Advocate for the deceased

Chapter 719 The date on the desk calendar

Chapter 719 The date on the desk calendar
There were bloodstains everywhere in the room, and there was still ground on the bed and table. The whole room was like a purgatory on earth.

The fat man stood up and pointed to the window.

"The window is open, and there is a screen, but the screen is broken, and it looks like it was smashed. I have already cut a part of the sample. As for the corpse, you should come and see it before I move it!"

"Where's Madman and Xiao Liang?"

"They went to the kitchen and bathroom to check. The small bedroom on the north side is a storage room and there is no trace in it."

Zhou Hai nodded, raised his hand and pressed the mask.

Looking around, the wooden bed is placed against the east wall in the north-south direction. There is no headboard, just a flat wooden bed. The south side is one meter away from the window, and the north side is more than one meter away from the table.

On the west side of the room is a cabinet. One of the doors of the cabinet is open, and you can see the bedding piled inside.

The airtight isolation suit filled Zhou Hai's ears with the sound of his own breathing. Zhou Hai raised his hand and pressed the edge of the mask to make the latex pads around him fit his face better. It seemed that this could reduce some body odor.

The fat man opened the window at this time and raised his hand to slam the flies. Although they didn't fly out completely, the density of flies in the room was much less.

Walking to the table, on the messy table, a desk calendar was unfolded, and it was opened on May 5.

The TV leaned against the back cover, and there was also a transparent empty cup that was very conspicuous. Zhou Hai knocked on the table, and the fat man came over and took a brief look. There seemed to be fingerprints on the cup.

When the cup is picked up, there is a circular imprint on the bottom, and quickly find the trace on the cotton swab to extract the imprint.

And find a physical evidence bag, wrap the quilt, and mark it with notes.

"Lucky as it seems, it feels like there are fingerprints on the mug!"

Zhou Hai didn't speak, but looked at the corpse on the wooden bed.

With his head facing south and his feet facing north, the deceased was lying on his back on the bed with his hands raised high, and his ankles were tied with a power cord.

At this time, the deceased had already taken on the form of a giant, with obvious rotten veins on the legs and abdomen, many skin ulcers and peeling off, the abdomen was enlarged, and the limbs were swollen.

The upper body of the deceased was covered with wounds, and he was only wearing a pair of boxers. At this time, the original color could not be seen, and all of them were stained black and purple with blood.

There are bloodstains on the soles of both feet, not the bloodstains on the whole foot, only the heels, toes, and outer edges of the arches, which are obviously traces of trampling.

Blood stains flowed down the bedsheets, forming pools of blood.

Due to the decay of the corpse and the action of the flies, putrefaction liquid had already flowed out on the bed, which was the source of the smell of the corpse.

Most of the blue-and-white checked bed sheet was stained dark brown by blood. Along with the distribution of wounds, there were piles of wriggling maggots around the entire body, except for the position of the dead man's head.

The most bizarre thing is that the head of the deceased was covered with a towel.

There were few blood drops on the quilt, and it looked clean on the whole. It wrapped the dead man's jaw and covered his whole head.

Walking to the head of the bed, you can see that a large part of the towel is hanging on the ground, and the bloody footprints on the ground are mostly wavy striped shoe prints and barefoot prints.

There were trampling, pedaling, rubbing, and the direction of the traces was very obvious. Thinking of the blood stains on the soles of the deceased, it is not difficult to guess that there was a struggle here.

Looking at the deceased's body, a bed of 2 meters by 1.5 meters, except for the rest of the feet, the head is already flush with the head of the bed. The height of the deceased should be more than 185 centimeters.

The figure is also very burly, ignoring the corrupted and swollen part, it is no less than 170 catties by visual inspection.

It is not an easy task for such a big man to be killed. Glancing at the evidence bag containing the cup in the fat man's hand, it seems that the murderer has already prepared.

At this moment, the fat man walked over with a pair of slippers.

"This one was found at the door of the bedroom, the one that had been kicked was in front of the bathroom door, and the other was at the corner of the bedroom and living room.

I have compared the bloody footprints on the bare feet, it is the deceased, and the slippers seem to be worn by the murderer! "

Zhou Hai nodded, "The analysis is good!

You extract the maggots and let Trabelia come over to count the time of death! "

The fat man shrank his neck, seeing that Zhou Hai was about to lift off the towel, he rushed out in two or three steps.

Zhou Hai raised his hand to lift off the towel quilt. The towel quilt was still in a very soft state, not polluted by corrupt liquid or blood, but there was a layer of blood on one corner, and a few mallet-shaped drops of blood.

Looking at the face of the deceased, Zhou Hai narrowed his eyes slightly.

The deceased's eyes were protruding and his mouth was open, his entire face was swollen. His hands that were raised above his head were bound with thick knitted fabrics, and the outermost one was tied with a power cord just like the ankles of the deceased.

Seeing this, Zhou Hai didn't move the dead man's wrists.

Hearing footsteps, Zhou Hai raised his head, and Xiao Liang walked over quickly.

"Brother Hai!"

"Check the maggots, take a sample of the maggots, then measure and analyze them, query the temperature of Yong'an within three days, and comprehensively analyze and calculate. I want to know the time of death, can you do it?"

Xiaoliang smiled foolishly, "Yes, this is no problem, I am still very interested in these little things now, you gave me the manuscript of forensic entomology, I have been studying for a long time, just waiting for such an opportunity Well, let me get it!"

Without further ado, he grabbed the small evidence bag and began to collect samples in different areas, each of which was carefully counted and recorded.

Zhou Hai watched his movements and nodded slightly. Xiaoliang has grown up slowly from the guy who shivered or vomited when he saw the corpse at the beginning.

Zhou Hai shook his neck, walked out of the room from the blood-free ground, just in time to see the lunatic coming out of the bathroom.

Standing at the door of the bathroom, he straightened his back, as if he had been squatting for a long time.

"Have you found anything?"

"Fortunately, I found something in the bathroom. There was a long hair on the wooden comb, and some samples were also extracted from the sewer."

Zhou Hai took the evidence bag and lifted it up to have a look.

"Team Lu and the others got information after their investigation that the deceased had been divorced for more than ten years and had been living alone. It seems that the investigation was wrong!"

The lunatic smiled, "People are like this now, they live in the same building, maybe they don't know the name of each other after living for a long time, not to mention personal privacy.

These are deliberately taboo topics, how to inquire about them?
Unless it's an aunt wearing a red armband in the neighborhood committee who is willing to come out and take care of it, then she can't squat in front of someone's house, so everyone has secrets, and these hairs are not surprising. "

Zhou Hai looked at the lunatic. Although this theory sounds harsh, it is indeed the truth. The city's steel and concrete circles prohibit the neighbor relationship between people. Looking back, I don't know the opposite door.

"Let's go, let Team Lu contact the vehicle, we will do an autopsy, and it will be temporarily sealed here."

The lunatic nodded, "Okay, I'll inform Team Lu right now."

The lunatic went out. Zhou Hai glanced at the master bedroom. This two-bedroom was small in size and very dilapidated. Looking at the furniture, it seemed that it had been more than ten years old. If the deceased was a truck driver, his income would not be as high as It's so hard to catch.

Zhou Hai didn't leave in a hurry. He stood on the balcony and took a look. There were some clothes hanging on the drying rack on the top, some thick coarse work clothes, and some pairs of thread gloves. There was a plastic basin on the washing machine, which stood With a washboard.

It’s been a long time since I saw this thing. Nowadays, many people throw their clothes directly into the washing machine for washing. Only underwear can be rubbed by hand. This washboard is obviously used for cleaning work.

Bi Jianrui, the deceased, can he wash it by himself?

(End of this chapter)

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