Advocate for the deceased

Chapter 613 X-ray film

Chapter 613 X-ray film (for subscription)

Director Pang was a little embarrassed, glanced at the fat man whose face was full of resentment, and rubbed his hands vigorously, looking slightly hesitant.

He sighed and said, "Why don't you take a rest?"

"No, there are still a few days before the year before, and a second autopsy is still possible. As for their investigation, and the file of the previous case, just wait slowly. The holiday is approaching, and I want to see the progress of various tasks." Not that fast."

Director Pang was not hypocritical, and got up quickly.

"Then I'll let Forensic Doctor Luo prepare for it now. I saw in the morning that they seem to be preparing for a second autopsy!"

After speaking, Director Pang quickly walked out of the room, and the fat man poked Zhou Hai with serious dissatisfaction on his fat face.

"Why are you so talkative? The Chinese New Year is only four or five days away. It's not easy for Huang Zhongsheng and the others to coordinate. At least they have to produce the corresponding evidence for joining the case. Otherwise, the 19-year case would be so easy to handle?"

Of course Zhou Hai knows that once a case like this starts to move, it will affect the whole body. I don’t know how many people will be offended, so it is often tried in a different place. Besides, it has been 19 years, and even many case investigators may retire back then. , wanting to investigate is definitely not something that can be done with a single sentence.

"I can't think about it so much now. If the murderer of this case has a direction, Director Pang won't come to us. You can contact Huang Zhongsheng. If you have time, let him come over. After more than a week of investigation, at least he will have some information at hand. , let's sum it up."

The fat man knew Zhou Hai's temperament, and it was pointless to obstruct him at this time, so he might as well cooperate.

"Okay, I'll get in touch right away. It's really impossible. Let's go over after the autopsy. He must have retrieved the previous files. Otherwise, how could he have the idea of ​​joining the case?"

Zhou Hai nodded, got up and went directly downstairs to the No. [-] dissecting room. Madman and the others had already changed their clothes and were getting ready.

When several people saw Zhou Hai, they smiled instantly.

"Boss, you're back!"

"Well, I'm back. I took a day off yesterday. I heard that you have taken over a difficult case?"

The smile on the lunatic's face paused, then changed into a serious expression in an instant, and then he sighed.

"In the autopsy we did with Zhao Xinli, although there was only one deceased, there were almost no clues left.

The corpse has been thawed, let the boss have a look! "

Zhou Hai walked to the dissecting table, Xiao Liang tore off the white cloth, slightly raised the arms of the deceased, his hands and face were severely corroded by sulfuric acid, the black and purple color looked very shocking.

The torso and lower limbs were not corroded by sulfuric acid. Obviously, the murderer deliberately damaged the face and hands of the deceased. What is the point of doing this for a deceased who was killed at home?

relationship issue?

Or is there another reason?
The chest and abdomen of the deceased had been sewn up, the lunatic handed over the isolation suit, Zhou Hai put it on, and Xiao Liang helped Zhou Hai fasten the belt on the back.

Zhou Hai put on a hat, a mask, and goggles. The lunatic was already about to cut open the stitches, but Zhou Hai raised his hand to stop him.

"Wait a minute, you don't rush to look after the autopsy, I mainly look at the body watch, what's the result of your investigation at the scene?"

Zhang Wenqi hurried forward holding the folder.

"The deceased lived in Room 18, Unit 3, Building 1201, Pearl Garden, DC, and there was no sign of picking the lock on the outside door.

Their elevators are not home-type, and many footprints were found in the fire exits. There are quite a few footprints, and they have not been investigated clearly.

There are no valid footprints in the room, but there is a row of slippers placed at the entrance of the deceased's house, and only a pair of male slippers were randomly discarded on the ground. We suspect that the murderer entered the room wearing slippers.

The deceased was found dead in the bathtub with strangle marks on his neck. A power cord was tied to the faucet next to the bathtub. Although part of it was corroded, it still firmly fixed the body there.

The clothing on the deceased was somewhat mottled by acid damage, but the clothing was intact and there was no sign of sexual assault. Only a cut was visible on the wrist, which looked like a resistance wound.

Multiple fingerprints were extracted at the deceased's home. After verification, all fingerprints belonged to the deceased, her husband, children and part-time workers. The only thing left by the murderer was a bloody fingerprint on a wire glove on the power switch.

Even inside and outside the safe, we have carefully inspected, only found the fingerprints of the deceased, and blood.

Bloodstains were found on the floor and inside the safe. As for the bathtub drain, there were bloodstains and white bean curd residue-like substances remaining.

Nothing else has been found for the time being. The scene is too clean, so clean that it doesn't look like a murder case. "

Zhou Hai frowned slightly, he understood what Zhang Wenqi meant, the scene seemed to have been cleaned, and the murderer was very professional.

The lunatic asked Xiao Liang to open the previous X-ray film, pointed to the brain of the deceased and said:

"After testing, the white substance is the brain tissue of the deceased. It can be seen from the film that most of the brain tissue of the deceased is damaged. However, we have not performed a craniotomy, thinking that we will perform a craniotomy when you come back. I am afraid that the inspection process will damage the original form.”

Zhou Hai nodded, brain autopsy is the shortcoming of madmen, and he did it for the sake of rigor.

"I'll take a look at the dead man's body first, and then we'll open the skull."

Of course the lunatic had no objection, and quickly helped Zhou Hai pull the magnifying glass over.

There was indeed a wound on the outside of the deceased's wrist.

Although it was severely corroded by sulfuric acid, the end of the wound can be seen at the position of the ulnar styloid process【1】, the appearance here is obviously a resistance injury, and Zhang Wenqi and the others judged it correctly.

There were bloodstains in the wound, but the wound was slightly curved, with a flap of skin at the end.

If ordinary daggers or knives were cut, they would not be able to cause such curved scars. Zhou Hai kept searching the memories in his mind, and there really was no dagger that could cause such scars.

"Take a picture here!"

Zhang Wenqi hurried over with the camera and took pictures of the wound from multiple angles, and the lunatic also came over.

"Boss, do you think this wound is strange?"

"Well, it's not like a normal cut. There is a flap at the end, which looks like a hook, but it's a hook with sharp edges like a knife."

The lunatic nodded vigorously, his eyes widened.

"Yes, I thought it was an irregular cut, but I don't know how it was done."

Zhou Hai also turned his head at this time, looking at the lunatic.

"Did Team Huang say why they merged the two cases?"

"As I said, in the previous case, the victim was also a woman, and she died in the bathtub, her neck was hung from the edge, her face and hands were corroded by sulfuric acid, and most importantly, her brain was lost."

Only then did Zhou Hai understand why the lunatic had to wait for his own brain autopsy. It turned out to be this problem.

"Did they access the news from that year?

Are the details announced in too much detail, and some crazy people copy this case, just like the case of the Black Dahlia abroad? "

The lunatic nodded, "I participated in the project meeting, and it was because of this issue that the debate was particularly fierce.

Da Zhao and the others felt that it was a case that someone imitated. After all, it had been 19 years, and the murderer had been under the law for 19 years.

Even if the previous case was wrongly judged, how old is the murderer?
At least 50 years old, the deceased was not a thin person. He was about 170 cm tall, weighed at least 150 catties, and had tight arms and thigh muscles.

Such a person, the average man wants to control, even if he has a murder weapon, he has to measure it, let alone an old man?

Then Team Huang found a video about life under the rule of law broadcast in 2002, which introduced everything, except for the defect in the brain tissue of the deceased. After all, it was too appalling, so the column team erased this detail.

And in this case, from the X-ray film, the defect of brain tissue can be clearly seen, especially on the edge of the skull, knife marks can also be seen.

When Team Huang said this, everyone no longer refuted, after all, this was the key detail of the case. "

Zhou Hai squinted his eyes, looked at the wound on the outside of the deceased's wrist from the X-ray, and raised his head firmly.

"I know what the murder weapon is!"


 【1】Ulna styloid process: (styloid process of ulna), a term in human anatomy, is a downward conical protrusion on the posteromedial side of the lower end of the ulna, which can be touched on the body surface.

(End of this chapter)

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