Advocate for the deceased

Chapter 468 The Mystery of the Cause of Death

Chapter 468 The Mystery of the Cause of Death (12)

With a look of surprise on his face, the lunatic spread his hands and said, "You didn't ask me! Look at any of us who are wearing two layers of latex gloves. They should know how to paint a gourd, right?"

Zhou Hai tapped on the dissecting table with his fingers.

"Okay, don't be poor, hurry up and open the bag, Da Liu will buy two catties of coriander in the future, and rub your hands with coriander!"

Da Liu gave a helpless cry, and cut the vest bag marked No. [-] from the middle. As the scissors cut it, the body parts in the bag slipped, and the madman and Zhao Xinli quickly reached out to catch them. If they hit the dissection table, they would not know Will there be any splashes of liquid.

"Da Liu don't want revenge, okay?" The lunatic complained to Da Liu with a suppressed smile.

Zhou Hai directly picked up a stump of a calf, dragged it over to the magnifying glass, and lifted up the section to observe carefully.

The section was very neat, and the muscle tissue and tibia and fibula showed no signs of repeated chopping at all, and they were all broken, and the same was true for the other side of the section when turned over.

Pick up another body part at the knee, and the same thing.

"Mechanical cutting and dismembering a corpse is not done by a knife and an axe."

The lunatic suddenly thought of the case of using a cutting machine to dismember the body, picked up a piece and looked at it, and there was no sign of scorching caused by repeated angle grinding.

"The cut is too neat and clean. It's not cut by an angle grinder."

"Looks like it was cut with a professional bone saw!"

Zhou Hai's words startled the three of them like a bomb, and all of them suddenly showed doubts.

"Bone saw?"

The lunatic was the first to react, and said, "I remember when I went to buy oxtails, there was an operating platform with a small saw in the middle, and the oxtails were cut open instantly when pushed over. Could it be such a big guy?"

Zhou Hai shook his head, "This kind of equipment is too big to be transported. It should be portable, similar to the hand-held bone saw used in orthopedics. You can check it online later. It should not be difficult to buy similar things."

Da Liu widened his eyes.

"Wait, I know what it is!"

All three looked at him, and he raised his hand and gestured:

"Brother Xu and I searched on Taobao when we were discussing a case. There is a kind of saw similar to that of a lumberjack, which is hand-held and electric, but the size is much smaller than that.

I remember that the price is not expensive, and you can cut pork hand and leg bones at home. The saw is very thin and there will be no marks of repeated cutting. "

Da Liu gestured for a length of about forty centimeters, and showed it to the three of them, Zhou Hai nodded.

"This is possible. Continue to dismantle a bag after splicing."

Da Liu nodded and started to open the second bag.

In this way, all six bags were opened, and the male police officer found it in the third bag.

In the last bag, the victim's head was finally found, but the facial flesh of the deceased had been cut off, and no facial skin was found in the bag.

The lunatic held up the severed palm of the deceased and showed it to Zhou Hai.

"The ten finger pads of the deceased were also cut off, the face and fingerprints were lost, the blood on the body was also drained, and even the residual limbs were scalded. It seems that they do not want us to find the identity of the deceased."

Zhou Hai nodded, the lunatic was very right.

"The murderer believes that without the face, fingerprints and blood, the identity of the deceased cannot be determined.

That's why he blatantly sealed the dismembered corpse in the garage, and only disposed of the ten finger pulps and facial flesh that had been cut off.

All right, Liu put the extracted pubic symphysis into the pressure cooker, and we will conduct an autopsy. "

Da Liu was startled, he really doesn't know how to do this, after all, the taste is disgusting even thinking about it, and he is the first one to miss every time he makes this.

"I haven't done it!"

The madman waved his hand.

"Let me do it!"

As he spoke, act quickly, Liu pursed his lips, and stared intently at the movements of the lunatic. He had to learn the skills of not overwhelming himself, and at least he would know what to do next time.

Zhou Hai didn't say anything, and asked Zhao Xinli to start measuring the length of the corpse.

The body was about 165 centimeters long, and it was weighed when it came in. The weight of all internal organs plus the body parts was 79.2 kilograms.

If 8% of the blood and stomach contents are added, the weight of the deceased should be about 90 catties. This is a very thin boy.

Zhou Hai turned around and took a deep breath.

Then start the inspection from the head, to know what it feels like to hold the head in the palm of your hand in a state of high corruption without facial features.

Even though he has been in this business for many years, Zhou Hai still feels creepy.

The neck was cut close to the gap between the fifth and sixth cervical vertebrae. There was no sign of struggle or pause. It was cut with one knife, obviously after death. There was mucus in the remaining nasal cavity, white foamy mucus.

There is a very large subcutaneous hematoma in the temporal part of the skull.

The X-ray film showed obvious fracture marks, and the highly corrupted epidermis was cut, and there was a linear fracture【1】mark on the skull.

At the corresponding position of the scalp, two small depressions about one centimeter in length were seen, which were supposed to be the scars caused by the fracture. Zhou Hai instantly thought of the two curved 'horns' at the tip of the claw hammer.

However, the trace of the fracture seems to be a little lighter. If you swing a claw hammer hard, you can penetrate the skull.

Could it be that the murderer is not strong enough?

On the lower jaw and neck of the deceased, there were four clear black marks. Judging from the figure-eight distribution, it was obviously pinch marks of fingers, and the finger marks were slender.

The neck was cut open, and the tongue and the remaining esophagus and trachea were removed by the tongue method. The fracture of the upper corner of the thyroid cartilage could be clearly seen.

Zhou Haikai opened the mouth of the deceased, the gums were bleeding obviously, and the crowns were light brown. At this time, typical rose teeth had formed【2】, then he raised his eyes and glanced at the lunatic beside him.

"Mechanical suffocation. The deceased was covered with his mouth and nose, strangled his neck, and was hit on the side of the head with a stick-shaped weapon before dying."

The fat man quickly marked what Zhou Hai said on the autopsy report.

Zhao Xinli had already cut open the internal organs of the deceased. All internal organs were the most corrupt. He retched while cleaning up. There was no content in it. It was obviously cleaned by someone. Even the surface of the intestinal tract could see the scratches of the knife. mark.

Put down the head and count the number of corpse parts. In total, the deceased was divided into 22 pieces, including eight pieces for the upper limbs, eight pieces for the lower limbs, five pieces for the torso, and one piece for the head.

It is estimated that the pelvis is too hard, and there is a mark from the chainsaw on it, but it has not been cut through.

The lunatic looked at the trace and said:

"The chainsaw here is either broken, or it is not as sharp as it was originally, and there are cases of jams."

Zhou Hai nodded, and asked the lunatic to record the method of dividing the body parts and their respective quantities.

Then continue to check, the internal organs are in Zhao Xinlina, Zhou Hai has already filtered out the sound of his retching, and continues to concentrate on observing the corpse.

The corpse's palms and fingers were swollen and corrupted, and there were strangle marks on the wrist, but the strangle marks were not deep, about three fingers wide, and the marks were more likely caused by wide cloth or tape.

On the inside of the left forearm, there is a skin defect.

The defect is not big, only the size of a peanut grain.

As soon as Zhou Hai's hands stopped, Da Liu moved the camera closer, glued on the ruler and quickly took pictures.

There is also a skin defect under the left breast on the chest.

However, the defect in this position is much larger, the size of a one-yuan coin, and Liu continued his actions.

Zhou Hai looked at Da Liu.

"Send the photos to Wang Liang, mark the exact location of each skin lesion, and ask Ge Xiuyun if she knows who has moles or iconic scars in these two locations?"


 【1】Linear fractures
  Simple linear fracture itself does not need to be treated, but its importance lies in the brain injury or intracranial hemorrhage caused by the fracture, especially the epidural hematoma, which often causes bleeding because the fracture line crosses the middle meningeal artery, especially in children .When the fracture line passes through the attachment area of ​​the temporalis or occipital muscles on the temporal bone or the occipital bone, the temporalis or occipital muscles may swell and bulge, which also suggests that a fracture has occurred there.

  【2】Rose teeth
  Rose teeth are suffocated dead due to gingival mucosal capillary bleeding caused by hypoxia during the suffocation process, and the teeth are stained, and rose or light brown red can appear on the surface of the neck of the teeth.

(End of this chapter)

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