Chapter 19 Not so good!
Li Qingzi poked the girl next to her, and exchanged glances with her.

The girl next to her understood and took a step forward and said, "I'm Zhuo Muyu's friend, she went to buy ice cream and hasn't come back yet!"

The staff frowned even tighter, and their tone of voice was covered with dissatisfaction, "Since you're out shopping, why should you sign up? Isn't this just playing with the audition!"

After finishing speaking, she turned angrily and went to find the director.

The director frowned after listening to the staff's report.

This movie was produced by Brilliant Entertainment, and the people from Brilliant Entertainment told him to leave Xue Linglong to a girl named Zhuo Muyu.

Although he doesn't like this way of determining roles based on relationships, how can he disagree with the boss after he has spoken?

But now, the girl named Zhuo Muyu hasn't come yet, does she think it has something to do with it and doesn't even bother to leave?

"Oh, the current actors are really outrageous!"

If it weren't for the above, this kind of person would not even want to bring money into the group and post upside down!
It really ruins the professional ethics of actors!

Hearing the director's words, the screenwriter next to him thought that he hadn't picked a satisfactory actor, and comforted him: "It's not that bad anymore, look at that Zhuo Wanting, she played the role of Li Qingzi just right, with a fairy air and temperament Outstanding, she is the perfect candidate for the role of Li Qingzi in my mind."

As she spoke, she thought of something again, "But she seems to be more interested in the character of Xue Linglong. Although none of the actors who auditioned for Xue Linglong can match her performance, she is not very suitable for Xue Linglong. I always feel that there is something missing. Something, that’s all, maybe I’m asking too much.”

Speaking of Zhuo Wanting, the director also showed some satisfaction on his face, "Her performance is good."

After chatting with the screenwriter, Director Ning felt that most of the anger in his heart had subsided, so he said to the staff who came to report:

"Let the people behind continue to audition for Xue Linglong first?"

"Okay, I'll notify you right now."

Zhuo Muyu got out of the hospital and quickly stopped a car. Just as she was about to get in the car, a figure flashed before her and got into the car before her.

"Miss, I have something urgent, can you let me go first?"

Zhuo Muyu resolutely refused, "Sorry, I have something urgent."

If she doesn't go to the audition scene, even if she becomes the heroine, her name will not be justified, and she will be criticized constantly.

Although she is not afraid of others talking about her, but it has a bad influence on character creation, no matter how good she is, she will be rejected by others.

This role is her stepping stone, it is very important to her.

So she can't let this car go!
Sitting in the car was a big boy in his twenties, with a row of shiny earrings on his ears, he was unrestrained and unrestrained.

He was tightly wrapped in black clothes, and he was fully armed with masks and sunglasses.

He proudly took out a stack of banknotes from his wallet, looked at Zhuo Muyu's ordinary clothing that didn't belong to any brand, and said to her: "Let me go first, the money is all yours! How about it?"

"Not so good!" Zhuo Muyu refused coldly.

It's not that she hates the rich, it's that she really doesn't like the way this man dismisses her with money like a dog.

Hearing her refusal again, Bai Chuyi thought that Zhuo Muyu thought the money was too little, impatiently he took out a stack of brand new banknotes from his wallet, and said with contempt: "How about this? Is it enough?"

The superior look of "any problem that can be solved with money is not a problem" can be seen as someone's rich second generation who was not tied up and ran out.

(End of this chapter)

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