Chapter 218
Within a day, Leng Yixiao's name caused a storm in the girls' dormitory.

Those who didn't go were jealous of those who went, and even the girls teamed up and ran to their dormitory again.

Leng Yixiao felt annoyed, and directly announced that on the day of the movie's release, she would book hundreds of movie theaters near Diying, and she could go in with her student ID.

All of a sudden, Leng Yixiao's reputation in the whole school turned upside down in an instant.

School forums and student circles of friends are all maxed out.

Those little friends who scolded her before, hated her, and thought she was scum, now all started to slap her in the face themselves!
Before, because Leng Yixiao was in the campus and threatened to chase after the school girl, he caused a lot of school girl fans to be unhappy.

But this time, those girls who were hostile to her directly held high the banner of "cold white CP" and firmly supported her to be with the school girl.

This matter was even made a hot search by interested people.

#冷左小客场Please invite the whole school to watch the movie#
For a moment, the people who eat melons all over the Internet were stunned.

Leng Yixiao's name became popular on the Internet overnight.

Never tired of it: Damn, the rich second generation ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah

Only children have to choose: My God, is this woman so perfect?Not to mention good-looking, debut is the pinnacle, and he is still a local tyrant!Jealousy drives people crazy!
Cang Hai laughed: Heaven is not fair, ah, ah, I don't believe there is such a perfect person with me!

Cosmos Limited Sales Happy: Is this the one who won the "Enlang Kingdom Royal Actress Award"?

Reply: That's right, it's her, an enviable woman!
Reply: Damn, I'm going crazy!

Reply: After searching for what kind of award this is, I am autistic!
Is there a lemon today: Am I the only one who is jealous of Teiying's students?How expensive are movie tickets!

Leng Yixiao scrolled through Weibo and looked at the comments of netizens, feeling a little baffled.

Are movie tickets really expensive?

"Xiaoxiao, don't look, let's go, they are still waiting downstairs." After Yao Mengmeng changed her clothes, she greeted her.

"Well, good." Leng Yixiao also took her mobile phone and bag, and the four of them went out of the dormitory together.

Downstairs, four men stood in a line and waited.

People passing by all have a face of eating melon!
Rumor has it that the two dormitories are married.

Did not expect it to be true!

Two of them, when they saw their girlfriends, they naturally greeted them with joy and greeted them warmly.

When Leng Yixiao saw Bai Jingcheng, she also walked towards him with a smile.

On the other hand, Lin Yu and Lu Linfeng looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly.

One is a single dog, and the other is that her boyfriend is not around. There is no other way but the two of them get together and chat.

Along the way, the eight of them talked and laughed and went to the cinema.

Because the entire movie theater was booked out, all the students who went there were students of Emperor Ying.

When they saw Leng Yixiao and Bai Jingcheng, they all snapped and snapped pictures.

"I knew I would wear a mask when I came out." Leng Yixiao didn't expect everyone to be so crazy.

Bai Jingcheng directly stretched out his hand and dragged her in front of him, blocking her body and letting her go in first.

The other six people also quickly entered the cinema.

In order to save trouble, Leng Yixiao directly sealed the door, leaving only eight of them in the room.

The author has something to say: I hope that if you read it on the web, you can still download QQ reading to support the genuine version. I don’t know what a few dollars is to you, but I think most readers should be able to afford it.

Up to now, the whole book costs only five cents per chapter. I really hope that everyone can understand that writing a book is not easy for me as a student.

I take online classes all day during the day, turn on the lights at night, and my family members are asleep, but I get little gain in exchange for coding. How will I feel?

Can we understand each other?
(Rest assured that there will be no extra charge for this number of words, and it will not be published in the main text, and non-genuine readers will not see it.)
 One more.

  About ten chapters will be updated today.

  Thank you readers for your monthly pass.

  Thanks to Rudy for the cute monthly pass.

  thank you for your support!
  Don't think I'm vulgar, because dreams will die if they are not supported for a long time. I still want to continue writing!
(End of this chapter)

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