Fortune fortune

Chapter 393

Chapter 393
"Are you far from Jinshui'an?" Xu Fang asked.

"It's okay, I'll be there in 10 minutes." Cheng Chenchen replied.

"I'll be there in half an hour, let's gather at the gate of Jinshui'an." Xu Fang fixed the location.

"No problem, I'll wait for you!" Cheng Chenchen agreed.

Half an hour later, Xu Fang came to the Jinshui'an villa area.Because it is a high-end area, there are relatively few pedestrians, and the surrounding greenery is very good.

A woman in business attire was standing at the door looking around.Xu Fang parked the car next to her, rolled down the window and asked, "Is that Miss Cheng?"

When seeing the young and handsome Xu Fang, Cheng Chenchen's eyes lit up, and his smiling eyes bent into two crescents: "It's me, Mr. Xu!"

"Hi, let's go in and have a look, can the car drive in?" Xu Fang asked.

"Okay, I'll say hello to the guard." Cheng Chenchen ran to the guard and said a few words to the security guard, who then opened the door.

Xu Fang took Cheng Chenchen and drove into the villa area, and asked, "Where is it?"

"Do you want to see the renovated one or the undecorated one?" Cheng Chenchen asked.


"Then go to the west, there are a few units here that are particularly good. Especially the westernmost row, you can see Xijin Lake from the second floor, and the view from the third floor is even better. In the evening, the setting sun is reflected on the lake, and the picture is so beautiful , I want to buy a house here even in my dreams." Cheng Chenchen's yearning expression can inadvertently infect other people's emotions, making people feel that the house in that row is the best.

"If there is a suitable one, I have to buy one first." Xu Fang laughed.

"Well, Mr. Xu is going to want large square meters or small square meters? The housing area of ​​large square meters is about 300 square meters per floor, and each floor of small square meters is about 200 square meters. Of course, there are both larger and smaller ones." Cheng Chenchen and Xu Fang introduced.

"Large square meters, it can be a little bigger." Xu Fang replied without hesitation.

"Then let's go to the building inside." Cheng Chenchen said.

When they came to the gate of a villa area, Cheng Chenchen took out the key and opened the door, leading Xu Fang inside.

There is a yard in the villa, through the yard to the room, the first floor is the living room for guests.

"The first floor has a living room, kitchen, dining room, bathroom, two bedrooms, and a living room. Generally, the nanny lives on the first floor. The second floor has a living room, study, bathroom, and five bedrooms. The third floor has a living room, study, and four bedrooms. The bedroom and a movie hall are reserved for watching movies. On the top of the third floor is a roof with a glass canopy, which transmits light and prevents rain.

All furniture is a complete set of custom-made by big brands, the quality is guaranteed, and the decoration is also made of high-grade materials, non-toxic and zero formaldehyde. "Cheng Chenchen and Xu Fang introduced.

Xu Fang looked at all three floors and was very satisfied with this villa, so he decided on it directly: "That's right, how much is this suite?"

"Mr. Xu, wait a moment, I'll ask." Cheng Chenchen said apologetically, "Our boss said that you are a valued customer and there will be an internal price."

"How much do you usually list to the outside world?" Xu Fang asked.

"3600 million." Cheng Chenchen said truthfully.

Not long after, Cheng Chenchen received the news, with shock written all over his face, he shouted: "Mr. Xu, the boss gave you a very strong discount. If you want, this suite will give you 2600 million."

Xu Fang smiled wryly in his heart. Sure enough, as he expected, Zhao Sen would sell it to him for money.

After thinking about it, Xu Fang found Zhao Sen's number and dialed it.

The phone was connected quickly, and Zhao Sen's hearty laughter came: "Brother Xu, are you optimistic about the house?"

"Boss Zhao, our relationship is indeed worth a friendship price, but if you don't have enough capital, it's a price that hurts feelings. I won't argue with you. I will give you 3200 million to take advantage of you. It's okay, right? " Xu Fang asked gently.

"Hey, brother, what are you doing, the price I'm giving you is the cost price." Zhao Sen was very anxious.

"Okay, just follow my instructions. I'll go through the formalities directly with this young lady."

Zhao Sen knew that Xu Fang was a principled person, so he couldn't persuade him at all, so he said helplessly, "Then I'll have the cheek to take the money!"

"There is no way to do business without charging money. You should be busy first. I will go through the formalities now."

After hanging up the phone, Xu Fang responded, "Girl, let's sign the contract. The price is set at 3200 million."

Cheng Chenchen was a little stunned. She has been selling houses for many years, and the customers have always been constantly bargaining down the price. Have you ever seen someone who took the initiative to increase the price?

At the same time, she could also see that Xu Fang had a very close relationship with the big boss. If she could establish a relationship with Xu Fang, she would definitely be taken care of in the company in the future.

Although he is only a salesman and cannot use money to make friends with Xu Fang, Cheng Chenchen knows his capital.

This kind of capital, she believes that as long as he is a man, he will not refuse.If I'm lucky enough to be selected by Xu Fang, I'm afraid she will be the hostess of this house in the future.

After making up his mind, Cheng Chenchen hugged Xu Fang's arm, rubbed against Xu Fang intentionally or unintentionally, and said in a surprised tone. "Mr. Xu, you are so generous, thank you for helping me bill!"

"You're welcome, I also want to buy a house to live in." Xu Fang shook his head.

"How about we go to the bedroom to rest before leaving?" Cheng Chenchen asked in a soft voice.

Xu Fang has heard for a long time that some female salesmen of luxury cars and real estate can sacrifice a lot of things in order to get customers to sign the bill.There are even many beautiful salesmen who have successfully promoted to wealthy wives after getting rich.

Sure enough, it is not necessarily without reason.

How could he not see the provocation in Cheng Chenchen's eyes?It's just that he is really not interested in this kind of woman.

Waving his hands, Xu Fang's tone could not be ignored: "I'm very busy, sign the contract quickly, or delay the business."

This is a distinguished guest of the big boss, Cheng Chenchen didn't dare to force it, and hurriedly said: "Then let's go back to the company to sign the contract."

After signing the contract and taking the keys, Xu Fang left the real estate company feeling very excited.

Now that there is a big house, the next step is to realize the ambition of everyone living in it together.

However, Xu Fang didn't intend to rush forward in this kind of matter, he still acted steadily, and raised it when he found the right opportunity.Let's just call Qiao Yu over today, and talk about the pain of lovesickness!


The Wu family, which used to be all-powerful, now looks very withered.When the tree falls, the monkeys scatter, and when the wall falls, everyone pushes away.With the sharp decline in the strength of the Wu family, the resources of the Wu family's connections were rapidly lost, and their former allies left one after another.And other construction companies took advantage of the situation and directly divided up the Wu family's property.

The Wu family is basically expelled from the Yanjing family.

As for Gu Nian'an, although he has been expelled from the family by the Gu family, he is the blood of the Gu family after all.The Gu family knew that he had been brutally beaten and even imprisoned by the Wu family. Gu Yuyu personally came forward to rescue Gu Nian'an.

Without the protection of the Wu family, and being separated from the Gu family, everyone looked down on Gu Nian'an even more. All kinds of ridicule and gossip followed one after another, and even many indecent videos and photos about Wu Miaoyi were passed on to Gu Nian'an. superior.

Career, reputation, and love were hit by all kinds of blows. Gu Nian'an was desperate. After breaking off the engagement with Wu Miaoyi, she hid in a house in the suburbs and got drunk every day.

That night, Gu Nian'an came out of a nearby small bar and walked towards home drunk.

Drop drop-

Seeing the gate of the community, Gu Nian'an was about to go to the side door to enter, when suddenly a car came behind him and honked his horn frantically, signaling him to get out of the way.

In the past month, Gu Nian'an has lived a very depressed life, and his heart has long been simmering with fire.

A normal person would feel uncomfortable being urged by a car honking like this, let alone Gu Nian'an.

Turning around abruptly, Gu Nian'an kicked the front of the car and yelled, "Ciaoni, chatter, what are you pressing, you'll die later!"

Because the headlights were rather dazzling, and Gu Nian'an had been drinking again, he didn't notice that the car was a Ferrari at all.

How can a person who can drive this kind of car have an ordinary status?
(End of this chapter)

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