Chapter 90
Because, she was forced to separate from Su Yan and Qi Yifan.

They were originally together, but accidentally stepped into a maze. As a result, Liu Muxi managed to get out of the maze, but they were nowhere to be found.

Seeing that it was getting dark, Liu Muxi had to find a place to settle down, and let's talk about it after the night.

Liu Muxi found a place with his back against a big tree, took out the flint and steel he carried with him, and finally lit a fire.

It's a pity that nothing here can be eaten, and she doesn't bring food and water with her, so she can only starve for a night.

When she was with Su Yan and Qi Yifan before, she didn't feel that way, but when she was alone in this forest of death, listening to the howling of ferocious beasts in the distance, she couldn't help but feel a little fear in her heart. meaning.

Liu Muxi curled up, pulled the cloak on her body, and leaned against the fire again, only then did she feel better.

She has two sets of clothes in total, one is the warrior uniform that she bought herself, and the other is that she borrowed from Ning Linghui.

Ning Linghui was not willing to lend it to her at first, but after being provoked by Qi Yifan, he threw her a set of cyan clothes that she disliked least and was also very simple in style. Liu Muxi is not a stubborn person, He also readily accepted.

Later, Qi Yifan saw that the weather was getting colder and colder, so he gave her the cloak she had used to protect her from the wind and cold.

What Liu Muxi is wearing now is the blue suit that Ning Linghui lent her. This suit is slightly longer than the warrior uniform, but it is also tied around the waist and sleeves, so it is not so cumbersome.Fortunately, Ning Linghui's figure is about the same as hers, but she generally fits well in clothes, but her chest is a little tight and her waist is a little looser.

In such an environment, Liu Muxi did not dare to fall asleep, but just recited the "Qingxin Sutra" silently cross-legged. At first, she was a little restless and unable to enter the state, but gradually, she had forgotten the cold, the hunger, and the coldness. Fear, unknowingly, has been immersed in it.

It wasn't until the sky was bright that Liu Muxi slowly exhaled a foul breath, slowly opened his eyes, and showed a happy smile on his face.

She has no way to be unhappy, because she broke through again.

After entering the dense forest, especially after she joined the battle, she had very little time to practice the "Qingxin Sutra". Healing people, or looking for green spirit grass, but today, when she was practicing the "Qingxin Sutra", she unexpectedly gave her a surprise.

Liu Muxi feels that her five senses seem to be much stronger, she can see farther, her perception is stronger, and even her sense of smell has improved a lot.If anyone is here, they will notice that Liu Muxi's external aura is becoming more pure and harmless, and even the smile on his lips seems to have the ability to soothe people's hearts.

But immediately, a wry smile appeared on Liu Muxi's face.

After the night, she felt even hungrier.

She is not Qi Yifan and Su Yan, who can go without food for three to five days without feeling hungry, even if she does not eat a meal, she will feel very hungry.

There is no other way, Liu Muxi just needs to find something to eat, even if he can barely fill his stomach.

Liu Muxi stood up, looked around, thought for a while, and then chose a direction to walk.

As her perception ability became stronger and stronger, she also had a vague perception of danger in her heart. Although it is not a great ability, it can also allow her to make correct judgments at critical moments and thus die. escape.

When she looked around just now, only the direction she was going now did not give her a feeling of trepidation, so she obeyed her heart and walked this way.

Liu Muxi's feeling was indeed correct. Not only did she not encounter any danger along the way, but even the further she walked, the environment became better and better. After walking for about an hour, she unexpectedly arrived at a "fairy valley" .

The birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, the stream is gurgling, the fruit is rich, and there are even all kinds of cute animals playing carefree.Even when these animals saw her, they only felt a little curiosity, and they were not afraid of people at all.

Liu Muxi looked at the various wild fruits on the branches, and couldn't help swallowing secretly. She used to eat meat almost every day, so what she wanted to eat more was actually vegetables and fruits. There is a trace of compassion, but I still feel a little bit reluctant to deal with these cute and ignorant animals.

Liu Muxi went to a fruit tree and picked a yellow fruit the size of a fist. She didn't know what kind of fruit it was, but its fruit fragrance was the strongest, and she could smell it from a distance. Liu Muxi Xi just saw an animal eating the fruit that fell on the ground, so he knew that the fruit was not poisonous, so he ate it with confidence.

As soon as he took a bite, Liu Muxi speeded up, and in a short while, he ate up the fruit.

After eating, Liu Muxi sighed comfortably, because it was really delicious, more fragrant than any fruit she had eaten before, and her body felt warm, as if she was soaking in a hot spring.

Other than that, there are no other changes.

Liu Muxi suppressed her desire to have another one, and picked another fruit from another fruit tree. Although the taste was not as good as the first fruit, it still felt very good. Liu Muxi ate four wild fruits at once, and finally stopped.

Only after her stomach was full did she have the mood to think about what was going on?What is this place again?
Since arriving here, Liu Muxi felt that her body felt relaxed all of a sudden, as if every pore released a comfortable sigh.

Moreover, the temperature here is suitable, everything is full of vitality, and even the animals are a little more spiritual than the outside world, and these few fruit trees, I am afraid they were just ordinary fruit trees in the past, are now very extraordinary, which makes her think , this place may be the legendary treasure land with spiritual acupoints.

All things generate and restrain each other, so this "treasure land" will coexist with this "forest of death".

For example, there is a plant whose leaves are poison, but whose root is the antidote. They are interdependent and interdependent, yet they are indispensable.

If her guess is correct, then there might really be Jade Spirit Grass here.

Thinking of this, Liu Muxi really started to look for the Jade Spirit Grass.

Unfortunately, until noon, Liu Muxi still did not find the Jade Spirit Grass. Instead, she found many other treasures that she had seen in the book, such as the Dingyan Grass that can be used to prepare the Yanyan Pill, and what can be used to prepare the Quenching Pill. Huancao and so on, millennium ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum, not to mention can be seen everywhere, but there are definitely a lot.

Liu Muxi was not greedy, she only picked some of them, and she kept the other seedlings or those that were not old enough.

(End of this chapter)

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