could block his seven orifices with smoke.

Fortunately, he has been an official for more than ten years, and his ability to withstand pressure is quite strong, so he didn't really die from anger. Now that he can pay back the money owed by his father, he can be regarded as a peace of mind for a while.

Today's heavy rain fell all day and night, and it didn't get smaller until early morning. However, the sky was still very gloomy. It seemed that there would be another heavy rain at any time, which also made the temperature in the beginning of summer lower. Comfortable and pleasant, the most suitable for sleeping in.

Since Zhong Qi and the others came, Miao Yinshu has become much more lazy, sleeping until she wakes up naturally every day, not to mention how comfortable this little life is.

But today is not a good day for her to be lazy and sleep in. Just a quarter of an hour after the hour, Zhong Qi and Feng Xiaohong hurried back and went straight to the main courtyard. Chrysanthemum also infected the seriousness and tension of the two, and immediately knocked on the door to wake Miao Yinshu .

"What's the matter?" Miao Yinshu hurriedly got up, casually put on a tulle coat and opened the door.

Due to the long days and short nights after summer, the opening hours of each shop have been adjusted except for the pet shop. Normally, they go to open the shop at the quarter of the hour, and they are in a hurry at this time. When he came back, it was obvious that something had happened to the shop.

"Miss, the rice from the rice store has been stolen!" Zhong Qi said calmly.

"It's all my fault. I thought the security in the capital was good, so I didn't arrange anyone to stay overnight!" Feng Xiaohong looked guilty, lowered her head and kept wringing her fingers.

Zhong Qi glanced at her sideways, wanting to comfort her, but he opened his mouth and said nothing.

"How much was stolen?" Miao Yinshu didn't blame her, but asked them to enter the room first.

But looking at the faces of the two, they knew that the loss must be not small, and guessed: "Is it all stolen?"

The two of them lowered their heads, it was a tacit agreement.

"As of yesterday, how much rice is left in the shop?" This batch of rice is the rice that she sneaked into the space three nights ago. Even if the business is good these three days, the stock should not be less than ten thousand catties , so much rice can be emptied overnight, it is not something ordinary thieves can do.

"There are still about ninety shi in stock!" Zhong Qi replied, "If only a few people stole it, it would be impossible for the entire bag to be stolen in the middle of the night. It is possible that a gang committed the crime, and Xiaoheng has already reported it. Officer. It’s just that the heavy rain washed the ground clean, I’m afraid I can’t find anything even if I investigate the six doors!”

"They should have been prepared a long time ago, so they came out to steal while it was raining!" Tens of thousands of catties of grain were stolen. Think about it.

"Miss, do you know who did it?" Feng Xiaohong immediately raised her head and asked.

"After all, it can't be a temporary thief!" The source of customers in her studio was cut off two days ago, and now there is another incident of food being stolen. Can Miao Yinshu not think about it?

However, even if they knew it in their hearts, no one could just say anything without evidence, otherwise they might be beaten up. It is more important to keep the other three shops first.

"The rice shop will be closed for three days. Don't disturb the scene. Please Mr. Jing Zhaoyin thoroughly investigate. Then, Qizi, Xiaohong, you go and ask them to keep people on duty in the shop from tonight, and put two jackal guards Especially Huahaoyueyuan and the pharmacy, they must not be tampered with in secret. For Laner, let her always pay attention to whether anyone will take the opportunity to make trouble. The fewer pets you bring to the store these days, the better. Bring back some ferocious beasts first and keep them at home!" Regardless of whether the incident was a coincidence or not, Miao Yinshu still felt that it would be better to take precautions before they happened, so he immediately arranged for it.

"What about the grain from Mipu three days later?" With so much stolen all at once, and it was so impeccable, Zhong Qi doubted whether Liu Fanmen could recover the grain for them within three days, and then transport it from Xiaodu County. It was obviously too late for the food to arrive.

"You don't have to worry about this, after three days, I will find someone to borrow some rice to come over and open as usual!" There is a lot of rice in the space, and she was prepared to say that closing the shop for three days would not arouse others' suspicion.

"Yes! Miss!" Zhong Qi and Feng Xiaohong took orders immediately, looked at each other, and hurried to the other three shops to greet everyone.

"Liuli, help me ask if the fifth prince has ever returned to the mansion, I will go to the mansion to look for him later." Miao Yinshu called Liuli again and asked her to go and have a look.

She is just a small businessman. Although she won the title of "Skillful Lady" from the emperor, her rank is only the seventh rank after all. Miao Yinshu is worried that if Jing Zhaoyin finds out that there is indeed a black hand behind the scenes, she may help her. If the truth is covered up, then only Qing Ye Feiran can put pressure on her again, maybe the chance of knowing the truth will be higher.

"Hmm! Good!" Liuli, who had been guarding outside since Zhong Qi and the others came, immediately left in response.

Miao Yinshu took advantage of this time to quickly get Chrysanthemum to fetch water to wash, and then ate some breakfast to fill his stomach. Then, he was going to the front hall to wait for Liuli's news, when he saw that Liuli had led Ye Feiran over in a hurry.

Liuli's complexion looked not very good. When she saw Miao Yinshu, she didn't care about Ye Feiran's expression and said resentfully: "Then Yanyue really deserves a beating. If the prince didn't go back to the mansion, just tell me directly. If you want to come out to find out who the prince is, you don’t know what to say when you see me sneering and sarcastic, it’s really irritating!"

"So, you two—" Miao Yinshu saw Ye Feiran smiling helplessly, and Liuli's clothes were also a little messy, and asked guessingly, "Did you fight?"

Seeing Miao Yinshu, Liuli guessed it all at once, her pretty face turned hot, and she hummed coldly.

"Miss Liuli, don't be upset, this king has already punished Yanyue!" Ye Feiran called Liuli a girl, and Ye Feiran naturally looked at Shen Yupei's face. After all, Shen Yupei's support was great during the last trip to the south.

"Is light punishment useful? Isn't she provoking trouble again and again?" Liuli is also a person who is used to arrogance. It immediately hung on the face.

But I forgot that when she saw Miao Yinshu, she also dealt with it as if she was facing a formidable enemy, and she was also punished several times by her master!
"Liuli, that's the lord's housework!" Miao Yinshu was amused in her heart, but she stopped her with a more serious face, lest she would become more absurd in the future, but she had experienced the bickering between her and Leng Jianxiao. Then came the urge to use force at the slightest disagreement.

"Spit!" Liuli spat, went out and leaned against the doorpost, with a cold face, she simply didn't speak.

"The temperaments of the two of them are really similar!" Ye Feiran said with a wry smile.

In fact, according to his superior status, why would he want to eat Liuli's cold face? It's because of Shen Yupei's relationship, and because she can protect Miao Yinshu all the time.

"Don't pay attention to her, she's just a knife-mouthed bean curd heart!" After being with Liuli for a long time, I know that she can treat people sincerely in everything that has nothing to do with Shen Yupei, but otherwise, she will definitely treat you as a deadly enemy.

It's a pity, probably because of her status, she has never dared to confess her love to Shen Yupei, and can only endure hurting her heart time and time again.

And that Yanyue, she guessed that she was probably of the same nature as Liuli. She liked her master, but she always kept in mind the difference between master and servant, so she didn't dare to confess easily, so she could only be jealous and target other women at the same time.

Ye Feiran nodded in understanding, and then asked: "I heard from Miss Liuli that you are looking for me in a hurry, what happened?"

"It's true that something happened!" Miao Yinshu whispered about the rice theft last night, of course, he didn't express his doubts, "I have only been in the capital for half a year, and I am not familiar with the officials in the capital, I think Please help me to urge Jing Zhaoyin to find out those thieves earlier."

"I will go to Jing Zhaoyin's side to test the pressure, and I will also send someone to investigate the shop theft!" After hearing about this incident, the first thing Ye Feiran thought of was naturally the incident of Miao Yinshu being injured by a horse , worried that the dark force was about to attack again, so he told him with concern, "For a while, try not to go out. If you really have to go out, you must bring the guards and let Liuli go out for a while." I can't leave you, understand?"

"Understood!" He didn't expect that the other party would threaten his life, Miao Yinshu felt warm in his heart when he heard his words.

"It's not too late. Before today's rain falls again, I'll go to the rice shop first. If I meet the person from Six Doors, I will give more instructions. You don't have to worry too much about Shu'er. And , Money is something outside of the body, even if you lose so much today, as long as you pay attention to your body, you will earn back the money sooner or later!" Ye Feiran is of course obliged to do things for his Shu'er.

(End of this chapter)

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