Advocate for the deceased

Chapter 690 Murder Weapon

Chapter 690 Murder Weapon
The cleaning work was very fast, and the bones of the deceased were found almost intact, and after simple washing, the original colors were revealed.

Zhou Hai put these bones together on a dissecting table, and someone was responsible for sifting the remaining soil.

Zhao Xinli moved closer to Zhou Hai and observed it for a while.

"Boss, except for his hands, all the bones of the deceased have been turned into bones. It has been a long time since he died. How about I send someone to look up information on missing persons?"

Zhou Hai shook his head slightly, "Master Cai from the heating company said that the heating pipeline in this section was replaced in the spring of 2016, and the subsequent communication and optical cable transmission projects were completed at this time.

The merchants in this area discovered from November to December 2016 that there was heat coming out of the sewers on the side of the road, accompanied by a foul smell.

So the time when the deceased was dumped here was between May and December 2016. "

Zhao Xinli stared at the bones of the deceased, startled and very puzzled.

"In such a short time, it turned to bones?
This is also not in line with common sense! "

Zhou Hai raised his eyes, looked around for a week, and found that all the people in charge of screening had their ears pricked up.

"The skeletonization you mentioned refers to burial in the soil and sinking the corpse in the water. Those are all skeletonization in a normal environment, but this dead person is different.

The murderer dragged the deceased here and opened a gap in the flange.

After the heat supply started, this is the main line, and the temperature of the hot water sprayed out reached over [-] degrees, and the high temperature sprayed for a long time, which accelerated the decay of the dead.

The water gathered together and washed the deceased's residual limbs into two parts. According to the analysis of the found situation, except for the torso and upper limbs of the deceased, the rest of the head and lower limbs were frozen in place after being washed away.

You can see that the hands of the deceased are in the state of mummy, and her hands are also stretched forward, as if to grasp something. "

Zhou Hai paused when he said that. The dead man's hands, especially the left hand, had five fingers spread out and the fingertips were slightly hooked back. Although the right hand was curled up a little, it was still five fingers spread out and the fingertips were slightly hooked back.

This action is not a gesture of all hands being relaxed, but a gesture of asking for help, climbing, or being pulled.

Zhou Hai narrowed his eyes slightly, pulling?

"The deceased was wrapped in a blanket, then pulled his wrists, and was dragged into this passage on his back!
The posture of her hands, this long-term movement, was frozen!

Call Wang Xuchao and ask them to search. They climbed from west to east at the mouth of the well on the other side, which is the first well mouth on the west side of the shaft we went down today. "

Zhao Xinli quickly agreed to take out his mobile phone to make a call, walked aside while taking off his mask, and explained Zhou Hai's judgment.

After a while, Zhao Xinli came back.

"Fatty and the others found the murder weapon and some things, and they are ready to rush back. After hearing your arrangement, they hurried to investigate on the other side."

Zhou Hai pointed to the dead man's hands, "Extract the dead man's fingernails and fingerprints, remove the finger pads, and soak them in Lufeier's reagent, otherwise the fingerprints will be biased!"

After speaking, Zhou Hai moved his eyes down, looked at the pelvis of the deceased, and removed the pubic symphysis. Liu had already pushed the magnifying glass over. Zhou Hai took a closer look.

"Da Liu recorded that the deceased woman was between 28 and 30 years old and had a history of natural birth."

What Zhou Hai said made Liu feel as if he had been beaten to death. You must know that ossification has always been a difficult point. Many forensic doctors are afraid of this, after all, this kind of bone examination is difficult to judge.

Zhou Hai put down his pelvis. The deceased's pelvis was very wide, exceeding the width of a normal person. This shape was either congenital or due to obesity. Zhou Hai was more inclined to the latter.

Without any delay, he picked up the skull of the deceased. Although it was cleaned, the surface of the skull, especially the mandible, was covered with a layer of black grease.

Zhou Hai completely ignored the grease, holding the skull and examining it carefully under a magnifying glass. No trauma was found on the skull and the entire head and face bones of the deceased. If there was no trauma, there would be no need for a craniotomy.

Zhou Hai turned the skulls one by one, and Liu hurriedly stretched out his hands to support them. There were two obvious slashes on the cervical spine, and the third knife on the cervical spine was so powerful that it directly damaged a corner of the transverse process of the vertebra.

Zhou Hai compared the three marks, the first two were more like probing wounds, they seemed to be looking for a gap, and the third cut was made with all his strength, at least it showed that the murderer was very ignorant of anatomical structures, and even killed chickens or simply Not chopping ribs.

"The murderer is very powerful. The bone at the transverse process is very dense. It can cut off a corner of it with one knife, and the knife does not stop at all. It can be seen that the murderer is male, stronger than ordinary people, and right-handed."

After speaking, Liu hurriedly recorded that Zhou Hai checked the lower jaw of the deceased, and he saw the broken hyoid bone at a glance. He quickly held the skull of the deceased and sent it under the magnifying glass to take out the broken hyoid bone.

Zhou Hai's gaze was very simple, just as Zhao Xinli leaned over.

"The deceased was suffocated by neck strangulation, and the large horn of the left hyoid bone was fractured. The shape of the fracture has been preserved, and it is completely in the original position. Afterwards, the deceased was dismembered and transported to this place at one time."

Zhao Xinli pointed to the leg bone of the deceased, "Just now I heard you said that the murderer can't chop bones, but the leg bone was cut very accurately, no knife marks were found on the femur, and the femoral head is well preserved, look!"

Zhou Hai glanced at it and nodded slightly.

"There is no need to understand this. He knows what he looks like and can disassemble the femur. The vertebrae are different. The gap and shape need to be understood very well, otherwise he will cut the bone every time."

Zhao Xinli nodded, Zhou Hai's words convinced him, indeed, everyone has eaten chicken legs, and the chicken legs fell off as soon as they were grabbed, there is no technical content in this.

Zhao Xinli sighed, "I don't know how Fatty and the others are progressing. I didn't say anything about the murder weapon. It made me feel itchy!"

Following this complaint, the door of the dissecting room opened, and the fat man walked in with a face full of embarrassment, and quickly rushed to Zhou Hai, followed by a stinky smell, very stinky.

Zhao Xinli took two steps back, "Why do you smell so bad?"

The fat man snorted with disgust on his face.

"Go, go, how can you feel the magnificence of the scene here?
It's no wonder I don't smell bad. After climbing the ditch twice, my body is really rich, and the smell can't go away even after taking off the isolation suit.

By the way, I haven't mentioned you yet, I'm here for you, remember to treat me as a guest! "

Zhao Xinli punched the fat man, "You brat, you will never forget to eat!"

"Let's go, I haven't eaten lunch yet, I admire you for being able to eat it just because of the taste!"

Zhou Hai raised his eyes and looked at the fat man.

"Have you found the murder weapon?"

(End of this chapter)

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