Chapter 38
As for the woman who said that she would definitely become stronger, he believed that she did have this determination, but he didn't think she could do it.If you want to become stronger, you can't do it by determination, but also need human talent.But that woman...

Forget it, what does he want to do so much, maybe, from now on, they will never meet again.

"Yes, this subordinate has written it down." A trace of embarrassment flashed in Ning Linghui's eyes, the right guardian, but she didn't show the slightest bit on her face, and stood up with lowered brows.

Zuo protector Qi Yifan curled his lips secretly when he saw this, but ignored her, but he couldn't see Ning Linghui's narrow-mindedness in his heart.

Didn't she just see the always indifferent suzerain helping a woman and feel jealous in her heart, so she deliberately misunderstood the meaning of the woman's words and belittled her everywhere?
She didn't even think about it, that woman was just an ordinary person who didn't know martial arts, and she was dressed as a married woman, how could the suzerain think of a married woman?
What's more, even if the suzerain likes someone, that is the suzerain's business, so what does it have to do with her?If it wasn't for the sake of her grandfather being the Supreme Elder of the sect, how could the suzerain tolerate her?
Remembering that there was something important to do when leaving the sect this time, Qi Yifan couldn't help but reminded: "Sect Master, it's getting late, let's leave quickly!" Finish things early and go back to the mountain early, so that those villains in the sect won't go out of their way. What happened to give the Sovereign a headache.

The suzerain obviously thought of this too, he glanced at the woman below who was still stubbornly waiting for the answer, nodded slightly and said: "Let's go!"

After all, the figure flashed and disappeared into the forest.

The two protectors on the left and right also hurriedly followed.

Liu Muxi waited for a while, but still didn't hear an answer, thinking they had already left, so she slowly stood up from the ground.

However, she forgot that she was injured and had lost a lot of blood, just when she stood up, her body shook slightly, and then fell to the side again.

"Miss Liu, be careful!" The medicine attendant standing by the side quickly supported Liu Muxi, took out a small porcelain bottle from her body, poured out a milky white pill with a fragrance, and said, "This is my master. The Yangyuan Pill prepared by myself is very effective in healing internal injuries, I see that you have suffered a lot of internal injuries, so hurry up and take a pill!"

Liu Muxi didn't feel anything just now, but now that the crisis was over, he felt that not only was his whole body weak, his eyes were turning black, and even his internal organs seemed to be pulled and shifted, the pain was unbearable.

Hearing this, Liu Muxi didn't refuse. After thanking her, she took the pill and swallowed it in one gulp.The pill melted in the mouth, almost immediately, a warm feeling rose in the abdomen, and the internal organs did not feel so painful. It was like soaking in a hot spring. This immediate effect was simply amazing. This shocked Liu Muxi, and made her more determined to study medicine.

"Thank you, Yaoshi!" The pain on Liu Muxi's body eased, and he sincerely thanked the boy serving Yao.

"Hehe, don't be polite to me. It is our bounden duty to save lives and heal the wounded. Besides, I just borrow flowers to offer Buddha. If you want to thank, thank our master!" Yao Yao said with some embarrassment.

"Patient Yao, don't underestimate yourself. Mr. Mu is Mr. Mu, and you are you. I dare not forget his life-saving grace, but you also saved me. If you hadn't protected me, I would have been a dead soul by the sword." , so, I should thank you."

Hearing this, the waiter scratched his hair, and was about to say a few words of modesty, when suddenly, as if remembering something, he took out a small paper bag half the size of a palm from his belt, handed it to Liu Muxi, and said, " I almost forgot, I still have wound medicine here, you can take it and apply it, it will be bad if it leaves scars."

Liu Muxi touched his neck, there was a three-inch long knife mark, which had already scabbed over. Although it was only a flesh wound, if it was ignored, it would definitely leave a scar in the future.

As long as it is a woman, there is no one who is willing to leave scars on her body, so she is not hypocritical, and just accepts it, and she likes and appreciates the medicine more and more in her heart.

Liu Muxi didn't immediately deal with the scar on his neck, but said worriedly: "I don't know what happened to Mr. Mu, but Liu Muli is not easy to deal with."

The waiter waved his hands disapprovingly, and said, "Miss Liu, don't worry too much. Although Liu Muli is powerful, she is still far behind our master. Although my master has a good heart, he won't He was easily bullied by others. Don't worry, the master will definitely come back safely."

As soon as his words fell, Liu Muxi heard the sound of horseshoes coming from a distance, her eyes lit up slightly, and she immediately looked for the reputation, and she saw Mu Shengqiu's voice.

Seeing this, the servant medicine said to Liu Muxi in awe: "Sister Liu, I'm right, there is nothing in this world that my master can't do."

Si Yao obviously got closer to Liu Muxi, and even called her sister instead.

Liu Muxi is naturally also very happy to get closer to Shi Yao, and she also likes Si Yao who is simple and has a sense of justice, so she is naturally happy to see the results.

In fact, he wanted to get close to Liu Muxi, because Liu Muxi truly regarded him as an independent individual, not Mu Shengqiu's vassal.In the past, when he saved people, those who were saved by him always ignored him. Instead, they put all their kindness on Mu Shengqiu's head and did not thank him at all.

Because in the eyes of others, he is just Mu Shengqiu's servant, representing Mu Shengqiu's meaning.

In fact, the real situation is not the case.

Although he and Mu Shengqiu are regarded as master and servant, they are actually brothers, and he is also a disciple of Puji Temple.He was just picked by Mu Shengqiu to serve him.

Of course, he didn't have any complaints against Mu Shengqiu. On the contrary, he respected him very much and even appreciated him, because being able to serve Mu Shengqiu is a blessing that no one can ask for!
But in his heart, there is actually a small expectation, hoping that someone will take a look at him, not as someone's vassal, but as a complete and independent individual.

That's why when Liu Muxi thanked him so specifically, he really became close to her and treated her as his older sister.

Although Liu Muxi didn't know these reasons, she could feel the sincerity of Shi Yao towards her. From then on, the pair of siblings with different surnames formed a fate.

Mu Shengqiu who was riding on the horse was still smiling, but when he saw the blood on Liu Muxi's body and the five corpses, his expression changed suddenly.

He hurriedly got off his horse, walked up to Liu Muxi, and asked eagerly, "Miss Liu, you're injured, is it okay? What's going on with these people?"

Liu Muxi smiled gently, and said: "Mr. Mu, I'm fine. The medicine attendant has already healed me. I'll tell you more about this later, but Mr. Mu, is there any injury?"

(End of this chapter)

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