Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 356 Heading to Myriad Realms

Chapter 356 Heading to Myriad Realms

"By the way, you really don't believe me, do you?" Lin Xuan looked at Qi Ran and said.

He and Qi Ran really get along very well. They have known each other for so long, they have never even quarreled, and their relationship has always been very good.In his opinion, as long as he explained the situation clearly, Qi Ran should believe him, after all, he was really not his son.However, Qi Ran didn't listen to him at all, as if he had made up his mind, he was very angry when he appeared.

But now, although she couldn't see any joy or anger, it was obvious that she was holding back even greater anger.

In fact, Lin Xuan was wrong about one thing.

Under normal circumstances, when he is rational, even if he says Qi Yuhuang is a fake, Qi Ran will believe it, and then try to find a way to expose it with him—this is a kind of unconditional trust that ordinary couples do not have, only if they are husband and wife, Only two people who are confidantes can be so close.

However, just because they got along well and had a good relationship, Qi Ran lost his mind when today's incident happened.

She is a woman after all, and it is impossible for her to calm down when her husband has a "son" inexplicably.

"Of course I believe you, but you have to give me a reason to believe you, right?" Qi Ran said calmly, "Even if you really made a mistake, I can forgive you, but I really don't want you to lie to me." , I am not the kind of person who knows that I have been cheated, but still pretends not to know, I firmly believe that the most important thing for people to get along with is honesty."

Lin Xuan heard that his old face was as dark as it could be.

Come on, even the philosophy has been pulled out. If you don't explain this matter clearly today, you don't know how serious the consequences will be.

"Listen clearly, you boy!" Lin Xuan tugged at the young man's ear and said, "The me in front of you is the master of the city of ten thousand realms and the supreme god king in charge of the heaven of ten thousand realms. The creator of the Tao, named himself "Wanfa Zhizun", named Lin Xuan. I don't know who your "Daddy Lin Xuan" is, but I can be sure that you are definitely not my son, and you have nothing to do with Wanjie City. Anything!"

Immediately, the young man became angry, and glared: "You're so stupid, you're pretending to be my father to take advantage of me? Oops, it hurts..."

Lin Xuan tightened his ear twisting hands, and said, "Tell me clearly about your background!"

"My name is Lin Tian, ​​and my dad is really Lin Xuan, and he is really the Lord of the City of Ten Thousand Realms." The young man said with a twitching face, "Although I haven't seen him, I have his blood flowing through my body. It is a bloodline that is many times stronger than the bloodline of the god king. I can beat the god king after only ten years of cultivation. If I practice for 800 years more, there will be no one in the heavens and myriad worlds. So, you'd better let me go, or you will be more attractive in the future!"

Lin Xuan frowned when he heard this.

"Then who is your mother?" Qi Ran asked.

"Ignorant woman, don't use your narrow thinking to think about the great existence of my father. He is a supreme god who transcends rules and principles. There is no need for a wife to have a child, so I have no mother!" The young man said: " Maybe there will be in the future, but that's my father's business, anyway, I wasn't born by a mother!"

Qi Ran: "..."

For a moment, she wanted to strangle this "son of Lin Xuan" to death.

That logic is totally wrong.

"Let's go, I'm fine now anyway, come with me, let's go to Wanjietian to find out!" Lin Xuan took Qi Ran with one hand and Lin Tian with the other, and went to Wanjietian.

On the spot, Qi Yuhuang suddenly burst out laughing.

"What's wrong with you?" Suzaku said.

"That kid named Lin Tian is not human at all. He can't be Lin Xuan's son, at least not his own son." Qi Yuhuang said.


On the other side, at the eighth son-in-law's mansion, the eighth princess Qi Xian wanted to get up and make a follow-up plan, but Shang Qixiu held her down.

"You have to be multi-colored, and you have to talk about things in bed?" Qi Xian said dissatisfied.

"What we have been planning must be absolutely secret!" Shang Qixiu said solemnly: "Qi Yuhuang's eyes and ears cover the entire mythical world, and he will only block perception when his daughter is making out with his son-in-law, so we There's no second place to talk."

Qi Xian was speechless.

"Lin Xuan and Qi Ran won't be back in a short time, so we have enough time to plan our affairs." Shang Qixiu said: "I told you the identity of 'him' before, find a way to lure him In the past, only a fully recovered him could severely injure Qi Yuhuang and give us a chance to kill them and replace them!"

Then, Shang Qixiu talked about other deployments, taking almost everything into account.

No, it is no longer a simple calculation, but a prediction of the future!

"Why do you know so much?" Qi Xian said with emotion.

Shang Qixiu didn't answer, but said in his heart: "Because I read a book called "The Supreme Master of Ten Thousand Laws"!"

Yes, a book, a book that writes the story of "Lin Xuan"!
Because he knew everything, that's why he dared to plan to kill Qi Yuhuang with such a big gap in cultivation!
However, just because he knew it, only he could understand that some things were doomed from the very beginning—even if he could succeed this time, he would face an invincible person later on.

It is thousands of times more terrifying than Qi Yuhuang!
That is truly invincible. In the original world, a group of people have been discussing for countless years, but they have not been able to find a way to defeat the supreme being.Even if you travel back in time and space, facing the ubiquitous avatar, there is no hope of victory.He, Shang Qixiu, is just an ordinary person. Even if he has a foresight and knows the trajectory of history, what can he change if he doesn't have enough power?

Moreover, after he really traveled to this world, he discovered that the Jade Emperor became Qi Yuhuang for some reason, and there was an extra nine princesses who did not exist before.

"Who knows that the giant beast that devours the sky is just an episode, and the existence of Lin Xuan is the real catastrophe?" Shang Qixiu sighed in his heart: "Enjoy the last time, and forcibly merge with the world in the 'Wanfa Supreme'." Before Wan Dao, let’s be crazy about love once! Anyway, there is not much time left for me.”

If Lin Xuan knew the "history" in his heart, he would definitely find out that it was talking about the first generation host of the system a long time ago.


On the other side, while walking, Lin Tian suddenly said: "Wait a minute, there is an old man ahead."

This is a first-order mortal world. In a swamp, the old man struggled and couldn't get out, but the swamp couldn't swallow him.The scene of struggling was very conspicuous to Lin Xuan and the others.It's not that this scene is so miraculous, in fact, there are many miraculous things in the heavens and myriad worlds.

The reason why it is conspicuous is because that old man is the God King of Dao Fruit Realm!

The kind that can be called supreme!
(End of this chapter)

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