Chapter 413

Lin En didn't say much, and regarded himself as a bystander, only giving advice to the human race when needed.

He watched the three Human Ancestors running around in various ways to solve the human race's food.

He looked at the people of the family, advancing hand in hand, supporting each other, worrying about various diseases, crying for the casualties, and ecstatic for the newborn children.

For a full ten years, the human race traveled eastward, only traveling thousands of miles away.

Even, the number of human races along the way not only did not increase, but continued to decrease.

Some people died of poisoning due to hunger, constantly trying various foods, and some had various mutations in their bodies.

Some even went deep into the mountains to fend for themselves in order not to drag the footsteps of the human race.

As far as Lynn saw, no less than 10,000+ people walked down the road and disappeared.



On this day, as soon as he walked out of the range of East Kunlun Mountain, thunder suddenly resounded in the sky.

But for a moment, the heavy rain poured down, accompanied by the cold wind. Countless human races were caught off guard and fell ill because of it.

The footsteps of the human race were once again dragged down.

Stepping out of the range of the East Kunlun Mountains is like stepping into the land of the East. This place is not like the prehistoric center. Due to the existence of the Twelve Ancestral Witches, the seasons are like spring.

Also because of the existence of the Twelve Ancestral Witches, the four seasons are divided into cold and heat, and there are huge temperature differences between east, west, north, south, and four directions.

In the past, the human race could hold together in the wild to keep warm, but now, with the heavy rain pouring down and the cold wind howling, all the human race looked at the vast wilderness, and there was not even a place where they could shelter from the rain.

"Holy Master! Please also help the human race to survive this catastrophe!"

Braving the pouring rain, the three human ancestors knelt down in front of Lin En with respectful expressions, but they were also shivering under the gusts of cold wind.

Lin En got up and looked at the human race that stretched for dozens of miles behind him, their faces turned blue from the cold, and some people even fell to the ground without making a sound while walking.

In fact, Lin En can resist these with just a wave of his hand, and even those illnesses can also be relieved in Lin En's hands, but Lin En did not do this.

The rebirth of the human race, this is the catastrophe of survival that must be experienced. Only after experiencing these, the human race can survive in the wild.

Lin En looked down at the three human ancestors kneeling under him, looked at one of the men and one of the women, and said, "What's your name?"

"Master Hui, I am the second ancestor of the human race, and everyone in the clan calls me the second ancestor!"

The second patriarch kowtowed to Lin En.

"Master Hui, I am the third ancestor of the human race, and everyone in the tribe calls me the third ancestor!"

The third ancestor also bowed down to Lin En.

"Well, since that's the case, I will give you the names Youchao and Ziyi, you two come with me!"

After Lin En finished speaking, he turned and walked towards the mountain stream beside him, pointing to some holes on the hillside and the bird's nests on the branches, and said slowly: "What did you see?"

Youchao and Ziyi watched carefully. They saw some underground creatures go into the holes to avoid the rain, and they also saw that the feathers on the birds can actually isolate the rain.

I also saw the bird's nest, swaying in the cold wind, but standing safely on the branch of the tree, and even the slightest chirping of baby birds could be heard inside.

After a while, the two said to Lin En with surprise on their faces: "I saw the shelter from the rain!"

"I saw the way to prevent the cold!"

Lin En nodded and said: "Let's go, and protect the human race from the rain and cold!"

The two paid homage to Lin En again: "Thank you, Master, for your guidance!"

After saying that, the two hurried back to the group, called a group of people, and began to study.

This research lasted for three full days, during which countless people fell ill and died. Under the huge pressure, the two finally researched the method of sheltering from rain and cold.

"This thing can shelter us from rain and wind, so it's called a 'house'!"

As soon as Youchao's voice fell, a mass of merit fell from the sky, [-]% of which fell into Youchao's body.

In an instant, Youchao's originally weak body shook slightly, and all the fatigue, cold, and pain disappeared without any medicine, and even his whole body became much stronger.

And the remaining successes fell on the house, and the house suddenly shone with golden light, like the sun, the cold air completely disappeared in the covered area, and even the cold wind was completely blocked.

"Hahaha... I succeeded!"

Youchao laughed loudly, and even the surrounding clans shouted.

On the other side, Ziyi also successfully developed clothes using leaves, bark, weeds, animal skins, and feathers.

At this moment, he also said to everyone: "This thing can protect the body from the cold, so it is called 'clothes'!"

As soon as the words fell, a golden light flashed in the sky, and a mass of merit fell into Ziyi's body and the suit of clothes, and suddenly Ziyi's whole body shone with golden light.

With the appearance of houses and clothes, a group of people began to get busy, some digging rocks, some gathered leaves and weeds, and began to drive away the cold for the human race.

When everything stabilized, it was discovered that there were no fewer than tens of thousands of dead humans. The excitement of the entire group became heavy after seeing the dead humans.

When the rain stopped and the wind stopped, tens of thousands of people were buried in the soil, and the human race set foot on the journey again.

The footsteps always have to move forward, even death can't stop the human race's footsteps.

This time, another hundred years.

During the period, they have experienced strong winds, snowstorms, river flooding, landslides, monster attacks, various diseases, and the number of people who originally had millions of people to reach the destination is less than [-]!
But after experiencing so many disasters, the spirit of the human race has changed, from fearing nature at the beginning to transforming nature today.

From being cautious at the beginning, it has become a daring one today.

Among the hardships, even Lynn sighed secretly, and sometimes couldn't help but want to help.

"Holy Master! Is my human race going to survive here?"

Seeing the saint master stop, the three old men walked up to Lin En, knelt down and asked.

Lin En looked at the big river in front of him and nodded silently. This big river is a bit like the Yellow River on Lin En's previous life, but it is bigger and vaster than the Yellow River.

Moreover, the water of this big river is fresh water, and the river bank is full of fertile soil, which is the best place for the human race to reproduce.

"Not bad!"

Lin En turned around and looked at the third ancestor of the human race behind him. Although he was nourished by merit and virtue, the third ancestor was also getting old, but the bodies of the three were healthier than all young and strong teenagers.

Although merit did not retain their looks, it gave them a long lifespan.

"From now on, the human race will thrive along this great river!"

Lin En pointed to the big river and a big mountain at the end of the big river, and said to the third patriarch, "I will be on this mountain and watch over you. If you have any difficulties, you can come and find me!"

"Saint teacher..."

There were tears in the pupils of the three human races, and they were full of reluctance to see Lin En. Without Lin En's guidance, the disasters along the way would have made it impossible for their human race to get here, and they might even be wiped out.

"We should build a temple for the holy master, and worship day and night!"

Seeing that Lin En stopped talking and walked step by step towards the mountain not far away, the Third Patriarch finally couldn't help but burst into tears and knelt down.

Behind the third ancestor, a group of people also knelt down on the ground one by one, shouting "Holy Master" in their mouths, and knelt down continuously.

The head hit the ground with a 'bang bang' sound.

"The human race is a miracle race!"

(End of this chapter)

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