Advocate for the deceased

Chapter 737 The Killer Wearing a Hat [Ask for a monthly ticket at the beginning of the month! 】

Chapter 737 The Killer Wearing a Hat [Ask for a monthly ticket at the beginning of the month! 】

The fat man walked over to take pictures, and took pictures of where Zhou Hai was standing.

"I just saw that there is surveillance at the intersection, and there is also in front of the school, but these trees are too lush, and nothing can be seen to block it."

Zhou Hai's thoughts were interrupted, and he looked in the direction of the fat man's finger.

Sure enough, the monitoring room at the intersection couldn't take pictures of this place, and the school gate was some distance away from the bus stop sign. Although it was late spring and early summer, it was the period when the trees were most lush.

Zhou Hai looked to the opposite side, there were many old small houses, supermarkets, trusteeships, small dining tables, there were no large shops, even if there were surveillance cameras in these small shops, they were all facing the inside.

There is only one kindergarten with a large building area, but the main entrance is not on the side of the road, but needs to turn into a small road. This design is probably also for safety reasons.

Seeing Xiao Liu approaching, Zhou Hai looked at him and asked:

"When did you come, and was the deceased still at the scene when you came?"

Xiao Liu nodded, "It was 9:12 when we arrived at the scene. I don't know why there was traffic jam everywhere today. When we arrived, 120 also arrived at the same time!

It’s not enough to see people here, but there are too many people onlookers, they still sent him to Lu University Hospital, and I sent a person to follow. "

"Are there any witnesses?"

This time Xiao Liu regained his spirits, pointing to the two people sitting and drinking water in his police car and said:

"A brief inquiry, one is a person standing next to Si Ze, and the other is the school's security guard, who is also the person who called the police."

Both Zhou Hai and Fatty looked at the car, Zhou Hai frowned, the reason why the security guards called the police was because they were in front of the school, and they probably did so after asking the leader for instructions, but the distance was too far, and it was impossible to see murderer.

"Did anyone see the murderer?"

"The person next to the deceased said that he saw the deceased fall, and immediately looked up, and saw a burly man in a baseball cap squeezed out of the crowd, walking towards a small intersection on the west side.

It's a pity that I didn't see the process of hurting people, so I felt that someone squeezed away from me. When I looked over, the woman covered her heart and rushed forward a few steps before falling to the ground.

Then the woman grabbed her handbag, opened the zipper and kept flipping through things. At that time, the people around were terrified, and many people backed away. "

Zhou Hai recalled the video. It seems that the victimized woman in the video was the rummaging action. When a person is severely injured, he will continue a subconscious action for a long time. He probably wants to ask for help.

The fat man sighed, "Before you and 120 came, people stopped moving, right?"

Xiao Liu shook his head, "When we came, the victim was still twitching occasionally, but when the 120 people arrived, they didn't move much!"

There were not many things left at the scene, Zhou Hai looked in the direction of the school, when a siren sounded, and when he looked up, he saw Wang Xuchao had already rushed over.

Seeing Zhou Hai, he hurried over and said in a low voice.

"I communicated with Huang Zhongsheng. The man in red was killed on the 19th of yesterday. The place was in front of the Construction Bureau on the road ahead. The victim was a director of the Municipal Public Construction Department of the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau of Southeast City. His name is Zhang Chengguo, 35 years old.

I think the two cases can be merged. This matter will be coordinated in a while. How is your on-site investigation? "

Zhou Hai pointed to the blood on the ground and said:

"This is the first scene. After being stabbed, the deceased rushed forward a few steps and then fell to the ground. The condition shown in the video should be traumatic cardiac tamponade. If treated in time, it is worth saving.

The surveillance at the intersection and the school is too far away and the vegetation is dense. It is estimated that Yang Sen did not find any valuable information, otherwise he would have called.

Witnesses only saw the injured victim, and then saw the back of a suspected suspect.

The person who called the police was the school security guard, and the distance was too far. He only helped to call the police when he saw something happened.

Not much else to say, let's go to Luda Hospital to have a look, and then go back for an autopsy, everything depends on the autopsy results. "

Wang Xuchao nodded, "Just finish the on-site inspection. I'll have someone clean it up so as not to cause panic. People around will also clean up their mobile phone videos. You can control as much as you can!"

Zhou Hai glanced at the fat man, who nodded quickly.

"I've taken pictures here, let's clean it up!"

Zhou Hai pursed his lips and nodded, "Let's withdraw!"

Ten minutes later, the two arrived at Luda Hospital. It was less than 10 minutes away, and Lao Wang's temper came up.

"What's going on today, why is the traffic jam so serious?"

The fat man looked outside, "Today is the weekend, originally it is the tourist season, and it is still approaching June [-]st. All those who should come out and those who should not come out, look at all the buses. It's no wonder that there are no traffic jams. This hasn't reached the coastal line yet. , it is estimated that there is no way to move."

Zhou Hai didn't speak any more, the car tried to dodge as much as possible, and drove forward with difficulty through the gap, and drove into Lu University Hospital.

When I got out of the car, I saw a policeman standing at the door. Obviously, Wang Xuchao had already spoken to him.

"Forensic Doctor Zhou!"

"Where is the dead man?"

The policeman led the way and said as he walked: "We talked to the emergency department. After the rescue failed, we will be isolated in a room alone for the time being."

The three of them entered the emergency department together, and the rhythm here was extremely fast. Although many medical staff did not run, their walking speed was definitely not slower than running.

Pass those people sideways, push the door and enter a small observation room.

On a hospital bed, a person was covered with a white cloth, and when he walked up to him, Zhou Hai raised his hand and lifted the white cloth.

From the dress to the face, it is indeed the woman in the video. On the off-white lace dress, only the left chest is stained red with blood, there are blood spots on the arms on the face, and the hands are all soaked in blood.

A pair of black shoes with light brown bows were still worn on the feet, a pair of flesh-colored stockings, and the knees were stained with a lot of ash and scratches from wiping.

Zhou Hai took a closer look at the shoes and legs, and he could see the traces of grinding on the toes of the shoes, obviously the deceased had once knelt on the ground.

Presumably, after being injured, he took a few steps forward, then fell to his knees, and finally fell to the ground.

At this time, there was a gap between the eyes of the deceased, and the fat man glanced from the side, and the flesh on his face trembled.

"This is death without peace. It looks like it was calmed down by a doctor."

Seeing that Zhou Hai didn't answer, the fat man didn't feel anything, so he quickly followed Zhou Hai's movements to take pictures.

The face of the deceased, ignoring the blood splashes, seemed to be asleep, perhaps because of the makeup, the face was not particularly pale and lifeless.

The camera in the fat man's hand kept making shutter clicks, looking at the neck of the deceased from the lens, the fat man let out a doubt.

"Hey, why is there only one drop of blood on the neck?"

Hearing Fatty's voice, Zhou Hai hurriedly looked over.

Sure enough, at the neckline of the off-white dress of the deceased, there seemed to be a faint red spot. Is this blood?
"The fat man called a car and transported the dead back!"

(End of this chapter)

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