Advocate for the deceased

Chapter 603 Special Parent Meeting

Chapter 603 Special Parent Meeting

Four and a half hours later, the research center.

Zhou Hai sewed up Yin Zhiping's body. Sure enough, as he guessed, Yin Zhiping died of air embolism. The amount of air injected was very large, and there were signs of embolism in the lungs and heart.

After removing the gloves and mask, Xiao Zhang helped Zhou Hai unfasten the isolation suit behind him, and someone had already come to take the body away.

Hu Nanzheng came back at this time, holding a stack of reports and handing them to Zhou Hai.

"There is a large dose of stabilizing ingredients in the blood of the deceased. The director of the laboratory said that even if the air is not injected, it will be difficult for the deceased to wake up!"

Zhou Hai nodded in agreement, "I see, pulmonary and heart embolism will cause a serious sense of danger, the deceased just clenched his fists, opened his mouth wide, and stared his eyes wide, all of which are affected by the parasympathetic nerve.

The murderer just didn't want him to turn around, and he was a very familiar person to the deceased, otherwise he would not have sealed the eyes of the deceased with tape.

Are there extracts on the tape? "

"Yes, the extract belongs to that cat sister Xiao Xiao, and now the evidence is conclusive!"

Fatty opened the door and came back from the outside. He was so dirty that he seemed to have escaped from famine. The eyes of the three of them all fell on Fatty.

Hu Nan was suspicious for a while. He had been in the laboratory just now and did not follow the autopsy, so he didn't know what the fat man was doing. Could it be that he went to pick up the trash like this?
With a sad expression on his face, the fat man threw the huge black bag in his hand on the ground, and walked over holding two evidence bags, one of which contained a disassembled 20ml syringe, and the other bag contained several small ampoules.

"I rummaged through all the trash cans around the community, but fortunately I got something.

I found two incomplete fingerprints on it, and the comparison has been completed. They are the fingerprints of Sister Cat.

In addition, I found six ampoules of diazepam injection. The bottom of the garbage bag was broken, and there were some broken glass inside. I counted, and there was at least one box of these, that is, ten ampoules. If there are still any, Should be larger than this. "

Zhou Hai glanced at Hu Nan's report, the drug concentration reported in the blood was indeed similar to this, and closed the test report.

"Sister Xiao Xiao's nail extract, the results of the second test have also come out, and it contains a small amount of paraquat.

Now that the evidence is conclusive, she was the one who killed Yin Zhigang and Yin Zhiping. How did the interrogation go? "

At this time, Hu Nan couldn't hide the smile on his lips.

"Just now Liu Yunshan sent me a WeChat message, saying that Sister Mao recruited some of them, which is similar to what Da Fei said, but the responsibility has been pushed to Yin Zhiping and Yin Zhigang.

It seems that she had planned it long ago, but she didn't expect that Yin Zhigang would mess up the matter, and she didn't expect that Yin Zhiping would rather take the risk of waiting for the demolition funds. "

The fat man leaned over, and bursts of stench filled the nostrils of several people.

"Damn, Comrade Hu Nan, since we have identified it, can we withdraw?

The evidence is solid. As for whether to confess, it is only a matter of time. We have already settled the rest of the autopsy report and other issues.

Today is January 1th, it's a young year!
Do you really plan to let us go home with you for the New Year? "

Hu Nan looked embarrassed, before she could speak, Zhou Hai beside him glanced at his watch and said.

"We can't help with the rest of the interrogation work, but I want to go and see those girls before I leave. I heard from Xiao Zhang that their parents have come over?
I don't know what the situation is, after all, this incident is a serious blow to a family. "

Hu Nan nodded and sighed. This appearance made Fatty a little nervous. After all, he had been digging through the garbage dump all morning, so the news was simply blocked.

"Don't you sigh?
It made me so nervous, did those parents not want to come? "

Hu Nan shook his head.

"Don't be nervous, that's not what it means. The family members of these 28 girls have been contacted. After seeing the numbers, they are still excitedly asking whether their children have been selected to sign the contract.

We said it was the police, but they didn't believe it.

After a long explanation, he finally believed it. Now some parents have arrived, but they are all in very bad condition. Zhang Chao dare not let them see their children.

These parents were very emotional and wanted to petition the municipal government. Wang Xiaoli got to know the girls better, so I sent her to work with Zhang Chao to appease them, but Wang Xiaoli was scratched. "

Zhou Hai frowned, he guessed that there must be difficulties in this job, but these parents don't care about their children, and they really don't understand that they are causing trouble.

The fat man looked shocked and tugged at Zhou Hai's sleeve.

"Don't stand still, let's go!

These girls finally stabilized. If they make such a fuss, the hospital will be full of people. This is not waiting for things to become big. Once the things are fully exposed, what will these children do in the future? "

Without further delay, the two changed clothes and rushed to the General Hospital of the Provincial Military Region.

As soon as he arrived at the hospital, the fat man dialed Zhang Chao's phone, but no one answered the phone after it rang for a long time. Zhou Hai patted the fat man's hand.

"Zhang Chao is probably busy, ask Wang Xiaoli where they are, we will go directly there!"

The fat man nodded, then found Wang Xiaoli's phone and dialed it, and the phone answered after seven or eight rings.

Before I heard Wang Xiaoli's voice, I heard waves of yelling coming from the phone, one after another in a mess.

"Hey, hello!

Xu Henjian, are you here? "

"Where are you?"

"I can't hear anything, come here quickly!

Zhang Chao can't hold back his anger anymore, we are in the conference room of the department in the backyard, these people are going to break out! "

Hearing this, the fat man hung up the phone, and Old Wang drove straight to the backyard.

The guard at the gate hurried out of the way, didn't dare to stop him, the police lights were on, he was on official duty, wouldn't it be uncomfortable to go up and stop him?

The car quickly drove to the backyard, and Zhou Hai really didn't know the layout here. Lao Wang quickly found the location of the courtyard, braked sharply, and the car stopped in front of the gate. He also grabbed his hat and jumped out of the car.

"I'll go in with you."

Zhou Hai knew that Lao Wang was afraid that they would be in danger, but it was fine to follow them at this time. The three of them quickly walked up to the second floor, and found their place without asking.

A group of policemen stood at the door, and a group of men and women in the conference room stretched out their hands and slapped the policemen, crying and shouting that the scene was out of control.

The fat man patted Old Wang, "Quickly shout out, these people are simply too much!"

Old Wang was born as a soldier, so he had a loud voice. Hearing what the fat man said, he opened his mouth and roared:

"Shut up all of them and be quiet!"

The three of Zhou Hai and the others stood in the hall, and there was a bit of a reverberation effect when the voice was shouted like this. The people in the entire meeting room didn't know what happened, and they were all taken aback.

After all, although these policemen were scary-looking, everyone who dared to stop them excessively, because they were the family members of the victim, with this status, they were really unscrupulous.

Suddenly there was such an angry voice, everyone was stunned.

For a moment, I didn't know whether to continue to rush out or retreat.

Hearing the sound, Zhang Chao quickly pushed aside the crowd and walked out.

His hat was gone at this time, the collar of his clothes was unraveled, the sleeves were torn, and there was a large red scratch on his face, which was red and swollen even though there was no bleeding.

Zhou Hai squinted his eyes, skipping the eyes of these parents.

"Are you here to pick up the child, or to assault the police?
If you want to pick up your children, you should understand the situation well. If you are attacking the police against the government, I can find a place for you to spend the new year today!

Come on, choose it! "

(End of this chapter)

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