Daughter of a High Sect: Abandoned Concubine Reborn

Chapter 329 Misunderstandings Continue

Chapter 329 Misunderstandings Continue
When she came to the imperial garden and looked at the wreckage all over the ground, Ouyang Feixue's mood was naturally affected, as her bright eyes that suddenly dimmed could explain it.

Remnant flowers and willows, everything looks dilapidated, no matter how clear it is after the rain, the traces of being trampled by wind and rain may be forgotten by others, but I still remember it fresh.

"Princess??????" Seeing Ouyang Feixue's pale face suddenly, Yueya was startled, thinking that she was ill after being exposed to the rain.

"Let's go back." The color of her eyes was dim, no matter how she concealed it, it was useless.

Following Ouyang Feixue step by step, Yueya seemed to be able to understand something when looking at the broken petals all over the ground, it was her princess who was too sentimental.

The bright sunshine completely dispelled the haze, but it couldn't drive away the darkness in Ouyang Feixue's heart. She had struggled helplessly in such darkness for countless nights. In the end, was she alone when she woke up from the nightmare? ?????
She is afraid of being alone, but she has to be alone. She doesn't want to drag others down, and she is also cautious, not giving anyone with other plans a chance to get close.

Looking at the setting sun, the precarious sunset doesn't belong to her anymore, she is an avenger in another world, and she can't expect a little warmth here.

After a simple dinner, Ouyang Feixue ate very little and had no appetite, Yueya looked worried, but she still felt that she had no position to comfort her.

It's just Ouyang Feixue's mind, how can she solve it.

After tidying up the dishes, she went out quietly, just like she came quietly, quietly waiting aside, she thought, maybe her princess needs to be alone for a while.

The stars all over the sky, forming a river of stars, finally added some brilliance to this lonely night.

Unable to sleep, Ouyang Feixue decided to go out for a walk. Today, she was too out of control, soaking in the rain and enjoying the flowers, when did she feel so sad.

Sighing secretly, Ouyang Feixue walked aimlessly under the darkness.

It wasn't very late, and there were busy figures of the palace people on the road. A few palace maids took advantage of their leisure time to take a nap in the gazebo beside them. They were talking and laughing, with relaxed expressions on their eyebrows and eyes. This might be the only moment after their busy work. clean.

Ouyang Feixue walked slowly, the evening breeze was blowing gently on the hem of her clothes.

"Do you think the fifth prince will really like that sick young man?" A court lady's voice of great regret drifted into Ouyang Feixue's ears, making her stop in her tracks.

"I don't know????? But isn't the fifth prince very close to the canonized Princess Qingxue?" Another court lady answered with a questioning tone.

"You are stupid, how could they be together, one is a princess and the other is a prince, even if they are not related by blood, it is impossible."

"I heard that a woman sneaked out of the fifth prince's womb that day, wearing the clothes of the fifth prince, maybe it's the sick child, maybe they have already ???????"

The last maid's unfinished words were very cryptic, and Ouyang Feixue's face turned pale.

She stared fixedly at the few maids over there, her eyes darkened like a turbulent vortex, an endless undercurrent that seemed to swallow everything up.

"Ahem—Princess Qingxue is here."

I don't know who wanted to see Ouyang Feixue, so they said something in a low voice, the discussion stopped abruptly, they buried their heads down, not daring to look at Ouyang Feixue, lest the discussion just now would lead to disaster.

You know, in the palace, talking about the master behind his back is a serious crime.

Among them, the backs of several court ladies were almost drenched with sweat.

Ouyang Feixue glanced at these people expressionlessly, and did not make things difficult for them.

In the silence, whoever said something, she left, and those maids who didn't dare to make a sound and stood there breathed a sigh of relief as if they were relieved.

"Let's break up." After saying that, they each headed towards their resting places, leaving only Canye to accompany Ouyang Feixue.

The flower shadow disappeared half of her body, she stood by the lake, her heart was sad for no reason, and what echoed in her ears were all the comments of those court ladies.

They were right, they had no chance.

Thinking that Xuanyuan Jingyi hadn't come to look for her for a few days, maybe he really met his beloved as the maids said.

That's good, she got rid of a trouble, Ouyang Feixue took a deep breath, but found that the air around her was inexplicably cool, and when she took a breath, it condensed in her throat, causing a burst of bitterness in her throat.

He never expressed his intentions, maybe he was thinking too much at the beginning, and his heart was sore, her plain hand was gently covering her chest, feeling that there was something empty for no reason.

Hu Bo gently swayed her somewhat unclear figure standing on the shore, a fallen leaf gently fell into the water, and the figure in the water was instantly fragmented.

"What are you thinking about?" Xuanyuan Jincheng had been paying attention to her not far away for a long time, and he also heard the comments of those court ladies.

Turning around in astonishment, it was indeed Xuanyuan Jincheng, Ouyang Feixue said in surprise, "Aren't you??????"

Xuanyuan Jincheng chuckled, "Thanks to you and Fifth Brother." He ignored Ouyang Feixue, and looked at the endless darkness with distant eyes.

Ouyang Feixue nodded thoughtfully, knowing what was going on in her heart.

"Has the truth of that matter been found out?" Ouyang Feixue asked lightly, with a somewhat absent-minded tone.

"The truth, that day in the hall is the truth." Xuanyuan Jincheng's tone was a bit self-deprecating, this was the first time that Ouyang Feixue seemed to accept her fate, and it was not like his style at all.

"Since the emperor let you out, he must know the truth of the matter, otherwise you would not be able to walk out of the clan mansion unscathed." Ouyang Feixue smiled, and turned her eyes to look into the distance.

She didn't question Xuanyuan Qiche's wisdom, maybe he saw Xuanyuanjue's ambition at the beginning, but he just kept his face.

In the stillness of the night, the two stood side by side. The appearance of a talented man and a woman in the eyes of outsiders is undoubtedly a landscape.

If it was a normal day, Ouyang Feixue might have some concerns, fearing that people would criticize her and cause unnecessary trouble, but didn't those people also say that there is no possibility of the prince and princess being together.

The sudden thought surprised Ouyang Feixue, she didn't know when she cared so much about other people's discussion and speculation about her relationship with Xuanyuan Jingyi.

The self-mockery on his lips was exactly the same as Xuanyuan Jincheng's just now, this time it was Xuanyuan Jincheng who made fun of her.

"Look, time has changed not only me, but also you." Ouyang Feixue was stunned, pursed her lips, and did not speak, she knew the meaning of Xuanyuan Jincheng's words.

Yes, it's not just them who have changed with time, and they can't surprise the frost of the years.

Two people who are so proud can only sigh and laugh at themselves for the helpless things.

The next day, the weather was exceptionally bright, but the bright sunlight did not shine into Ouyang Feixue's heart, and her heart was shady, and she had the illusion for a moment that summer was over.

Without the place to go to the Compassionate Ning Palace, Ouyang Feixue was a little bored at leisure, and she started to read medical books again after having nothing to do all day.

In the book, she saw a plant called poppy, with lavender flowers, which can be used as medicine, and if eaten too much, it can be addictive.

"Poppy—" Ouyang Feixue chewed repeatedly, always feeling that she had heard this name somewhere before, looking through her past memories, but she couldn't figure it out.

With a splitting headache, she simply didn't want to think about it.

The whole morning was spent in boredom, and after lunch, Ouyang Feixue began to take a nap in the afternoon.

Sitting on the swing, swaying the rope gently, her body swayed, she closed her eyes peacefully, looking very leisurely, Xuanyuan Jingyi passed by, lingered at the door for a while, remembered Xuanyuan Qiche's words, but did not go in after all.

A few leisurely white clouds at the end of the sky move leisurely with the wind, they sometimes close together and sometimes separate.

However, this sweltering summer really does not allow people to sleep leisurely in the afternoon. The endless cicadas are disturbing, and the cuckoos are endlessly singing, which seems to be very happy for this summer.

(End of this chapter)

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