Advocate for the deceased

Chapter 670 Sister Bai Qing [Part 1]

Chapter 670 Sister Bai Qing [First Update]

After speaking, Bai Yu got up and dragged Bai Mu away, walked to Zhou Hai's side, snorted coldly and went out directly.

Only then did the fat man see Zhou Hai, and he shrugged innocently.

"The yellow detachment is treated like this with a search warrant. I am also convinced. Xiao Zhang, come on and let's start!"

A woman in a black dress and a white apron walked up to the fat man and the others.

"Please come with me!"

Huang Zhongsheng and Big Mao stood up, Zhou Hai waved his hands.

"Just wait here for a while, I'll go up with Fatty and the others to have a look, I guess the room has been cleaned!"

The big cat didn't dare to push it up, and rushed to Zhou Hai's side.

"Don't mind, I'll go up with you!"

Talking about the few people following the maid to the second floor, the fat man poked Zhou Hai's arm and said in a low voice:
"Bai Yu is very resistant to our search, is he hiding something?"

Zhou Hai didn't speak. After all, there were people around. They went directly to a room on the east side. The maid opened the door, made a gesture of please, and then turned and went downstairs.

The room was very tidy, with a balcony on the east side and a rocking chair on it with lots of cushions, and a huge princess bed on the north side with curtains and armrests.

Next to the south window is a long and narrow computer desk. On the desk are two computers and a stack of books. On the west side is a bookcase full of books.

Zhou Hai went over to take a look. There were many books on internal and external science, neurology, pharmacology, management, education, and desertification control. Looking at the books, Bai Mo had read them all. , and is often flipped through.

The fat man pulled the curtain and said, "The curtain is missing a rope!"

Hearing the sound, Zhou Hai walked over quickly, and it turned out that the second curtain on the balcony was missing a bundled decorative rope, so he took the rope handed over by the fat man.

"Measured, 0.7 cm in diameter!"

Zhou Hai glanced at the pattern, which was exactly the same as the mark on Bai Mo's neck, and then nodded.

"Looks like that's the rope, but where did that go?"

Zhang Wenqi raised his hand, "I'll go downstairs to look for it. It's been cleaned here, so it's probably lost."

The big cat took the initiative to follow Zhang Wenqi.

"Let's go, I'll accompany you to dig through the trash can, I'll do the rough work!"

Fatty and Zhou Hai were the only ones left in the room at this time. The fatty searched around, but found nothing. Standing on the balcony, he saw a low table next to him. He carried the rope to move the low table to the center of the balcony, and looked up at the top of the balcony. wooden beams.

Putting a piece of paper, standing on it and putting the rope on the table, the height was just right, the fat man glanced at Zhou Hai.

"If a paralyzed person stands here by himself, it seems impossible to make a knot!"

Zhou Hai nodded, "I found pinch marks on the neck of the deceased!"

The fat man's eyes lit up, and he quickly and carefully got off the table.

"Really, that would be great!"

"Don't get too excited, it just proves that someone faked the scene, knocked out Bai Mo and pretended to hang himself, but I don't know who it is yet."

The fat man was not so pessimistic, but relaxed a lot.

"What's the matter? We have all encountered times that were more difficult than this, but there is really no evidence at this scene!"

The fat man looked at the princess bed. The bed was very tidy without a single wrinkle. He sighed.

"Could it be that this was changed too?"

As he spoke, he walked to the side of the bed, lifted the pillow, and a curly hair appeared in sight, and he knew what it was without asking Zhou.

"Haha, I haven't changed it. Does Haizi need to take it back for inspection?"

Zhou Hai glanced at it, "Take it! Check the windows on the east and south sides. I saw that there is a platform directly connected to the window. If someone climbs, you can go up. There is no anti-theft net here."

The fat man nodded, and Zhou Hai walked to the bed.

Only then did I realize that there was a small cage on the bedside table, and inside it was a small animal that was bigger than a mouse, with gray and white fur, staring at him.

At this moment, when the door rang, Zhang Wenqi and the others came back. The sound disturbed the little thing, and he swished into a small house-shaped room, but his body was too fat, his buttocks were sticking out, trembling slightly.

Zhou Hai stretched out his hand to touch the trembling little thing. The guy scrambled and jumped directly onto Zhou Hai's hand, trying to get into Zhou Hai's sleeve, but he was fat and he tried several times without success.

Zhou Hai picked up the fur on its neck, and instantly the little thing shrank into a ball.

Zhang Wenqi held up a rope and shook it towards Zhou Hai.

"I found it. The maid is about to take out the garbage. If we are one step late, we will go to the garbage removal plant!"

"not bad!"

The big cat walked up to Zhou Hai and looked at the things in his hands.

"What is this?"

"It should be Bai Mo's pet. It looks like a guinea pig!"

Zhou Hai threw the little thing in the cage, and the guy kept sniffing, as if he was a little hungry.

"The master is dead, so it is estimated that there is no one to take care of it, it's poor!"

Fatty didn't know when he came to Zhou Hai's side, with a sad expression on his face.

"Don't make that expression, it's not for you!
Did you find anything? "

The fat man nodded, and raised the camera in front of Zhou Hai.

"There are traces of climbing outside the window, and some of the green vines have been torn off, but it's hard to tell if it's new or old!

Fortunately, I found a few fingerprints on the window, I will go back and identify them! "

Zhou Hai nodded, and glanced at the cloakroom. In addition to some clothes and shoes, there was also a wheelchair and a cabinet full of medicines.

There is a tray on the top, which contains more than a dozen small medicine bottles, with white tape pasted on it, and the time and dosage of taking are written on it. Looking at the instructions, it can be seen that they are all in English.

"Withdraw, take all the medicine bottles back!"


Zhang Wenqi was a little puzzled, what should I bring with me?

The fat man came over from behind and slapped Zhang Wenqi on the head.

"What are you doing in a daze, take it with you if you are told, there are so many nonsense, and you can open the bottle if you don't know what to bring, so there will be no mistakes!"

Zhang Wenqi let out an oh, filled all the medicine bottles, Zhou Hai walked out of the room, just as the girl I met in the lobby came out of the opposite room, saw Zhou Hai shrugged and smiled.

"You are."

The girl looked at Zhou Hai, smiled generously and brushed her hair.

"I'm Bai Qing, Bai Mo's sister, I don't look like this family, right?"

Fatty and the others came out and went downstairs without stopping. The big cat stood side by side with Zhou Hai, took a notebook, and gestured towards Bai Qing.

"Routine, I hope you understand, I have a few questions for you!"

"OK, you can ask!"

Bai Qing nodded, indicating to the big cat to ask casually.

"Where were you on the night of April 4th?"

"I'm at home. On the fifth anniversary of my father's death on the 22nd, Bai Yu notified me to come back to participate in the sacrifice. After all, everyone in the family is there. I will be laughed at if I don't participate. I will come back on the morning of the 16th."

Zhou Hai was a little surprised. It seemed that this girl went out independently, but it didn't seem to be her original intention.

"Not at home?"

The smile on Bai Qing's face was already a little embarrassed.

The Bai family has a capable elder brother who can inherit his father's mantle.

There is also a talented woman who devotes herself to charity, and I am the one who has the least sense of existence.

I didn't study well, I didn't go to college, I had a boyfriend in high school, and I was pregnant with a child. My mother was ashamed of me, so she kicked me out! "

(End of this chapter)

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