DNF's million counterattack

Chapter 408 put a long line to catch big fish

Chapter 408 put a long line to catch big fish
"More than 126 stone statues of kings, how many characters will be needed if they are all taken out at once?" Tianyu looked at the number of stone statues in the four districts of Zhejiang that everyone had counted, and suddenly smiled and typed in the group. road.

"I have already calculated that the weight of each profession is different. The average weight of the full-level number is about 60kg. The weight of a fragment of the stone statue of the king is 0kg, so the total weight of all the fragments of the stone statue is about 001kg, calculated in this way, almost 1268 full-level characters with empty loads are needed. Of course, when we sell, we must sell them in batches." Er Xiu typed back.

Everyone was speechless.

"Based on preliminary statistics, there are 2 million game coins left in the four districts of Zhejiang. It took about 5 billion game coins to collect this amount of stone statues. When the goods were received in a low-key manner in the early stage, the price was 19. In the later period, when the speakers were collected, we called for the price of 1200, and then we stopped after the price soared. But I didn’t expect that after receiving it, almost no one sold the stone statues..." Tianyu typed.

Then everyone made statistics on the stone statue data from District [-] to District [-] in Zhejiang:
In the first district, the investment in game funds was 6 million, and the output of stone statues was very large, so until Yu Keliang and the others started to use the loudspeaker to call for collection, the price did not rise much.The average price of a stone statue is 3 gold coins.

In the second district, the game funds are the same as in the first district, but the number of stone statues obtained in the end is 38, and the average price of each stone statue is 1658 gold coins.

In the third district, 1 million was invested, and 28 stone statues were collected, with an average of 9 gold coins per stone statue.

In the fourth district, about 19 billion was invested, and 126 million stone statues were collected. The average price of each stone statue was 8 gold coins.

The fifth district invested 1 million yuan and received 2 stone statues, with an average of 8 gold coins per stone statue.

On the whole, the third and fifth districts of Zhejiang have the lowest unit prices, and they are also the areas where the game coins are used up first. Because of the small quantity, the goods have been received in the early stage, so the unit price should be low.

The second district is a friend who supports the bones. Judging from the unit price, those few people should be regarded as novices in receiving goods, or... they embezzled some game coins from it, but the amount must not be large, and there is no evidence, just guessing .In any case, Tianyu is still acceptable to the unit price of 1658.

Tianyu knows the details of the people in the first district of Zhejiang, and he is also a veteran, so Tianyu believes in the unit price of 1575.

The last is the four districts, the local region with the greatest strength and the longest time-consuming.With a unit price of 1498, more than 100 million pieces of stone statues were collected, which is not a brilliant achievement.

Although the ratio is different in each district, the prices of the stone statues are very similar, which is determined by the value of the stone statue of the king in the game.

A stone statue is now at least 5000 gold coins, and the price will remain unchanged for a long time. After all, the price of the gold pot is there.

The profit of each stone statue is at least 3500 gold coins, which is nearly double the ratio of principal to profit that Tianyu originally expected.

It's just that since he planned to persuade others at the beginning, he had to come up with enough temptations, otherwise, no one could say whether he could shake Qi Ye and Zhang Xin.

However, Qiye and Zhang Xin did not refute Tianyu's calculation at the time, because Tianyu gave the maximum profit ratio, and took the price of 1200 a stone statue, and the situation of selling 6000 gold coins was sufficient for the situation at the time.

As mentioned above, some people are indeed using 6000 gold coins to collect, but there are relatively few such people.

Knowing this, before the stone statue in Tianyu's hands is sold, they can conservatively estimate the profit this time.

Let's exchange the game currency into cash again.

The game currency market is currently in a downturn, and the ratio is almost 1:16. After all, the fourth district of Zhejiang has the largest amount of game currency.

The calculated result is 47133 yuan. After removing the handling fee, the minimum guarantee of 4 yuan is at least.

This also means that without cashing in the principal, Tianyu and the others made a full 4 yuan.

But it must be mentioned that this amount of money belongs to the team, not Tianyu himself.

For the three downlines in the fourth district of Zhejiang, Tianyu will share 5% of each of them, 30% of which Tianyu said can be given to the insider (although it is unnecessary, but it is temporarily saved), and the remaining 55% is divided among the four of them. .

Xiaoye offered not to share dividends, because he felt that he didn't help everyone much, but Tianyu decided to distribute 5% of it to Xiaoye, just as if he invited his classmates who contributed to dinner.

And the bones themselves invested 2000 yuan in it, so Tianyu must return the money to the bones first, and then start to calculate the dividends among the three people.

In the end, several people discussed it, and Tianyu accounted for 20%, Erxiu and Bones 15%, the reason is that the planner of this plan is Tianyu, and it is only natural that they account for the majority.Erxiu, like Tianyu, received stone statues from a large area by himself, with more workload than others, and he is also a core member of the team, and has deep qualifications (the advantage of deep qualifications). The stone statues received by friends in the second district contacted, and they also invested their own funds, so 15% is not too much.

Calculated in this way, 20% of Tianyu is about 8000 yuan.

And Dandan’s group of backbones went offline, 5% calculated, it’s only 2000 yuan, after working for almost three months, the average monthly cost is only 700 yuan, it’s better to go out to do odd jobs.


(Author, have you made a mistake? After working for so long, the protagonist only gets 8000 yuan...and Dandan and the others do it for 700 yuan a month. Are you stupid?)
Everyone is working hard, but there is so little money to share, will there be complaints?
Tianyu said before that he will try his best to maximize the profit of this business opportunity, so don't forget that there is also the income from the partner!

If the other party is honest, the profit will definitely be more than the profits of several districts in Zhejiang!
And Tianyu also promised everyone that there will be a second dividend. When Qi Ye and Zhang Xin share the money, Tianyu will settle everyone's dividend again.

So, here comes the question, Zhang Xin and Qi Ye should have collected a lot of money at this moment, so they must be calculating the theoretical profit value, once they find out that the profit is so large, will they use their brains to destroy the verbal agreement?

"Silly bear, how sure are you that they won't play tricks?" Er Xiu asked worriedly while typing in the discussion group.

"I've analyzed these two people for you before. Actually, I'm not very worried about Zhang Xin, but I think Qiye's city mansion is too deep... However, deep has deep benefits." Somewhat worried, but he trusted his own judgment.

Erxiu looked at Tianyu's last sentence, thought for a while, and replied, "Look at the big fish with a long line."

There are only five people in the discussion group all the year round, that is, five people who are acquainted with each other in real life. Although Jun Gu, Xiao Ye, and You Izumo have not met each other, Gu Gu has strong communication skills and is basically familiar with him.

"If it were me, I would also put a long line to catch big fish." Typed in the group of bones.

"I don't have any ideas..." Xiao Ye typed embarrassingly.

"Oh my god, in the early hours of the morning, you guys were discussing all kinds of hype. But it seems that it should be going well, and it has entered the final stage. Judging from what you discussed, in my opinion, the one called 'Seven Lords', even if If you want to put a long line to catch a big fish, you must be a little clever." This is the eruption of the Wannian Diving Party Izumo.

 Later, there are 2 more-. -
(End of this chapter)

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