Chapter 121 Phone
The next day, Chen Miaomiao asked Xing Lang to drive her to Rongcheng.

When Wang Tianyu left, he told her to find Liu Renfa, but she didn't know why.

In the office, Liu Renfa pushed a stack of documents in front of Chen Miaomiao, "The last time I saw President Wang was the day I had lunch with you. He gave these documents to me so that I can pass them on to you in the future."

Chen Miaomiao opened the document and found that it was the self-employed transfer agreement of Yonghe Department Store.

"The children's playground on the third floor does not belong to Zongheng's assets. It is invested by him with his own money."

Chen Miaomiao came out with the agreement, remembering Assistant Li's words, "The company has never thought of investing in the third-floor children's playground in Rongcheng, and I don't know why Mr. Wang suddenly decided to invest with his own money."

She remembered what she had asked Wang Tianyu about Liu Renfa. At that time, Wang Tianyu paused, and then he was so excited that he told her that he also wanted to rent Yonghe's shop.

Is it for her?Chen Miaomiao couldn't help sighing, she couldn't compensate Wang Tianyu with emotional matters, she could only help him make Zongheng bigger and stronger.

She keeps the shares for the time being, but she doesn't want any dividends, except for the monthly chairman's salary and investment profits, she will save Wang Tianyu in a card.

When she has a chance in the future, she will return all of them to the Wang family.

When Chen Miaomiao returned to Jiangcheng, Yu Jiangchuan finally called.

"My wife, I'm sorry, I was sent abroad for further study a few days ago, so I haven't called you for so long."

Chen Miaomiao curled her lips slightly, she missed Yu Jiangchuan's voice after not hearing it for a long time.

"Then you haven't called me for so long, do you miss me?" Chen Miaomiao's voice was aggrieved.

"Of course I have thought about it. The first thing I do when I come back is to call you."

"What about our wedding ring? Do you wear it every day?"

"Yes, I wear it all the time except for surgery."

The smile on the corner of Chen Miaomiao's mouth deepened, "Well, that's good."

"Honey, I miss you, how soon can you come back."

"The Chinese New Year will be in a few days, and I will come back and stay for half a month."

Yu Jiangchuan's voice on the phone was very soft and warm. Chen Miaomiao relaxed her whole body, feeling extremely comfortable at this moment.

"Then you must keep your word. If you leave a day earlier, I will ignore you from now on!"

Yu Jiangchuan laughed on the phone, "Okay, my wife is the biggest, I will listen to whatever my wife says!"

The two chatted for a long time, and Yu Jiangchuan was not willing to hang up the phone until Chen Miaomiao was busy with something in Jiangcheng.

After being missing for a few days, Fei Miao's business and documents piled up like a mountain. Chen Miaomiao couldn't imagine that without Xing Lang, her company would be in a mess now.

Xing Lang is familiar with the suppliers and the villagers who wholesale fruit in the village, and Xing Lang is doing the ordering and delivery as well as running errands.

Apart from staying at the company every day, Chen Miaomiao goes to the hospital to change her medicine.

After dealing with Feimiao Company's affairs, she still has to deal with Zongheng.

She had taken a fancy to several pieces of land in Jiangcheng before, and wanted to build a new community.

Buying a house will become the mainstream in the future, and the real estate business will become more and more prosperous.

Whoever can walk at the forefront of real estate and get the first big pie will be the big boss of the real estate business in the future.

In the past, she had no funds and ability, but now Wang Tianyu entrusts Zongheng to her management, and she has the confidence to make Zongheng bigger and stronger!

After putting the land purchase on the itinerary, she also needs to set up a security company.

Making money is a big deal, but saving one's life is even more important!This is the truth she realized through this kidnapping.

(End of this chapter)

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