Southern Song Dynasty small landlord

Chapter 415 On Examination

Chapter 415 On Examination

Xiao Jin shrunk to the size of a palm, and stood on Qin Shou's shoulder to show off his power, laughing at the battle outside, as if laughing at their stupidity and naivety, the real battlefield is inside the main hall, but they fight together for petty gains.

"Attention, the assessment is about to begin!"

A cold voice suddenly sounded, and the fighting outside stopped instantly, and they rushed into the hall one after another. At this time, they didn't want to grab other people's things. When the assessment time came, it would be wishful thinking to come in again.

Qin Shou backed up quickly, letting the door open. Not far from Qin Shou, Jian Wuqing and Jian Wudao were squinting their eyes and staring at Qin Shou viciously. In their eyes, Qin Shou was just a beast waiting to be slaughtered. lamb.

Gao Zhan led a group of people from the Gao family and quietly scattered around Qin Shou, seemingly casually, but secretly protected Qin Shou in the middle, so that even if Jian Wuqing made a dirty trick, he had to pass the Gao family's test first.

As the three top powers, under normal circumstances they would not take the initiative to attack each other, fearing to break the current balance, but since Qin Shou appeared, this balance has been slowly broken.

Not only Gao's family recognized Qin Shou, but Jianzong also recognized him. Unexpectedly, they scattered so many people and failed to find Qin Shou, but Qin Shou jumped out by himself. This courage is boundless.

"Now the assessment begins, the door of the palace is closed." The cold voice sounded again, and the door of the main hall was closed tightly with a bang. Those who were still trying to sprint were tightly shut outside the door, looking dumbfounded up.

However, it was only dumbfounded for a while. Those with poor strength turned around and ran, while those with strong strength chased after each other. They rushed towards the mask area at the foot of the mountain. There is the door to go out. Just jump into the mask area, and instantly There will be a calm sea.

At this moment, I only hate my parents for losing two legs. Only by escaping can I have a chance to save my life. Peanuts and a few appetizers, the little birthday is not so good.

Feng Xian'er frowned and stared outside, holding her chin, her beautiful eyes were filled with worry. Chun'er and Dong'er sat next to each other, staring at the calm sea together. It's been a day, and I don't know if my brother is safe inside. Woolen cloth.

"Someone came out!"

When the first hapless guy escaped, he was greeted by a howl of excitement, which made the buddy turn pale with fright.

"It's from the Seven Star Gate."

"It's the third senior brother from our sect, come over here quickly." The disciples of the Seven Stars sect saw that someone from their own sect had come out, immediately became happy, and rowed a boat to meet him.

"Kill, kill and rob treasure."

With a loud shout, the surroundings became lively, someone jumped off the boat, stepped on a small boat and besieged the unlucky guy at the Seven Stars Gate. The unlucky guy was so frightened that he almost cried. What's going on?

Fortunately, with the appearance of the unlucky guy, many people appeared behind him. Some of these people still had big knives stuck in their bodies, and their blood stained the sea around them red. However, the moment these people appeared, the pressure on the unlucky guy was relieved. , the scene began to get out of control, some saved lives, and some murdered and seized treasures.

This is a scene that will appear every time Yaowang Island is launched, and part of the enmity between the major forces is forged from here, and the shouts of killing rang out.

Gao Hai took a look, but didn't see Qin Shou coming out. He guessed that the kid must have entered the hall, and he might have to wait for a while to come out. He continued to drink wine leisurely, while Niu Ben was in charge of checking the situation.

In the main hall, rows of drug names appeared in front of Qin Shou. These drug names flashed quickly, and the chapter was turned in the blink of an eye. How much you can remember depends on each person's ability. , separated him from those around him.

In fact, everyone was shrouded in a beam of white light, and each of them was trying hard to memorize the name of the medicine. Unfortunately, the name of the medicine flashed too fast, and how much they could remember depended on their own fortunes.

"Please recite the name of the medicine, and record the top 100 who get the promotion quota, and the others will be sent out of the hall." The cold voice fell, "The 3-minute timer starts."

Qin Shou immediately opened his mouth, and a series of drug names burst out of his mouth. The speed was also amazing, with an average of one drug name per second. After 3 minutes, the timer ended.

Qin Shou felt his body move, his heart raised, and suddenly his feet stopped, and he landed on the ground. When he looked down, he found that he had landed in the white circle, and it was the most front white circle, which also meant Qin Shou is No.1 in this round.

"Damn it, who is that black kid? How did he get to No.1?"

"I don't know him, what is he capable of?"

"Do you know who he is?"

"Fuck, he, you don't know who it is, you don't look over his shoulder, Dapeng, I heard that Qin Shou from the lower realm has a Dapeng in his hand, did you guess it?" The man raised his eyebrows.

"My God, he is Qin Shou, he is really dark enough!"


Qin Shou listened to the discussions around him, sweating profusely, I'll go, what's the matter with them if you blackmail yourself, what do you mean it's really black enough, this is too discriminatory.

There was not much time left for everyone, the cold voice sounded again, this time it was memorizing the prescription, this prescription was not just as simple as a prescription, but also the process of refining the medicine and the matters to be paid attention to during the refining process.

Qin Shou raised his eyebrows straightly. He didn't expect that besides alchemy, there would be medicine. I don't know which one is better, alchemy or medicine?Qin Shou had never made medicine before, so he couldn't compare it for a while. With the appearance of the prescription, Qin Shou calmed down and started to memorize the prescription hard.

Others didn't have time to pay attention to Qin Shou, they were also working hard, because this test was about how many prescriptions everyone could memorize, and only the top ten who memorized the most prescriptions would have the opportunity to step into the second floor.This time it was still 3 minutes.

When the 3 minutes were up, a cold voice reminded everyone to recite the prescriptions, and Qin Shou exerted his strength again. As a second generation human being, Qin Shou's spiritual consciousness was not as strong as usual. He didn't miss any of these prescriptions and memorized them all in his mind.

In the light beam, Qin Shou could only hear his own voice, and didn't know how many others had recited, so he was recited desperately, his mouth was unusually slippery, and his two mouths were running at high speed, and he recited ten chants in 3 minutes Three prescriptions.

This time Qin Shou was still the first to qualify, and Gao Zhan was the second to qualify. This surprised Qin Shou. He didn't expect this old man with a white beard to have some skills.

But for Qin Shou's qualifying, Gao Zhan is not surprised at all, alchemists have a natural advantage in the famous medicine prescription, and that is their favorite.

No.3 is Jian Wuqing. Jian Wuqing originally wanted to win No.1, but he didn't even get the second place. He glared at Qin Shou angrily, and listed Qin Shou as the strongest opponent.

If people could kill people here, Jian Wuqing would definitely kill Qin Shou without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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