Chapter 29
"That's all right, that's the only way to go."

After thinking about it, Chu Hua took Qian Renxue up to the second floor.

"A good cabbage has been arched, such a superb goddess, such a superb leg, I can play with it for the rest of my life."

"Don't talk about it, I asked my pen pal to watch the fireworks tonight, and I thought he was a big beauty from the handwriting, but it turned out that he was really big, I could call him auntie."

"Ham! I'm not miserable. Others accompany the goddess at night, but I can only cry on the bed."

"The proprietress doesn't take pity on her, I remember when the two of them first came, they obviously still had a room, but they opened their eyes and talked nonsense."

Watching the backs of the two going upstairs, a group of men in the hall showed envious and jealous eyes.

Chu Hua didn't know the dirty thoughts of those men, he and Qian Renxue were in the same room, it was just that he didn't have other rooms, so he chose this way.

After entering the room, Chu Hua threw a lot of things on the table.

"I'm exhausted, I can't do it, I'm going to sleep."

Chu Hua yawned, he was not a night owl, if Qian Renxue hadn't insisted on watching the fireworks, he would have fallen asleep by now.

"You sleep on the bed, I sleep on the sofa."

Chu Hua picked up a blanket from the bed, then lay down on the sofa, and soon fell asleep soundly.

Seeing that Chu Hua fell asleep so quickly, Qian Renxue shook her head, and sighed that Chu Hua had already entered old age before reaching middle age.

But she didn't know that, strictly speaking, Chu Hua had entered the old age of human beings, but the years had not left traces on him.

After all, she was a girl, so Qian Renxue was not casual, she took a set of lace pajamas and entered the bathroom.

Raising her plain hand, the golden dress fell on the hanger, revealing a flawless white body.

Just like a peeled lychee, if you can eat it in your mouth, it must be smooth and sweet.

Bathed in hot water, Qian Renxue's body gradually relaxed, and her thoughts also spread, recalling everything that happened today, as if she was dreaming.

Not only is Chihiro Ji not his own biological father, but he is also an apprentice who once wanted to beat Bibi Dong, and Chu Hua rescued Bibi Dong and gave birth to himself by accident.

The bloody plot that can only be found in this kind of novel did not expect to actually happen to her.

"I have to accept the new identity as soon as possible. I hope that in the next three months, there will be no more obstacles in our communication."

Feeling the warm water flow on her skin, Qian Renxue whispered to herself.

Although the relationship between her and Chu Hua has improved due to a few incidents at night, after all, they have been separated for so long, and it will take some time to fully accept it.

After rinsing again, Qian Renxue wiped her body dry, changed into her pajamas, then returned to the bed, and fell into a deep sleep.

The next day, with a cockcrow, the earth ushered in dawn again.

After Chu Hua woke up Qian Renxue, the two went to the hall to have breakfast early.

After dinner, Chu Hua asked Qian Renxue to meet Bibi Dong. They will leave for Suotuo City in the afternoon, and they don't know when they will meet again.

Qian Renxue was slightly surprised, she didn't expect this cheap father to be quite delicate.

"No need, she has too many things to deal with every day, and my visit is just an interruption, let's wait until the special training is over."

In the end, Qian Renxue rejected Chu Hua's offer.

"Okay, let's go now."

After thinking about it, Chu Hua seemed to be the same, instead of saying goodbye now, it would be better to announce the good news after growing up.

After packing up their luggage, Chu Hua and the two went outside the city.

After leaving the city gate, Chu Hua summoned the Frost Giant Dragon. The guards of the city gate were so frightened that their backs turned cold, thinking that a high-level spirit beast had attacked the city.

But when he saw Chu Hua pulling Qian Renxue up, he realized that this was not a soul beast attacking the city, it was obviously someone else's mount.

Taming a giant dragon as a mount, even the guards who have seen the world, have to feel that this is the winner in life, a dragon ride, and a beautiful woman.

Under the envious eyes of the guards, the Frost Dragon vibrated its huge wings, soared into the sky, and quickly disappeared into the clouds.

This flight took another few days, but this time with Qian Renxue's company, the flight journey was not boring at all.

A few days later, the Frost Dragon stopped outside Soto City.

After getting off the dragon's back, Qian Renxue was about to go straight into the city, but was stopped by Chu Hua.

"Shrek Academy is not in the city, but in the outskirts of the city."

Chu Hua pointed to a large piece of barren grass and explained with a smile.

"The college is outside the city? That's fine."

Qian Renxue was a little puzzled. Aren't soul master academies generally located in the city, so that students' food, clothing, housing, and transportation are very convenient, and it also saves face when the academies communicate with each other.

This Shrek academy does not do face-saving projects, it is really independent, maybe this is the aloofness of the academy.

Chu Hua smiled faintly, and then took Qian Renxue straight to a small village.

Looking at the buildings of different heights in front of her, Qian Renxue slightly opened her mouth. This is the Shrek Academy that Chu Hua highly respects?

The humble college environment seemed a little different from the magnificence she had imagined.

Even if it's a junior soul master academy, it won't look like this, right?
Qian Renxue suddenly felt that she had been deceived, and couldn't help asking: "Are you sure this is Shrek Academy? Didn't you say yesterday that the academy is in the style of a manor?"

"This is it. You see, there are forests and cultivated land everywhere, and there are many cats and dogs in the village. I dare say that no college can be so close to nature."

Chu Hua nodded, and said it quite naturally.

"But the Soul Master Academy Management Association, there is not a clause in the published terms, saying that the specifications of the Soul Master Academy must meet the local high standards, and then be verified by the association personnel before the academy can open enrollment."

"An environment like Shrek can pass the inspection?"

Qian Renxue stood at the gate of the academy, her mind was full of question marks, why did she feel that this academy was not so reliable.

Hearing this, Chu Hua smiled slightly, "Come here to review, so you have to be officially registered with the Soul Master Academy Management Association."

Immediately, Qian Renxue felt a chill go down her back, and said in shock, "Could it be that this academy has not been officially registered in this country?"

"Yes, after all, the college is poor, and now the dean is worried about the budget every day."

Chu Hua opened his mouth to explain.

In terms of cultivating students, Vlad still has a bit of backbone. In order to prevent capital from controlling the academy, he refused to allow any force to invest.

At the same time, this caused Shrek Academy to be poor, and even the site was selected in the remote suburbs with the cheapest land.

As for the registration, um, when people look at it, they don't agree at all.

"In other words, Shrek Academy is not a regular academy, but a pheasant academy?"

Qian Renxue grasped the point and asked straight to the point.

"This is the case, but you have to believe that the teachers in this academy are all excellent."

"The most important thing is that the college adopts the teaching mode of one more teacher, so that each student can have sufficient teacher resources."

Chu Hua coughed lightly, pointing out the advantages of Shrek Academy again.

(End of this chapter)

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