Advocate for the deceased

Chapter 756 Forced Quarantine

Chapter 756 Forced Quarantine
The sudden change made Zhou Hai and others stop their movements.

This is the Judicial Appraisal Center, which is Zhou Hai's site. A group of people with heavy protective equipment came in and yelled like this. No one would have a good temper.

"who are you?"

The guy who was still yelling turned his head to look at Zhou Hai. At the same time, he turned around and patted a sticker on his chest. On it was the logo of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, three letters CDC above the Great Wall.

"I am Liu Xianguang, deputy director of the Ludong Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention. You can also call me Dr. Liu. I will take over the Luda Hospital and your center temporarily. Because the cause is unknown and the spread is extremely fast, we will conduct level I prevention and control first. .”

Zhou Hai couldn't deny this judgment, but it had to be done in a hospital. This is the forensic center, not the source of diffusion. This screening seems to have gone too far.

"I am Zhou Hai, the deputy director of the Judicial Identification Center. This place belongs to the public security system. If I want to take over here, I need to get instructions from my superiors.

You ~ can't! "

Yang Sen poked the fat man and motioned him to put the notebook in his backpack.

Fatty turned around quickly, the people behind him couldn't see what he was doing at all, after all, everyone's eyes were on Dr. Liu and Zhou Hai who came suddenly.

Right behind these people, a small figure squeezed in. It was none other than Director Pang.

He came to Dr. Liu's side and raised his hand to block his and Zhou Hai's gunpowder eyes.

"Stop, I'm Pang Jianhua, the director of the center. It's true that our center has not received any orders. If we take over like this, can we do our work?"

When Dr. Liu saw that the two people he met were the person in charge here, his attitude was obviously much better than before. He glanced at Zhou Hai, and then said:

"Notification, you will receive it immediately.

The work here needs to be suspended, because the etiology is unknown, and no one knows what the transmission route is, but we have summed up the relevant symptoms, so investigation is a must, and it is easy to say if it is dead, we are responsible for the nearly [-] million people in Southeast City . "

Before the words finished, Director Pang's phone rang.

He raised his cell phone, turned around and glanced at Zhou Hai, and then connected the call.

"Old Pang, I am Liu Yong, and I will fully cooperate with the experts of the Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention to ensure the safety of our personnel is the most important thing!"

The call was answered with hands-free. Upon hearing this order, Director Pang was not as polite as before. He said yes and hung up the phone.

"There is no problem with the cooperation. At least let our people put the body of the deceased into the freezer first, otherwise the high decay of the body will really spread out."

Dr. Liu shrugged and waved his hands behind him.

"Come in quickly, you guys put the dead body into the freezer.

Then everyone lined up, all left your post, and followed the staff in blue clothes No. 1030 to the temporary isolation and diversion area in the yard for separation and screening. "

Zhou Hai and Dr. Liu stared for a few seconds before walking in front of him. The distance between them was only a fist. .

He hurriedly stood beside Zhou Hai, grabbed Zhou Hai's arm with one hand, and stood like this without saying a word.

Zhou Hai pursed his lips tightly and stared into Dr. Liu's eyes.

"I can cooperate with your work, but the isolation and screening are over. I hope my anatomy room and office remain the same. Don't use your method to change the status here. This is not a notice but a warning."

As Zhou Hai was the first to go out, that Dr. Liu blinked, as if it was the first time he met someone who dared to talk to him like this, he was a little speechless for a while, and Director Pang next to him cleared his throat.

"What Deputy Director Zhou said represents the opinion of our center!"

After speaking, he also followed out, and then Fatty, Yang Sen, Madman, Zhao Xinli and others all followed out of the central building.

Looking at the temporary isolation area formed by several cars in the yard, I didn't know how to deal with it for a while. Several containers looked like big cars, lined up high, like a two-story building that suddenly appeared.

The man in the blue isolation suit at the door pointed at Zhou Hai.

"Enter from the entrance sign on the east side, then register the information, get the clothes for inspection, change clothes in order, then start disinfection, blood drawing, laboratory tests, and finally wait in the isolation area. You need to observe here for 24 hours."

At this time, it was meaningless to argue, and they could only obey the arrangement. After all, everyone in the center was looking at Zhou Hai and Director Pang.

He nodded towards the man, and walked straight over. The car was like a container, connected one by one. As soon as he entered the door, someone handed out bags and non-woven clothes.

A man in blue stretched out his hand to distribute items to ten people, and then said loudly:

"All personnel took bags, changed their clothes, and packed them in this black bag. Except for mobile phones, personal items are not allowed to be brought in. Don't try to violate the regulations!
Enter the locker room with the bag, change clothes, take your belongings to the registration office for registration and sampling, and then someone will send you to the quarantine area for observation! "

After taking the bag, Zhou Hai went directly to a row of changing rooms on the left, and changed into non-woven clothes. It was very uncomfortable to wear these in a vacuum. Going in, many of the stitches of the non-woven fabric seemed to be falling apart.

The fat man rolled his eyes at Zhou Hai, pouted his mouth, and carried the bag with a dissatisfied expression on his face.

"Laugh if you want, don't hold back, what kind of operation is this, why does it feel like pork waiting to be slaughtered?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he was slapped on the back of the head by Director Pang.

"Don't talk nonsense. These are the latest complete sets of equipment after SARS. It is said that the peacekeeping hospitals in our country are equipped with these. It seems that the level designated this time is really level I."

"What level is it? I don't know. I just know that the center is paralyzed now!"

Zhou Hai glanced sideways at the two of them. Putting on such clothes, it really couldn't be described as beautiful or ugly. Anyway, looking at each of them was very funny, but Zhou Hai couldn't laugh.

It's okay if they don't do an autopsy for the time being. If Sister Zeng also comes down, what about the test?
It is not clear what the problem is now, and it is really too much to isolate the front-line personnel in this way.

Just like what the fat man said, the center is paralyzed. There are still corpses and dead people appearing one after another. In the next 24 hours, I don’t know if there will be an outbreak.

But it was useless to be anxious, carrying his things, Zhou Hai walked past a spray disinfection room, raised his hands and turned around inside.

After coming out, he walked towards the registered location, and the bag in his hand was put on again, and the mobile phone was also packed in a bag similar to a diving bag.

After registering the information, a barcode bracelet is worn on the wrist, and each person has a neck tag, with the name and work unit details written on it.

Immediately after drawing blood, Zhou Hai finished the test, and before he got up, he heard a loud voice from behind. The voice seemed familiar, Zhou Hai got up and looked over.

Similarly, Fatty also came over.

"Listen, why do you look like that Dr. Yang?"

(End of this chapter)

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