Chapter 668
Unlike Gong Xueer, Chen Qiang could understand the behavior of Lao Tongzi and others.

Logically speaking, 10 yuan is indeed a huge sum of money for homeless people like them.

If Lao Zhizi monopolizes this huge sum of money, no one will say anything, and only he has the money alone, he can completely break away from the ranks of homeless people, and live a comparative life like everyone else in the city. a stable life.

Rent a house in the suburbs, tidy yourself up, and find a job, so you can be self-sufficient!
But Lao Zhizi did not do this, but chose to squander the money with other homeless people, so that they just let them live a chic life for ten days.

So, as Gong Xueer said, are they too wasteful?
Or, are they the lives of a group of beggars?
I'm afraid she really hit the spot!
These vagrants are used to a wandering life, if they really want to settle down, then they are not used to it!
They are used to other people's charity, and they are used to seeing other people's pity and eyes. For them, one day they will not see other people's eyes and expressions of pity, but they will feel that there is something missing in their lives!
Once a certain habit really becomes a habit, it's like a conditioned reflex, do you want to change it?too difficult!

Of course, unless one day, the habits and lifestyles of the whole society have a great change, they will be uncharacteristically, and will be more excited than others to change their own destiny and habits!

Chen Qiang has already understood this point in the last days.

Just like Tu Mantian and other bandits he met with Qingchen at the Misty Blood Platform, most of those who followed Tu Mantian were once the most despised group of people.

But in the last days, anything can happen, the only thing missing is the defender of order!
Once there are no defenders of order, those people who were once looked down upon by others will return to the sea like a dragon, find the highest goal of realizing their own life value, and become a group of the most dangerous people standing on the opposite side of human beings!

And all of this is due to human nature!
Of course, that's an afterthought.

As for how people like Lao Zhizi will choose their way of life in a year and a half, no one can say for sure now.

But at least for now, Lao Zhizi's status and image among the dozen or so homeless people is commendable.

After all, in the eyes of these vagrants, once the old man has developed, he does not turn his tail up and deny people, but chooses to have fun with them, which is called righteousness!
As for Chen Qiang, who only stayed in their homeless den for a day, in the eyes of Lao Zhizi and the others, he was also a friend worth making friends with!
After all, after Chen Qiang returned to the Tianhong Group and lived a comfortable life, he still hasn't forgotten these homeless people. How similar is this behavior to the old Tongzi?
Therefore, after a group of vagrants sat around, they soon became friends with Chen Qiang!
"Okay! Little brother, even if you are prosperous, you haven't forgotten us poor buddies. It's interesting!"

"Little brother, I didn't expect that you are still a big shot in the Tianhong Group, you are really noble!"

"By the way, little brother, why did you come here to hang out with us that day? Could it be because you had a conflict with your wife? Haha——"

"Eh? Little brother, is this little girl your wife or your best friend? Why don't you introduce me?"

"Hey, did you see, the little girl is blushing! Could it be that she hit her heart? To be honest, little brother, have you two rolled in the bed sheets yet?"

The vagabonds speak vulgar words and have no taboos, but this is also in line with their identities.

People like them are of course not qualified to marry wives. Even if the old man became an upstart with a huge sum of money and wanted to lead these buddies to find a wanderer or something, I believe no one would welcome them!

Therefore, women have always become their favorite topic.

Fortunately, Gong Xueer came with Chen Qiang, otherwise, what they guys said would be several times too much!

The little girl Gong Xueer is completely unfamiliar with the world of the homeless, where has she seen such a battle?He had already hid behind Chen Qiang, holding Chen Qiang's clothes tightly with both hands, like a rare animal in this group of people, for fear of being eaten alive by them!
Chen Qiang knew that these guys were just enjoying their mouths and taking advantage of their tongues, so he didn't care and started a haha ​​fight with them.

He grabbed a roast chicken, tore it a few times, and placed it in front of Rhubarb beside him.

"Come on, brothers, don't be idle, it's time to eat and drink, let's chat while having fun!"

Chen Qiang greeted, and all the homeless people took a look at Lao Zhizi. It was not until Lao Zhizi was the first to take the roast chicken that they swarmed in front of the roast chicken.

It seems that Lao Tongzi's prestige among these homeless people has already been established.

"Old Tongzi, I was living here that day, thanks to you buddies who took me in. Otherwise, I might have starved to death somewhere else."

After taking a sip of wine, Chen Qiang opened up the conversation.

"Hey, little brother, speaking of it, when you came to our place that day, you were considered an outsider's invasion. According to the old rules, we would not accept you easily without going through the pain of flesh and blood.

But I didn't expect that you were born with a hard bone, and the sticks in our hands broke you, but you are still fine!

Tell yourself, who among us would dare to provoke you?
So, it's not that we want to entertain you, but that we really can't afford to offend you, the big guy said, right? "

"Haha, that's right, that's right. Old Tongzi is right. Little brother, how did you develop your muscles? Could it be that you have been a soldier?"

After everyone was laughing and laughing for a while, Lao Tongzi continued, "However, to be honest, little brother, you are really a lucky star for us all!
If it wasn't for you, how could we have been free and easy for more than ten days and our lives have improved?
So, little brother, in my opinion, you are born to belong to our group.

Let me see, little brother, you should just come back.

Don't look at our sloppy life here, but it's better to be free! "

As soon as the old tube stirred, the other homeless men also booed, which frightened Gong Xueer.

Chen Qiang was finally found by her from the homeless man's den. If he really came back, wouldn't Mr. Fu be anxious to death!

No wonder Minister Chen bought so many good things and came here today. It turns out that he misses life here!

Chen Qiang must not be allowed to go back to his old ways!

(End of this chapter)

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