Reflect the world

Chapter 165 Soldiers Approaching the City

Chapter 165 Soldiers Approaching the City (Second Change)

The two with the highest martial arts skills are the easiest to solve, and the old naughty boy Tang Xuanming agreed with a few words of persuasion.

And as an extremely smart person, if he hadn't made up his mind, no matter how much Tang Xuanming persuaded Dongxie Huang Yaoshi, he wouldn't come. Now that he has come, the matter is already half done.

For the remaining half, Guo Jing and Huang Rong can persuade them.

After Tang Xuanming made a promise to Guo Jing to become king, Huang Rong was already beyond words.

For the people of this era, conferring the title of king or minister is an honor that is unimaginable.

At this time, Confucian education had been introduced into the Song Dynasty. In everyone's mind, even if they were not able to read and write, everyone would remember this set of heaven, earth, monarch, relative and teacher.

The glory of the ancestors in the light is engraved in the hearts of everyone, and it is unforgettable. This is the obsession in the bones of the Chinese nation.

If he can become a Marquis on the battlefield, the potential that Song Dynasty can unleash will exceed everyone's imagination.

And Tang Xuanming is gradually uncovering this potential.

"I've seen your military and political reform strategy. Do you want to change the status of soldiers again?"

Dong Xie's character has always been unpredictable, and what he asked was a bit beyond Tang Xuanming's expectations.

But Tang Xuanming was very familiar with the military reforms, because in the Qin State, in order to fool the Mohists, Ge Nie and others, he could keep these firmly in his heart.

"Yes, the heroes of the Qin State are unparalleled in the world, but their combat power is not invincible at the same time. In the hands of everyone in the six countries, he has experienced defeat. The sharp soldiers of the Qin State are not unparalleled. Let them be unparalleled in the world. It's their policy."

"It's their courage to sweep the world with the power of the whole country. Princes, generals, and ministers are better than others. Although this sentence was shouted by Chen Sheng, Wu Guang and others, it is actually this sentence that truly reveals that Qin is invincible. s reason."

"Yingzheng opened the door to convenience. Anyone with talent and talent can jump into the dragon's door. There is no poor family, no family, and no need to care about anything."

Tang Xuanming said these words sincerely, because he had personally experienced that era, felt the magnificence of that era, and felt the unique spiritual outlook.

It is completely different from the drunken and dreaming state of Da Song in Lin'an City. It is full of vigor and vitality.

"But the resistance of civil officials will also be extremely crazy. Are you confident to meet the storm and waves they set off? Just relying on the status of a [-] army and a privy envoy is not enough."

Huang Yaoshi was very calm. The last privy envoy was soon dismissed and died depressed. The lesson from the past is in front of him.

As for the [-] troops, they couldn't afford much trouble.

"Of course these identities alone are not enough, but it is enough to add the identities of the incarnate celestial beings."

Tang Xuanming looked sharply at the north, and said: "This is only the support I can get under the current situation. If I can achieve brilliant results, in my capacity, I can leverage even more energy."

"But the consequences of your failure will be even more tragic. After the sacred halo is gone, some people will want to take you."

Huang Yaoshi was surprisingly indifferent, Tang Xuan clearly took it indifferently, and said calmly: "That's something I should worry about, isn't it? At least now I have won a chance."

Huang Yaoshi was silent for a moment, and said: "I will join the Ruishi Battalion and become a member of the special forces you mentioned. I just hope that your plan can be successful. Da Song can't bear too many twists and turns."

Xiangyang City has been completely plunged into war preparations, with an army of [-] spreading, ordinary residents who have the ability have already escaped from this area.

Those who have no way to leave can only pin their fate on Xiangyang City.

Even if Xiangyang City wins, they will naturally have a chance to survive.

If Xiangyang City is defeated, everything will cease.

Mongolia has always had the habit of massacring cities. Except for those skilled craftsmen, all other people were massacred.

Based on the damage that Xiangyang City caused to Mongolia, the massacre of the city is very likely to happen.

After persuading the two figures who are the same as the Five Uniques of the Central Plains, Yang Guo and Xiaolongnv seemed much easier.

Tang Xuanming directly promised that if the battle went smoothly and they came back alive, they would naturally be married by the Emperor Song himself.

With the arrival of the Ruishi Camp, there are now four people. It has to be said that today's world is withering too fast.

With Tang Xuanming's status, it is difficult to recruit more top martial arts masters. Of course, this is also related to the extremely strict status inspection.

Such a confidential matter must not have the slightest rumors, so the selection of candidates needs to be extremely strict.

There are indeed other top martial arts masters, but whether those top martial arts masters are willing to serve the imperial court is another matter, and their temperament is also a huge problem.

For people like Qiu Qianren and the owner of the Unfeeling Valley, even if they voluntarily seek refuge, Tang Xuanming needs to think about it.

The sound of the long horn is invigorating, and the black army can't be seen at a glance. People who have never experienced such a huge war, under such a scene, are likely to pee their pants.

The banner of the Mongolian army is flying, and the commander-in-chief is facing Guo Jing at the head of Xiangyang City. The Mongol Emperor Meng Ge personally marches, and he brings the bravest man on the grassland to eat up the most fertile land in the Song Dynasty. .

Yang Guo was extremely shocked, he had seen the heroics in the martial arts world, and thought it was a great world.

It wasn't until he stood at the head of Xiangyang City and looked at the dense and endless army outside the city that he realized how small and humble the Jianghu was compared to such an army.

Tang Xuanming was not much moved, but was slightly surprised.

He once hit the frame of Qin Shihuang Yingzheng head-on, and took Yingzheng's life amidst thousands of troops. Compared with this, the current scene is equally magnificent, but it is hard to shock him.

Wearing a black armor, he looked at Huang Yaoshi, the old naughty boy, Yang Guo, and Xiao Longnv, who were also dressed in the same clothes, and said with a smile: "Do you dare to come with me to get Meng Ge's head? His head is only drunk with alcohol." satisfy."

"Why don't you dare!"

Yang Guo was full of blood, thinking of the shock just now, his face turned slightly red, and he responded directly.

Xiao Longnv just looked at him obsessively, and didn't say much, wherever Yang Guo went, no matter how dangerous it was, she would accompany him.

As for Huang Yaoshi and the old naughty boy, they were all people who had seen the power of a cavalry charge, and they all knew how terrifying that power was.

Huang Yaoshi squinted his eyes and looked at Meng Ge's banner, which was far away from here. At this distance, looking at people was like looking at ants, and he couldn't see the appearance of the Mongolian emperor at all.

You can only see the big flag fluttering in the wind and fluttering in the wind.

(End of this chapter)

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