Chapter 36
After Fang Yishan left, Su Qingyun swept every corner of the house.

Although the house was newly built not long ago, some dust has fallen, and the places that can be seen at a glance are cleaned relatively clean.


There was still a lot of dust in some of the smaller corners.

Su Qingyun has always liked to be clean. The place she lived in the past was always cleaned so that it was spotless. Even the sheets and quilts had to be changed every three days.

Now, staring at the bedroom with nothing but a bed, a person-high wardrobe, a square table and a dressing table, Su Qingyun said that she really couldn't live with such a life.

No computers, no mobile phones, no sports cars, no delicious food, no novels, no anime, no manga, no favorite stars to follow...

She doesn't even have her natal cp, her life alone is so lonely.

So, rolling up her sleeves, Su Qingyun carefully cleaned the inside and outside of the house, and the dining table was wiped so shiny by her.

After a lot of tossing, she was so tired that she was out of breath. This broken body was really enough. She was tossed all night last night, and today she herself was restless, and her body couldn't take it anymore.

Hanging her eyes, she stared at her dry, flat body, and she made up her mind that she must take advantage of the room for improvement in this body, and try her best to save it.

After making dinner by herself, Su Qingyun ran around the house three times, panting from exhaustion, and after resting for about 10 minutes, she went back to the house to practice yoga.

It wasn't until after nightfall that Su Qingyun calmed down. After washing her body in hot water, she crawled into bed and lay down for a while.

What flashed through my mind were many things that happened in modern times. At the end, I sighed lightly, probably because I was tired, and I fell asleep not long after I closed my eyes.

In the early morning of the next day, the sky was slightly bright, and the mountain stream was cool in the early morning.

Su Qingyun woke up.

She has never been a person who likes to sleep in late. Her grandfather joined the army, and her family education was extremely strict.

Simply, she got up, put on her clothes, and Su Qingyun went out to run around the house again.

The birds were chirping, the fragrance of flowers was faint, and the breeze was blowing. Su Qingyun's whole body became hot after running for a long time, and her legs were very sore and swollen, but she still didn't relax.

It wasn't until the orange sun slowly rose on the hill in the distance that she went back to the house to wash and cook breakfast.

After eating and drinking enough, Su Qingyun stretched comfortably, when a joyful voice came from outside the house: "Lotus, lotus, have you got up yet?"

Su Qingyun got up and went out, a round girl walked over with a smile, took Su Qingyun's hand affectionately, and said with a happy eyebrow: "I came back last night and heard my mother talk about your family. I'm really happy for you, and I came here to talk to you today."

The person who came was Su Yuehe's best friend Song Sisi, who married to Xiahe Village the year before last, and because her natal family was close, she took her husband back to her natal home to help during the busy farming season.

In the memory of the original owner, Song Sisi was not bad, and she had shown her a few times before, but unfortunately the original owner was useless, cowardly, and always made Song Sisi so angry that she wanted to smack her.

Su Qingyun grinned: "I'm happy too, come and sit at home!"

Song Sisi paused: "Your man isn't at home, is he?"

"No, I went hunting in the mountains, and I won't be back until noon." Su Qingyun shook her head.

"It's fine if you're not here." Song Sisi breathed a sigh of relief, pulled Su Qingyun and walked home, and after she sat down, she winked and asked, "Lotus, tell me, is the idea of ​​separating the family yesterday? Didn't your man give it to you?"

 Do you have any friends who read books T^T
(End of this chapter)

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