DNF's million counterattack

Chapter 474 The Mystery of the Casino

Chapter 474 The Mystery of the Casino

"Imitation... What's wrong with you? Why are you scolding me all of a sudden? Just now, I was just quick and accidentally exposed your identity in the group. This is really my fault." The emperor immediately replied.

"cnm, it's not this! Are you fucking pretending?" Brother De patted the keyboard and typed.

"What am I pretending to be?" The emperor frowned, puzzled.

"You kid was originally with the millionaire bank on the 12th line!"

"Imitate, are you stupid? How could I be with them?! We've been playing together for almost a year now? They've only lived in the fourth district of Zhejiang for three months, do you think it's possible?"

Hearing the explanation sent by the emperor, he imitated for a moment, then hesitated, "Could it be that I lost money by myself, was too anxious, and was easy to be manipulated by others? But... even if the emperor often comes to the 12th line to gamble, that's not enough." There's no need to protect this casino so much, right?"

"When I raised my doubts just now, why did you stand by the gambling house and tell me not to talk nonsense?" Imitation sent out his doubts.

"Please, we are now in other people's territory. They are very powerful. If there is a real quarrel, what good fruit can the two of us get? Besides, your current status is not a big businessman, and there will be no What offline to help you brush together."

"..." It made sense to imitate the explanation of seeing the emperor, and then opened the private chat window of the guy named "Laver" and asked, "You guy, are you sincerely trying to provoke me and my brother?"

"...I'm convinced, it's so obvious tonight, you didn't even notice it? And I don't know you, what are you doing to provoke you?"

"Yes, you don't know me, why do you remind me kindly?"

"Okay, then continue to gamble and see if you will lose again in the final result!"

"...I am happy to lose!" Brother De replied, smashing the keyboard.

The guy named "Laver" never talked to Brother De.

Because of the appearance of imitation, the group was lively for a while.

However, there are a few good men and women in the gambling group, most of them are guys of all levels of education who come to the gambling group to find excitement, and of course there are many liars, so one more is not too many, and it doesn't matter if one less is missing.In addition, the people in the gambling group came out to manage, and Brother De didn't make trouble anymore, so the topic just passed by.

Huangzhe and Dege continued to play in the group. Among them, Huangzhe once called out not to play, but Dege insisted to play for a while.

This is the heart of a gambler. If he wins money and feels lucky, he will stop after winning for a while; And bet again and again.

After midnight, Brother De took on the eighth character in his QQ. This character was originally intended to be "prohibited and imitated".

Fortunately, it was early in the morning, and there was no point in paying attention to banned players and imitating quietly registered players, so there were no loudspeakers yelling "The imitation liar has appeared!"

But the tragedy is that all the game coins on these eight characters were lost.

The emperor sent a few words of comfort like a sigh.

Brother De fell silent, thinking of the words called "Laver" again in his heart, his brows were tightened, and he muttered: "There must be something wrong with this gambling house... Although there are times when I win, but every time I bet a huge amount , I will lose. And the emperor came down all night, almost never lost or won, and then every time he lost, the bet was very small... It's as if he knew the result a long time ago!"

"But since he can guess the result, why didn't he bet on the winning side?" Thinking of this, Brother De finally doubted the emperor again.

The reason is simple, the emperor wins or loses, it should not be very important, as for why he has not lost or won, it is probably because he wants to accompany him by himself and exhaust all the assets on his account.

"Imitation, do you want to repay the bet?" The emperor bet another 2000 million at this time, just after taking a screenshot in the group, he typed and asked De Ge.

"I'm not playing anymore." Brother De didn't hesitate, and replied in three words.

"Don't play anymore? But I still have money here, why don't I lend you first." The emperor was a little unexpected, and responded on the spot.

"Emperor, you bastard, have you pretended enough? You still want to drag me into the pit again?!" Brother De's face changed, and he typed.

"Why did you suddenly say this again? What have I done?"

"What you did, you know in your heart!"

"I really don't know what you're talking about. We two brothers, if you have anything to say, just say it. If you suspect that I'm with this gambling house, show evidence." The emperor was also impatient.

Brother De has no real evidence in his hands, and everything is just based on his own analysis.

"Brother, can you confirm that the emperor is with them?"

Brother De really had no choice but to ask for help from the "Laver" who had contacted him before, clicked on the temporary window, and typed to ask.

But after a while, Laver replied: "It's just you who have lost so much money and haven't found out. Originally, I planned to make some money from it, but because of you, they made their openings erratic."

"What do you mean?"

"That webpage is controllable. It's the source code of the pc eggs bought by the people from the gambling house, and then someone else makes it. Afterwards, they are given a 'Thunderstorm System' to control the appearance of the numbers. They didn't show up and charged the players money. In the case of running away directly, this is still a good reputation, but how to make money? It depends on how much the total players bet. If the player bets a large amount, they can choose to bet a small amount. It can be a pass kill. Anyway, no matter what, it’s the casino’s money. In addition, the principle of guessing odd and even is the same, among them, straights, leopards, etc., they can also be controlled.” Laver explained in a long way.

"Fuck me!" Brother De replied to Laver with his eyes turning red.

"Ten bets and nine loses. This is not a game of luck. There are also guessing crystals, going to the QQ hall to fight landlords and so on. Most of them are colluded with each other, and there are ways to cheat. But smart people can also get some benefits from it." ,like me."

"Brother, thank you!"

"It's nothing, but what I didn't expect is that you are 'prohibited, imitated', are you really the deity?" Laver typed and asked.

"I'm not going to hide it from you, it's a fake one."

"Then Xie Junhao came from you, right?"

"How do you know Junhao?"

"Now I'm a 'colleague', but I've been robbed of my job, so I plan to leave here and find a new one. I appreciate your methods very much, and I've seen your strength and courage in the group just now. I sent you a message temporarily to show you my kindness."

"You mean you plan to follow me?!"

"If you want, I'll follow you. Anyway, Junhao can come from you to me, so we shouldn't live too far away."

"If you come, I definitely welcome you. I'm short of 'technical staff' here!"

"Very good, salary or something, add friends first, and discuss in detail."

"Cheng Chengcheng, but I will deal with the matter here first."

After Dege finished typing, he typed to the emperor again: "What a dam, what a pc ball machine, what a wind and thunder system!"

The emperor looked at the message sent by De Ge, and was startled. He also understood that De Ge really knew that he had been cheated at this moment, so the Emperor didn't say much, and directly blocked De Ge's QQ friends, and then played in the game. He blazed a horn and shouted: "Everyone, look quickly, the prohibition and imitation are on the list again!"

"..." Brother De closed his eyes, and only then did the real truth come to light. The emperor stopped calling himself, and he still appeared on the stage as a tall and stalwart anti-liar.

 One more complete -0-~
(End of this chapter)

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