Chapter 481

According to her mother-in-law's buttoning strength, she must be reluctant to cook something delicious, but her husband feels sorry for herself. Because of the good clothes, Linlang made some friends and asked someone to help buy some meat, and then went to buy two catties of Fuqiang pink.

"Oh, some people's life is good, like a young lady, buying this and that all day long..." The aunt looked at the brand-new cotton-padded jacket, and saw that it was meat on straw ropes, and the white padded jacket Flour, the jealousy in the eyes is about to come out.

Lin Lang let out a cold snort, and said, "If you speak in a cunning way, then blame me for not being polite. Also, if you dislike me for being extravagant, then don't eat what I bought!"

"You..." Looking at the meat and the white flour, the sister-in-law shrank her head into a ball, she was too scared to speak, and at the same time couldn't help swallowing, this is both flour and meat, could it be Want to make dumplings?Thinking of this, a trace of longing appeared in his eyes. He remembered that the last time he ate dumplings, it must have been during the Chinese New Year.

"Old man, why are you buying such good things? You don't know how to save money... Also, you are still young, and you will inevitably spend money lavishly. Otherwise, you can leave the money to me for safekeeping, and I will take care of it for you when the time comes." Save it, and take it out when you need it..." The mother-in-law came out and said, licking her face.

"Mother-in-law is so funny, if I hand over the money to you, half of it would be nice!" Lin Lang mocked, and walked straight to the kitchen regardless of her mother-in-law's ugly face.

"Mother-in-law, have you seen it? It's a brand new padded jacket... You said... Our father hasn't added a new dress in these years. As a daughter-in-law, isn't she going to show it... ...This is too unfilial..." The sister-in-law couldn't deal with Lin Lang, but she could deal with this mother-in-law, so she added fuel and made more remarks.

"The house here is not soundproof, but I heard what you said!" Linlang poked her head out of the kitchen, stared at them coldly, and the two said, "Who says I'm not filial to my father-in-law? Haven't you seen the white rice, white noodles and bacon?

Don't even think about that dress. I made it for my husband. When I went to the countryside, I didn't bring a thick dress. Now that I'm back, the weather is so cold. You, a sister-in-law and a mother, don't even show it. , I have to worry about it as a daughter-in-law, and now I want that dress shamelessly, how can I be so thick-skinned..."

When the neighbors heard these words, they poked their heads out one after another. The mother-in-law's face turned red, she gritted her teeth, and explained: "Don't think too much, you sister-in-law doesn't keep her mouth shut, that's why she said these words ..."

Lin Lang didn't want to argue too much with them, so she snorted coldly and continued making stuffing and noodles to make dumplings.

"Mom, it smells so good..." The little girl smelled the fragrance, ran over, and took a deep breath.

Lin Lang tapped the little girl's forehead, knowing that she had a hard time these days, so she handed the fried minced meat into the little girl's mouth, seeing her happy, Lin Lang also felt very happy.

Dinner was dumplings stuffed with meat, eggs and radish, but there were only two catties of noodles. In order to make more dumplings, Lin Lang added some black flour and cornmeal, but thinking of her husband who was in school, all she made for him were white flour dumplings.

The mother-in-law naturally saw it, but she was embarrassed to say anything. When Zhanyan came back, she didn't know why, and always felt that the atmosphere in the house was weird.

When he saw the dumplings on the table, he realized that he was going to eat dumplings, so the atmosphere was so strange, so he said with a smile, "It's not for Chinese New Year, why did you suddenly make dumplings?"

"It's not because of you!" Lin Lang walked out and handed over a bowl of dumplings with a smile, "I thought you worked hard in school, so I asked someone to buy some white flour and meat, and make dumplings for you to nourish your body!"

"Ah, what a hard work wife!" Zhan Yan was about to eat when he found that his dumpling was made of white flour while the others were made of black flour, so he asked, "This dumpling..."

"Oh, white flour is only a few catties, I can't always make white flour dumplings, so I added some black bread!

As for the ones at home, I understand your hard work in school, so I serve you white flour dumplings, don’t you think so, sister-in-law? "

Seeing Lin Lang's eyes, the sister-in-law lowered her head and nodded in shame, because she really didn't dare to resist.

"So that's how it is!" Zhan Yan scratched his head, he was very simple and honest, he didn't think too much about it, and started to eat grumblingly.

The father-in-law and mother-in-law still wanted to say something, but seeing Lin Lang's unkind eyes, they closed their mouths obediently, and could only eat the dumplings in suspense. I have to say that the dumplings were quite tasty, fragrant and delicious.

After eating, Zhan Yan scalded his foot with boiling water, lay down on the bed, and sighed comfortably.

Lin Lang walked over, unfolded the padded jacket I made today, and said to him, "Get up quickly, and try to see if the new padded jacket I made for you fits well!"

"Huh?" Zhan Yan stood up, wandered around wearing the padded jacket, and found that the padded jacket was not only light and thin, but also fit very well, and was very warm.

"It's going to be summer soon, it's a bit wasteful to make a padded jacket..." Zhan Yan touched the padded jacket and couldn't put it down.

"But the weather is still cold now, especially if you have to go to study at night, what if it's freezing?
Besides, this padded jacket didn't cost anything, after all, I work in a sewing factory! "

"Thank you, wife, but... I want to ask what happened at home recently? Because I always feel that the atmosphere at home is weird..." When Zhanyan came back, he thought it was because of the dumplings and finished the meal, but I found the atmosphere in the house to be weird.

Lin Lang sighed softly, and said, "You're not mistaken, something happened at home. When you first went to school, your mother asked our daughter to do the laundry. It's a cold day. I don’t even boil hot water, and our daughter is only five years old... I was so angry at the time, I started arguing with her... Later she didn’t say anything, and didn’t let our child do the laundry... As for You think the atmosphere is weird, the main thing is this dress, they want it... But how can I give them this kind of thing? After all, I made this with my own hands, and it contains my deep love for you..."

Hearing the deep love, Zhan Yan's face flushed with shame, and he stammered, "Honey, actually, this dress is for someone else..."

"What? You asked me to give away the clothes I worked so hard to make for you. What do you think of me? Someone who sews clothes for free?
Husband, this dress contains my deep love for you, do you really want to give it to someone else?Do you want me to love someone else?If this is really the case, let's divorce, anyway, you don't love me anymore! "

(End of this chapter)

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