His little girl is wild again

Chapter 138 Taking Advantage of Jiang Desire

Chapter 138 Taking Advantage of Jiang Desire
As the New Year approached, Jiang Yu was at home alone, so naturally he was too lazy to celebrate the New Year.

He didn't even bother to tidy up those things at home.

Luyou wanted to clean up her house, so she threw the milkshake next door and asked Jiang Yu to take care of it.

Jiang Yu was originally reluctant, but—for Luyou's sake, he agreed.

The little dog was restless.

Like a naughty kid who hasn't grown up, he can only make trouble everywhere.

Jiang Yu couldn't bear it anymore, he gritted his teeth and locked up the little dirt dog in a dog cage.

It was sent by Xu Liang.

Milkshake was dissatisfied with being locked up, and yelled at Jiang Yu.

Jiang Yu was even more vicious than it. He brought a long fruit knife from nowhere and stuck it outside the dog's cage.

"Little dog, why don't you try calling me twice, it's very arrogant, you?"

Milkshake seemed to have sensed the danger, so she hurriedly hid away, even covered her eyes with her little paws, and lay down in the cage.

Jiang Yu was amused by its stupidity, parted his thin lips lightly, and said, "Silly dog."

Jiang Yu stood up, put the fruit knife on the coffee table, and lay down on the sofa.

The small sofa can't accommodate him, and the long legs can only be hung outside.

About two hours later, Luyou came to ask for a dog.

At this time, Jiang Yu was already fast asleep on the sofa because he was sleepy.

When Luyou knocked on the door, no one responded, so he could only enter the password to open the door.

Last time I came here, Jiang Yu told her the password, so she still remembers what the password is.

After entering, Luyou called tentatively: "Jiang Yu? Are you there?"

Still no response.

When Luyou got closer, she saw the boy sleeping soundly on the sofa.

Jiang Yu rested one hand close to the lower abdomen, one hand was slightly hanging down, and both long legs were hanging outside.

Luyou moved closer to him, bent slightly, and carefully looked at his sleeping face.

The fine long hair hangs in front of the forehead, and the curled eyelashes like crow feathers are neat and distinct, casting a small shadow on the eyelids.

I don't know if it's the shadow cast by the light or the dark circles under the peach blossom eyes, it looks very heavy.

Going down the bridge of the tall nose, there is that amazingly handsome face with thin lips slightly pursed.

Luyou was a little fascinated for a moment, and couldn't help but want to touch his face.

But as soon as the hand was lifted into the air, it stopped abruptly.

She was afraid of waking Jiang Yu up.

However, taking advantage of this opportunity to secretly take advantage of Jiang Yu seems quite exciting.

Luyou couldn't help being moved, and kept telling herself in her heart, just touch it, just touch it.

So, Luyou boldly touched Jiang Yu's cheek while secretly watching him.

Seeing that he didn't wake up, Luyou became even more daring.

She also wanted to pull one of Jiang Yu's eyelashes.

I want to see how long his eyelashes are and why they look so curled...

However, the next second.

The sleeping boy suddenly opened his beautiful peach blossom eyes, and looked at her abruptly.

"What are you doing?" The low voice had a distinct hoarse quality.

Luyou withdrew her hand guiltily, "No, I didn't do anything, I just wanted to call you."

Looking at the dodging little eyes, he was lying.

Jiang Yu saw through her, but he didn't bother to expose it: "Hmm, what's the matter with me?"

Luyou was so frightened that she made up an excuse: "I, I came to ask you to eat, yes, eat."

Jiang Yu: "..."

Is it the word fool written on his face?
(End of this chapter)

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