I've lost half of the entertainment industry

Chapter 249 1 Everything Means Nothing

Chapter 249 Everything Means Nothing

Seeing her aura, Hu Wenxi swallowed all her words in an instant, and continued to eat in silence.

Six people who have not mentioned this matter again.

Back in the dormitory, Bai Jingzheng found the watch. He had wiped off the water stains inside, but the watch would not move now.

He hesitated for a while, then took out his phone, found out Leng Yixiao's WeChat ID, and sent a message: 【Leng Yixiao. 】

At this moment, Leng Yixiao was leisurely scrolling through Weibo, saw the message he sent, and replied without any hassle: 【Yes! 】

Bai Jingcheng stared at these two words for a long time, even pondering over the punctuation marks for a long time.

Leng Yixiao looked at the phone screen and saw that he hadn't made any noise for a long time, thinking that he didn't want to talk anymore, and when he was about to switch the software, a message popped up suddenly: [What happened that day]

The dialog box shows inputting.
After seeing these words, Leng Yixiao smiled lightly, and quickly replied: [It's okay, I know it has nothing to do with you. 】

Bai Jingcheng typed a string of words, and before he could click send, he saw this sentence, and at that moment, his fingers suddenly stopped.

Then, a few more messages popped up in the dialog box: [Rong Yu made Rong Linmo do that on purpose, but it was my fault for pushing people into the water, and I have already apologized to her. 】

[You don't have to think too much, we are all just being used. I was a little excited last time, sorry! 】

Bai Jingcheng stared at the three messages in a daze, and felt his heart was dull for a while, as if a big rock was blocked, making him almost unable to breathe.

Seeing that he didn't talk to him, Leng Yixiao said again: [Don't worry, I'm still your boss, and I will give you good resources in the future, after all, you have such potential. 】

Leng Yixiao!
Bai Jingcheng silently recited the name in his heart, over and over again, taking it apart and grinding it.

But this name, like a huge stone mill, rolled over his heart rumblingly, making him gasp, and his eyes couldn't stop getting hot.

After a long time, he deleted the string of characters he had just typed out and replied with the word "OK".

After clicking send, he closed the phone screen directly. At this moment, he realized that his fingertips were trembling.

When his sad eyes glanced at the broken watch on the table, he couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth.

In the next second, he threw the thing directly into the trash can.

Everything is meaningless!

That woman is too smart, if she didn't know that it was Rong Yu's game, he could still have a glimmer of hope.

But she understands all of this, she is not angry with him, but bluntly hints to him that she is no longer interested in playing with him anymore.

From the beginning to the end, she never really moved her heart. Chasing herself is just a pastime in her spare time!

Sure enough, it was his wishful thinking!

At this moment, he remembered what Lu Linfeng had told him back then, saying that she was very capable, and every ex would never forget her.

Thinking about it carefully, she really has this ability.

She is setting up a trap for all the boys who approach her, making you mistakenly think that you are in the clouds, in the sea of ​​flowers in the fog.

When you are fluttering and don't know why, then pull you back to reality!

But the people in the bureau can't see through it. How can such a beautiful illusion be broken as soon as it is said, and they still have a glimmer of hope for that dream.-
When Lu Linfeng and the others came back, Bai Jingcheng was already lying on the bed and taking a nap.

The movements of the three people's feet and hands were all consciously a little lighter.

Lu Linfeng, who was about to go to the balcony to get towels, inadvertently glanced at the things in Bai Jingcheng's trash can, and at that moment, his eyes froze.
 Four more.

  Thank you so much for the cute tip from "Taihang Mountains".

  (Here I want to say, those who watch pirated versions and have no fan value, please don’t leave a message under my new chapter. I take online classes during the day and watch the screen all day, and I have to work hard in front of the computer at night Liver, seeing that there are no genuine readers' comments below, all of which have no fan value at all, I am really in a bad mood)

  How can I continue to update the codeword?

  I hope you can understand, stop speaking, there is no lack of activity.

  The fan value can be seen by yourself, the logo is (trainee, apprentice, disciple, etc.)

  Check it out for yourself. If there are no such logos, I suggest you delete your comments. Generally, if you have fans, I will personally comment.

  Don't say I'm mean, if I'm upset, how can I write it down?
  I might as well do my homework.

(End of this chapter)

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