Advocate for the deceased

Chapter 653 Dimensions

Chapter 653 Dimensions
Seeing Zhou Hai pause, the lunatic leaned forward.

"What's the matter?"

"This wound is very strange!"

One sentence aroused the madman's curiosity, and he hurried over, and sure enough, looking through the magnifying glass, the edges of the wound were not so neat, it seemed that there were many burrs, and those burrs were irregular.

"It wasn't cut with a saw, was it?"

"A saw?"

Zhou Hai's eyes lit up, and he turned around and touched a measuring ruler to measure the length of the neck incision. The total length was 13.8 cm, and the depth was more than 3.4 cm.

If the distance between each tooth of the saw is extremely fixed, it will not be so irregular if the burrs are formed.

"It's not a saw, but the edge of the murder weapon must either have a gap, or it's not flat, otherwise it wouldn't be able to form such a scar. There are burrs on the entry edge, but the edge is smooth. If it was a saw, there should be burrs on the exit edge."

The lunatic frowned, really couldn't think of any tool that could make such an incision.

"If it is irregular, how can such a flat wound be formed?"

"Speed, one cut without hesitation, created this wound.

You can see that even if it is a threatening injury, it is just a cut, and there is no repeated cutting back and forth.

Moreover, the threatening injury was much deeper than usual. The knife had already cut through the outer wall of the carotid artery, and cut the carotid artery a little deeper. So strictly speaking, the murderer did not want the deceased to live.

Or. Just trying to kill him"

As soon as this judgment was spoken, Zhou Hai also paused. Could it be that the murderer wasn't robbing money?
The lunatic looked up at Zhou Hai, and instantly understood what he meant, but this guess needs to be confirmed by evidence, and it is still too early.

Zhou Hai took a deep breath and started the autopsy.

The autopsy of the deceased Xu Tianlin was relatively easy, since he died from trauma after all.

He cut open the chest and abdomen and began to check the organs. The only thing that was abnormal was the liver. Zhou Hai found a tumor in the liver. Although it was not big, the location was extremely bad, just below the hepatic artery.

The lunatic leaned over to have a look, and even measured the size.

"Size is not big!"

"Small size?
The border of the tumor is unclear and there is infiltration. This location is almost inoperable. Even if liver transplantation is performed, the vascular system must be rebuilt. Moreover, it is adjacent to blood vessels, so the probability of metastasis is extremely high! "

After Xiaoliang was sent for inspection, he started to do the finishing work. Zhou Hai looked at the lunatic while tearing off the isolation suit.

"You save the photo of the liver tumor, and then ask Wang Xuchao to find a suitable time to tell the deceased's son that it is best for him to check the liver regularly every year. There is a family history of this."

"That's amazing!

I'll write it down, but it's not suitable now, let's find time to talk to him later. "

Zhou Hai took the autopsy report and walked towards the door, just in time for the fat man to enter.

"Hey, are you done?"

"Is it tested?"

The fat man burst out laughing, Zhou Hai is better than Huang Shiren, Huang Shiren, if Big Sister Zeng hears this, she will turn her face.

"We don't bring such ones. More than half of yesterday's came out, and some comparisons haven't come out. This is a huge amount!"

Zhou Hai didn't talk nonsense with the fat man, he snatched the inspection report and went upstairs with his things. The fat man rubbed his nose. He knew that when there was a case, he must not provoke Zhou Hai, otherwise he would be the one who suffered.

At 14:00 in the afternoon, Zhou Hai's office.

Following a burst of quick footsteps, Wang Xuchao pushed the door and broke in. Once he came in, he froze. He seemed to be too anxious to knock on the door, and was about to retreat.

At this moment, Zhou Hai who was standing next to the whiteboard looked at Wang Xuchao.

"Forget it, why did you come in and do those nonsense?"

Wang Xuchao scratched his head, smiled and moved to Zhou Hai's side.

"I see that the time is almost up, and I want to come over to inquire. Have you got the results of the autopsy in the 4.15 case?"

Zhou Hai signaled Wang Xuchao to sit down and said, "Is there any new progress on your side?"

"We found the insurance policy of the deceased's company, as well as the storage records. From this, we can infer that there are six sets of jewelry in the safe in the deceased's home. These are archived photos. Each set is worth nearly a million, and they are all collection-level. of antique jewelry.

In addition to this necklace, it is an award-winning item from Xu Tianlin's company, and its name is Time Mark.

It is said that Xu Tianlin designed it by himself in order to commemorate their silver wedding! "

The fat man leaned over and looked at the photo. Although the necklace is very beautiful, he really can't see any connection between this and the four words of time imprint. Maybe he is not in this business.

"Very valuable?"

Wang Xuchao looked at the fat man and nodded, "It's very valuable. Don't look at only one diamond and some small pearls. This idea is said to be good, but we don't understand it."

Zhou Hai grabbed the fat man who wanted to question him, and looked at Wang Xuchao.

"Go on, don't you mean that there are still discoveries?"

"Yes, when I entered the door on the first floor, I found a note board with a business card for plumbing cleaning pasted on it, which was covered by many notes and marked April 4th.

Afterwards, I checked with the nanny at the deceased’s house, and she said that the floor heating pipes had indeed been cleaned on April 4, because during the heating season, the temperature on their first floor was very low, and it was suspected that the floor heating was blocked.

What a coincidence at this point in time, the family was stolen a week after the cleaning was done last night a week ago?
I have already sent people to check, the company was found, but the people who came to work were not found. It is said that there is a big project, and Dayong has gone to Duping. After all, something happened. If we run away, we don’t need it. checked! "

Zhou Hai nodded, this news is indeed a clue, and the time is really too close.

"You won't come here because of this, tell me, what else do you find?"

Wang Xuchao lightly punched Zhou Hai's shoulder, with an uncontrollable smile on his face.

"You're a very bad guy, I've figured out what's going on in my mind, you can't save me some face!

Ahem, I found out that the deceased had a partner named Tian Beizhen, who usually manages the company, and Xu Tianlin is only responsible for the design, quality and scheduling of the goods!

However, their company's recent sales performance is not good, and the expansion is relatively rapid, and they are engaged in financing, and even involved in some financial industry investments. "

The fat man handed Wang Xuchao a cup of tea, his small eyes widened, and he moved closer.

"These are things that make money, but have you investigated this partner?"

Wang Xuchao shook his head, "I sent someone to look for him. On the day of the accident, after you left, this person passed away.

I couldn't control my emotions before I entered the door. I took nitroglycerin twice, and the whole person was in a particularly bad state. It didn't look like it was pretending. "

When Wang Xuchao said this, Zhou Hai got up and looked at the whiteboard behind him. There were many photos pasted on it. Zhou Hai walked over, found two photos, and pasted them side by side with a magnet.

In the photo, there are detailed drawings of the arms of the male and female deceased respectively. I really didn’t pay attention if I didn’t make such a comparison. When I put them together, I found that the wrist of the male deceased Xu Tianlin had extremely deep strangulation marks.

On the hands of the female deceased, Bian Yulan, there were only very faint marks of strangulation.

"Did you see the difference on the wrist? Although both of them died, the murderer seemed to take extra care of the female deceased, while the male deceased had his throat cut and threatened him for a long time.

The female deceased was hidden in the cloakroom, which made me feel that this was not captivity but a kind of hiding, or protection, and the death of the female deceased was indeed an accident! "


Wang Xuchao was stunned by Zhou Hai's judgment.

(End of this chapter)

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