Chapter 280 Dungeon?
Nangong Fei'er ate the breakfast brought by the servant.

Now she doesn't need to make arrangements.

The maid prepared it in advance, her favorite noodles.

After eating and drinking enough, I logged into the mailbox, thought for a while, and wrote in it: Brother, do you know where the master went?
I searched for so long and found nothing.

I just want to find the master as soon as possible.

For other things, I don't want to think about it!

With one click of the mouse, the email is sent in no time.

I don't know what time it is in the US now.

Brother, how long will it take to reply?

There was a sudden ding dong, it was the sound of an email being sent.

Open it and take a look: I recently found out, Master, it may have gone to the dungeon.

That place is not something you can go to alone.

I'm arranging staff to prepare for a trip, just wait for my message.

Mayfair, can you tell me where you are now?
I really miss you very much, and I am also very worried about you.

Dungeon, Nangong Fei'er was stunned when she saw these words, the master actually went there.

That place can be said to be the most chaotic place in the legend.

It is said to be an underground city, but it is actually a place in the whole world, where workers in all countries don't care.

Those who entered the dungeon were all vicious people.

In the dungeon, there is a legend that you can only go in and not out, and once you go in, you don't want to come out again.

What came out was just dead bodies, and these were all rumors on the road.

How could the master go to such a place.

There is another reason why the dungeon is left unattended. It is because of its geographical location. It is said that few people can be found.

Is the master still alive?
Although the master has always given her a feeling of omnipotence.

However, human beings have weaknesses. Otherwise, the master has already gone and hasn't come back for so long?
In the dungeon, not much is known about her.

What should I do now, should I contact my brother to go together?
Nangong Fei'er fell into a deep entanglement.

If I leave now, I really don't know when I can come back.

Nangong Chenmo, what should I do with him?

What's more, for the senior brother, I can't go to him now, because now she has changed.

I don't know if my brother will believe it.

Even if he believed it, would he agree to do the next thing by himself?
I have been hiding it from myself before, the news about the dungeon is absolutely not, I found it in the past two days.

There's a good chance he's started investigating before.

The senior brother is from the Shadow Empire, and even he has been checking the dungeon for so long.

That's conceivable, but how secretive and terrifying the dungeon is.

In a flash of inspiration, there is a place in the United States.

It's a bar, and it's rumored that you can pick up missions there.

They can help answer a message as long as they follow up on their task and successfully complete it.

No matter what kind of news?
As long as they can complete the task, they will accurately say the answer to the message.

This rumor has been circulating for three years.

No one knows who is behind that bar.

But many people have inquired about the news they want from him.

This was the first time she heard someone say it by accident, so she remembered the name of the bar "First World" by heart!
Maybe I can go there to inquire. As for their mission, if they fail to complete the rumors, the punishment seems to be quite serious.

But now I can't control so much, for the sake of the master, I must go to the first world to check as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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