Chapter 649

A week later.

Zhou Hai sat by the window of the living room and looked outside, raised his wrist to check the time, it was already nine o'clock in the morning.

Looking far away, I looked at the playground in the center of the community. Although the outdoor temperature was very low, it was still winter vacation after all. Some children played there, blowing bubbles, roller skating, and chasing each other. They had a great time.

He had just received a call from Fatty, and only then did he know that Chu Menghan had returned to the capital on the day he was injured. Her grandfather was seriously ill, and he didn't seem to be recovering well. They called, but the phone was always turned off.

Thinking back to the time when I met Chu Menghan, the angular Chu Menghan, who was like a firecracker, seemed to have changed a lot. Now that he could put down work for his family and go to bed to fulfill his filial piety, he would have chosen the same way.

Zhou Hai pursed his lips slightly, maybe she won't come back again, I hope everything goes well for her.

Suddenly, a hand was placed on Zhou Hai's shoulder, and a familiar aroma lingered in his nose, which was the smell of Hu Goblin.

"What do you think?"

Zhou Hai patted Fairy Hu's hand, "I just received a call from Fatty. Chu Menghan returned to the capital on the day I was injured. Her grandfather is seriously ill and it seems that he is not in a good condition."

Goblin Hu didn't show an overly excited expression, so she let out an oh.

"I know her family background is very prominent, otherwise she would not have come to the southeast to train at a young age, and she is still in such a high position, but her grandfather's downfall will still have a great impact on their family!"

Zhou Hai nodded slightly, this level is beyond their ability to analyze.

"There will definitely be an impact, but I don't know to what extent, I hope she goes well!"

"That girl is very beautiful and has her own ideas."

Zhou Hai was a little surprised by Hu Goblin's evaluation. You must know that Hu Goblin has always been very hostile to Chu Menghan. Although Chu Menghan seemed to have a little bit of interest in him, Zhou Hai didn't have that kind of intention.

"Well, she is a good friend. If it wasn't for him, I would have been killed."

Fairy Hu helped Zhou Hai tidy up his clothes, "It's time, we should remove the stitches!"

Zhou Hai stretched out his hand to grab Fairy Hu's wrist, Fairy Hu paused for a moment, then looked up at Zhou Hai.

"what happened?"

"Aunt Liu has come back, I want to tidy up and move back to Fushan to live in, this is Lu's house after all, we"

"Okay! Watt is about to start school, and I also need to tidy him up. This year is going well, except for your injury, everything else is fine!"

Zhou Hai stared at Goblin Hu's eyes, his clear eyes were full of his own reflection, he said he liked you after holding back for a long time, and raised his hand to pat Goblin Hu's arm.

"Let's go!"

Zhou Hai turned around and walked towards the door, but Hu Goblin stopped and stretched out his hand to grab Zhou Hai's movement.

"If, I mean, if you are worried about Da Bochu, you can go to the capital to see her after the thread is removed. She still needs a friend to take care of her at this time. After all, such a big incident happened at home. No matter how strong a girl is, she is still a girl." It's really hard to bear alone, kid."

Zhou Hai looked at Goblin Hu. He knew that Goblin Hu was jealous of Chu Menghan, but now that she understood her own thoughts, she would not be stingy to test herself. These words were her sincere thoughts.

Zhou Hai shook his head at her, "No, the Chu family and Chu Menghan's father, they should have no problem dealing with this.

Besides, her grandfather is almost 90 years old this year. The Chu family should have already planned it. We couldn't help much in the past, and we would distract her from receiving her. If necessary, Director Liu would say that he and Chu Menghan's My father has a good personal relationship. "

Fairy Hu nodded, Zhou Hai thought more thoughtfully than herself, but she still had to make it clear that she just didn't like Chu Menghan, and she didn't dislike him.

Hearing from Zhou Hai just now that Chu Menghan saved his life, he wanted to do something for her for a moment.

"Forget it, you decide for yourself, anyway, you have a holiday, Bureau Liu is not letting you rest for a while, if you want to go, go, don't think too much about me, I can take care of the two children.

If you want to move back to Fushan, you can move back. I will take the children back to my house, so that the Lu family will be freed up. If the Lu family's parents come back, they will not be embarrassed. "

Zhou Hai nodded, and stretched out his hand to grab Fairy Hu's hand.

"Okay, I don't want to think about this anymore. If we delay any longer, Dr. He will explode again!"

Goblin Hu burst out laughing, and couldn't help laughing when she thought of Dr. He's hair blowing up every now and then.

"Let's go, he's very angry when he gets angry, his words are sharp, and he speaks very fast, even worse than the aunt who scolds the street. I really have to be convinced. Are all emergency doctors like this?"

"Not all of them are like this, but he is really good. He is the director of the emergency department and can find time to do research on research projects. He is a motivated person."

The two walked out the door as they spoke, their elbows swayed and their short legs sent the two of them to the door, while Fairy Hu rubbed the dog's head.

"Wait for us to come back, take a good look at the house, you are much better than those two little ones, you know how to care about us!"

Zhou Hai looked at Elbow's eyes, the corners of his lips trembled, and he held back a smile.

"It's worried. You're leaving at this time. I'm afraid you'll be hungry at noon. After all, it doesn't know how to use the automatic feeder, so it's okay to stare hungry!"

Fairy Hu pushed his elbow across the room and gave it a white look.

"Little heartless, I'm serving you for nothing!"

The two got into the car and rushed to Lu University Hospital. As soon as the car stopped at the parking space, they saw seven or eight ambulances roaring in, and a group of medical staff in various clothes rushed out pushing the car.

Dr. He stood at the front, constantly doing simple triage on the patients who were lifted off the ambulance, and loudly distributing the treatment plan and whereabouts of each patient.

Zhou Hai grabbed Fairy Hu's arm and didn't let her go forward. Looking at the number of doctors and nurses, Dr. He should have known in advance that the patient was coming.

The bloody wounded were carried out of the car one by one, and two of them were screaming hoarsely, with open leg wounds and tibias that had been pierced through the skin and exposed.

Zhou Hai subconsciously covered Goblin Hu's eyes. Such a scene was too bloody for Goblin Hu to watch.

Dr. He's actions were very quick, and the triage was completed soon. He himself was also kneeling on a flat car, performing heart compressions on a male patient, and the flat cars were pushed into the emergency department by the rushing nurses.

The ambulance roared away quickly, and Zhou Hai let go of the hand that blocked Goblin Hu's eyes, and frowned slightly.

"what happened?"

"It's too bloody, it's not suitable for you to watch, there will be psychological shadows, but."

Fairy Hu looked at Zhou Hai's expression, puzzled.

"But what?"

"It looked like a large-scale car accident. These ambulances didn't stop, they loaded up their equipment and set off again. Perhaps the number of injured people reached an extremely large number."

Fairy Hu said, "Then what should we do, you still have to remove the stitches!"

Zhou Hai patted her hand, "Don't worry, let's go to the orthopedic ward, borrow a set of equipment and I can remove the stitches myself!"

"can you?"

Zhou Hai looked at Fairy Hu seriously, and suddenly approached Fairy Hu, their noses almost touching.

"Don't tell men you're okay?

This sentence is too suggestive, you know? "

Fairy Hu bit her lip, and smiled coquettishly, as bright as the cherry blossoms in April, Zhou Hai was stunned for a moment.

Fairy Hu clasped Zhou Hai's arms with both arms, and the soft touch was very clear even through the thick cotton coat. Zhou Hai's Adam's apple slid up and down, and hurriedly looked away, Fairy Hu let go of the restraint with a charming smile.

"Okay, I won't tease you, you can do it, let's go!"

(End of this chapter)

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