I've lost half of the entertainment industry

Chapter 177 He Forgot About Me Long Ago

Chapter 177 He Forgot About Me Long Ago

"Don't cry." Although Leng Yixiao was covering her face at the moment, there were obviously tears on her chin. Seeing this, Bai Jingcheng couldn't help comforting her softly.

"Yeah." Leng Yixiao hastily wiped away her tears with her hand, and sniffed her nose.

"Here." Bai Jingcheng took out a few pieces of paper and handed them to her.

"Thank you." Leng Yixiao said while wiping.

"That day when you saw Mr. Huang on the set, why didn't you go up to recognize him?" Bai Jingcheng suddenly remembered that day, and Leng Yixiao's mood seemed to be a little off.

After wiping away her tears, Leng Yixiao tried her best to lift the corners of her lips, but her eyes were gloomy: "He has long forgotten about me."

The mournful and slightly desolate voice, like a boulder, hit Bai Jingcheng's heart with a bang, and a dull pain spread from his heart in an instant.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, would you like to drink some wine with me?" Leng Yixiao suddenly raised her head and gave him a bright smile.

"Okay." Bai Jingcheng agreed.

With bare feet, Leng Yixiao walked to a nearby wine shelf, and took two goblets and a bottle of high-end red wine from it.

"I bought this wine at a high price a few years ago, and most people can't drink it." She said proudly while opening the red wine.

"Then I'm really honored." Bai Jingcheng smiled and replied with great interest.

"That's right." Leng Yixiao grinned at the corners of her lips, poured two glasses of wine, and handed him one.

The two of them sat on the hanging chair, sipping wine leisurely.

"Do you come here every year?" Bai Jingcheng asked suddenly.

"Well, in a blink of an eye, it seems to have been ten years." She smiled bitterly: "I checked his residence when I was 11 years old, and every year on his birthday, I would secretly come back to see him, but I never dared to tell my mother this."

At the time of the divorce, Huang Jianguo and the woman grabbed Leng Qianyun and pushed her downstairs, killing the child in her womb and making her sterile for life, forcing her to leave the house in the end.

"Actually, I always thought that he might have secretly followed me and checked my news, but in the end I didn't expect that even if I stood directly in front of her, he would not recognize me." Speaking of this, Leng Yixiao laughed mockingly.

"This is the last time. I will be 22 next year and graduate from university. I won't be here again."

Because, it doesn't make sense anymore.

"Hmm." Bai Jingzheng didn't know what to say, he just drank the wine in his glass in silence.

"Come on, let's continue drinking. Anyway, I plan to sell this house, and I won't need the wine in the future." Leng Yixiao filled the glass for him again, clinked the glass with him, and drank it all in one gulp.

Bai Jingcheng didn't hold back, just drinking with her.

After drinking one cup after another, Bai Jingcheng didn't change his face, but Leng Yixiao's face gradually turned red, and his eyes were a little blurred.

"Hey, this alcohol is a bit low in alcohol content, I can still drink it." Leng Yixiao grinned at him, showing eight teeth, and smiled innocently.

"Come on, come on, you go on, it's been a long time since I've had such a good drink."

"Okay." Bai Jingcheng handed the goblet forward, waiting for her to pour the wine.

"Oh, why are your hands shaking, don't shake." Leng Yixiao squinted at the glass, tried several times, but the bottle didn't fit the glass.

"It's you who's shaking." Seeing her like this, Bai Jingcheng felt a little funny.

"Stay still, stay still, don't move." Leng Yixiao pointed to the wine glass, put on a serious expression, and said with a pout, "If you shake it again, I won't want you anymore."

Bai Jingcheng: "."

 I want to tell everyone that this book may be on the shelves, and the date is set on 3.1.

  This book was written on November 19, 11.20, and it has been free for more than 100 days now. During the free period, the author has no income from manuscript fees, and only relies on readers to tip a few dollars a month.

  If there is a fee, a chapter has 5 words and [-] book coins, which is five cents.

  You can watch for a long time for a dollar.

  I hope everyone can understand that the author also wants to eat.

  I'll let you know what's next.

  There will be a burst of updates on the day it is put on the shelves, about 20 chapters, I hope everyone can support it.

(End of this chapter)

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