Chapter 80 Concubine Lin Hosts a Banquet

This news was like a thunderbolt from the ground, which excited everyone, and the discussion was in full swing.Pushing and shoving again, he wanted to ask Aunt Mo if she could wear her own clothes and jewelry on that day, etc.

Pei Minglan didn't care much about these things. After hearing a few words, she went back to the house, but her heart inevitably became a little vigilant. Concubine Lin Gui asked the beautiful ladies to enjoy the flowers?What does she want to play again?Provoking showgirls to fight among themselves?

There may be reasons for this, but Pei Minglan always feels that this little matter is not worthy of Lin Guifei's big battle.

Because as long as Concubine Lin Gui is not a fool, she should understand that no matter how hard she provokes, it is impossible to wipe out all the beautiful women. It is inevitable that some beautiful women will enter the palace to confer nobles and concubines!
In the same way, it's not to deal with herself - as long as her identity is not revealed, she is nothing in the eyes of Concubine Lin Gui!It's not worth Concubine Lin Gui's trouble!
Pei Minglan couldn't figure it out, so she had to calm down and wait and see when the time comes!
With this hope, the training atmosphere in the past two days has improved a lot. The show girls who always used to make some tricks behind their backs to fight each other to get the best have also stopped, and they are wholeheartedly preparing for the flower viewing feast.

Of course, private battles will only become more intense, because everyone wants to show off and crush others.

In particular, Aunt Mo passed on Concubine Lin Guifei's oral order, saying that on that day everyone can dress as they please, as long as they don't go out of style, which made all the beautiful girls excited!
Many people secretly thought that even if they were not blessed to stay in the palace in the future, attending such a banquet would be enough to boast for a lifetime!
After all, how many people have seen the royal ostentation and the banquet of royal nobles?Especially in places.

This day came in a blink of an eye, and Pei Minglan heard movement outside before dawn, and many beautiful women had already got up to take a bath, change clothes and get dressed.

Pei Minglan heard Wen Ping turn around several times. Although she didn't speak, she was obviously awake and restless.Pei Minglan knew that she must have remembered it too, but she was afraid that she would disturb her and dared not.

Ever since Jia Zhu got out of the game early with hatred, Wen Ping was so trembling in front of Pei Minglan that Pei Minglan felt tired for her.

Pei Minglan didn't understand why Wen Ping was so afraid of herself, she had never done anything to her, she just saw Jia Zhu find fault with her and was taught a lesson by herself.Being scared like this, she can only say that she herself is too weak and incompetent!

As for her, it would be fine if she lost the election, but if she were selected to stay in the palace, her life would be miserable.

"Since Miss Wen thinks about it, get up!" Pei Minglan couldn't stand listening to Wen Ping turning over one after another.

Wen Ping said in a low voice, "Ah?" and sat up in a panic, and said in a soft and timid voice, "I, am I quarreling with you? Second Miss Pei?"

"No, I can't sleep anyway."


Wen Ping responded in a low voice, sat for a while, and then gently got up.

Pei Minglan closed her eyes and meditated.

Gradually, the sky became brighter. Although Pei Minglan didn't want to get up, but thinking that everyone would have already woken up at this moment, if she was too special, it would be an eyesore, so she had to get up slowly.

She didn't compete with anyone for the limelight, and she didn't need to be unconventional, so she chose a peach red silk silk double-breasted skirt, light yellow pleated skirt, double hair comb rings, a group of gold hairpins, and two copper coins as rewards from the palace. A thin layer of powder has been applied to the pink palace flowers, and if there is nothing unusual in the mirror, it is fine.

After having breakfast in the room, it was almost time, so I opened the door and went out.

The show girls went out one after another at about this time, Pei Minglan only felt a bright light in her eyes, everyone tried their best to dress, and they also tried their best in hairstyles, with a lot of tricks.

For a moment, Ying was ashamed, swallows were jealous, peaches were ashamed, apricots were shy, the clothes were fluttering, the fragrance was blowing, coupled with the soft voice, the smile was like a flower, and I couldn't help but feel moved when I saw a woman, let alone a man!

That bastard Yuwen Yuanzhen is really lucky!Pei Minglan couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

To be honest, she was very unwilling and very upset.

But at the same time, she also felt very lucky, glad that the self who used to be his queen was dead, and glad that she no longer had the slightest affection for him!

Otherwise, he would be the one facing these beautiful girls, and he would be the one who would choose the most beautiful and outstanding ones from these beautiful girls and send them to him!

If you still love him, how heartbroken it would be!
Fortunately, she will never have that kind of heartache again.For her now, all she needs to do is watch the show!

A slight mockery flashed across Pei Minglan's eyes, she even looked forward to today's flower viewing feast, because she couldn't wait to see Lin Xuezhi's expression!
That woman came back from northern Xinjiang with Yuwen Yuanzhen without any warning, and their son came back with her!
Thinking of the complacent look she had in front of her back then, and her shock and sourness at that time, Pei Minglan suddenly felt relieved.

Aunt Mo, Aunt Qi, Aunt Miao and others led the ladies to the Royal Garden.Before going, it is necessary to tell a few words to be cautious and careful, and not to offend the nobleman and other words.

However, at this time, the hearts of the show girls have long been flying. How can anyone listen to such "nonsense?"

Aunt Mo sighed inwardly, but there was nothing she could do.Although the beautiful ladies are now under her discipline, they will soon either leave the palace and have nothing to do with her, or they will be her masters. How can she really teach others with airs?

I just hope that today's flower viewing feast will not cause any trouble!

She couldn't help blaming Concubine Lin Gui in her heart, blaming her for being too good at making trouble.

More than a hundred beautiful women dressed in fancy dresses and brilliant and youthful hairpin skirts walked past, forming a beautiful landscape in the palace, attracting countless court ladies and eunuchs from far and near to watch the excitement.

When all the ladies came to the Bifang Pavilion in the Imperial Garden, only the maids and eunuchs who served the banquet were preparing for the banquet in an orderly and silent manner. Concubine Lin Gui and all the concubines had not yet arrived.

Bifang Pavilion was built on a foundation more than one meter high, and the surrounding area is very wide. At this time, there are pots of blooming chrysanthemums in full bloom, all kinds of flowers in different shapes, and various postures. Dare to go up to reward, pointing and talking and laughing in a low voice.

Pei Minglan glanced at a bunch of famous products such as Snow, Wolong Pond, Golden Crow Bian, Nijinxiang, Cinnabar Red Frost, Yaotai Jade Phoenix, Qingshui Lotus, Green Water Autumn Waves, Fenkui, Remnant Snow, Jade Bead Curtain and so on. The vicinity of Bifang Pavilion is decorated with thousands of charming and charming spring flowers, which is really a big deal!
You must know that it is only autumn now, and the chrysanthemums have just begun to bloom. Many famous products should have bloomed in late autumn. Who knows that Concubine Lin Gui also has the ability to get them here, which shows how much she attaches importance to this flower feast.

Well, there will be 2 updates in the public period in the future!
(End of this chapter)

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