Advocate for the deceased

Chapter 412 Vitiligo Reappearance [Part 3]

Chapter 412 Vitiligo reappears (54) [third]

The closer you get to the community, the more you can feel the oldness of these buildings. In the four-story building, the location of the stairway is made of bricks and stones.

There are no lights on the roads in the community, and there are low annexes in front of each building.

However, where the flashlight shines, you can see the thick paint on the wall, which is obviously a product of the renovation of the old city, but the architectural style and layout of this house seem to be the style of the early 80s.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, the people in front hurriedly turned around to look, and were a little surprised to see that it was Zhou Hai.

"Doctor Zhou?"

Zhou Hai had already caught up with several people, and it was indeed Wang Xuchao who was walking in front. Hearing the shouts of the people behind, Wang Xuchao turned around and looked over.

Why did you come here? "

Zhou Hai smiled.

"I looked at the map. There are more communities and residential buildings on the southwest side, so it's better to wait for the news and come over to help. I just called the madmen and asked them to follow along."

Wang Xuchao patted him on the shoulder with a smile, "Okay, just tell me about the situation, he came to keep our group, even if he finds something that can be faster."

As they spoke, several people began to investigate one by one. At this moment, everyone's mobile phones collectively rang a notification tone. When they opened the WeChat group sent by Xiaohu, there were several pictures, which were the residents' information of each household in this area.

The few people in front began to go door-to-door to ask questions.

Zhou Hai and Wang Xuchao stood behind and briefly explained the whole process of the case. Wang Xuchao frowned.

"It turns out that things are so complicated, we need to speed up!"

"Well, ten o'clock must be over!
After all, many people have already rested at ten o'clock, and I'm afraid it will have a negative effect if there is too much movement. "

Wang Xuchao looked at Zhou Hai puzzled.

"You said, the murderer can't take the fat man underground?"

Zhou Hai shook his head slightly.

"On the lid of the Guli well at the entrance, the traces are too deliberate. The more so, the more it makes me think it's a cover-up. Huang Zhongsheng has already found a bomb defuser, and there will be results in a while."

Wang Xuchao nodded, urging everyone to speed up, knocking on the door of each household in one building, and then the two of them cooperated to verify their identities, and then checked the interior. Three buildings were cleaned in half an hour.

This speed was very fast, and when he was walking towards the fourth building, Zhou Hai's cell phone rang, and it was Huang Zhongsheng who called.

"Luo Jinfang is here. Fortunately, the lid of the Guli well has not been opened, and there is a bomb hanging below it. This time the weight is not small. When the lid is removed by five centimeters, it will detonate. If it explodes, we will be useless."

Zhou Hai took a deep breath and asked, "Did you send someone down?"

Huang Zhongsheng was annoyed.

"Of course, I sent someone to go down the well with Luo Jinfang. Let's take a look around according to the blueprint and let you know if we find anything."

Wang Xuchao heard the content of the call clearly. Such a vicious person is really a lunatic, but he was even more worried about the fat man, and began to urge the few people behind him.

"You guys move faster."

Knowing the seriousness of the situation, several people sped up their actions one after another. When they were making a detour towards the fourth building, a car wrapped in car clothes by the bamboo forest caught Zhou Hai's attention.

It seemed that when a corner was floating, Zhou Hai saw a touch of green below it.

Having discovered this, he quickly ran two steps towards the car, and lifted the tail of the car jacket. It was indeed Fatty's car number. It was the first time he saw Fatty's bright green Alto, and he felt so excited.

"This is Fatty's car, the clothes don't belong to him, it feels a bit big!"

Wang Xuchao also noticed what Zhou Hai said, and quickly lay down on the ground with a flashlight. After all, the few words Huang Zhongsheng yelled just now were too powerful. If something is installed below, they will all be reimbursed.

There was nothing under the car, the ropes that were tied were loosely tied together, and the four sides of the car jacket were checked before waving at a few people.

"Come here and help me pull it off!"

A few people started to work, and the car cover was lifted instantly. Zhou Hai immediately rushed to the window of the passenger seat, held a flashlight and lay on the window to look in. Fortunately, the scene he was most worried about did not appear, and the inside was empty. .

Seeing Zhou Hai's actions, Wang Xuchao still didn't understand anything, so he raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, Fatty is blessed and fateful, such things are nothing to him, just think about whether he can hold back his hunger!
This is the most worrying issue. "

Zhou Hai nodded vigorously.

"The car is here, and it's locked and disguised as a car jacket, just because we don't want us to find out where it is."

Wang Xuchao hummed.

"Either the murderer's hiding place is near here, or it is the place farthest from here."

Zhou Hai looked at the two side-by-side residential buildings behind him. Although they were very close to the buildings in front, they were separated by a bamboo forest, which seemed to be quite quiet.

The residential building on the easternmost side is close to the outer wall, with iron fences on it. It is impossible to go out here directly, you have to go around, and this is the easternmost side of the community, and then you go out to the street.

However, it is very good to hide one's own traces by taking a quiet place amidst the noise, and besides, the terrain here belongs to a commanding height.

Looking at other residential buildings from here, there is a feeling of looking down, even standing in the parking area, you can have this feeling.

Zhou Hai looked up at the residents of the residential building, and almost half of them had lights on. Wang Xuchao felt Zhou Hai's strangeness, and hurried over.

"Haizi, do you think this place is very much like a hiding place?"

Zhou Hai nodded, "Other residential buildings are checked normally, so don't worry here, let's check the household registration information."

Hearing this, Wang Xuchao quickly waved to the groups of people behind him and ordered in a low voice.

"Leave two groups of people, and the other two groups should hurry up and go to other buildings to investigate. Remember to be cautious. Even if you find something, don't act rashly. Have you remembered the household registration investigation as an excuse?"

The few people nodded quickly, and the two groups walked towards the building next to them. The rest of the people gathered together. Wang Xuchao had already clicked on the household registration information map he had received before, found the information of this building, and began to check it carefully.

Unexpectedly, although there is a compound here, this building is actually marked as Building No. [-] of the staff dormitory. Lots of little houses.

At this moment, Zhou Hai's cell phone vibrated, and when he took out the phone, Chu Menghan's name flashed on it, and Zhou Hai quickly connected it.


"Zhou Hai, we found three people who are somewhat similar to Yang Duxiu.

A man named Zhu Xiaochen, 50 years old, divorced, is a veteran who returned from studying abroad. He returned to China to teach in 1999. He is now single and teaches chemistry at Agricultural University;
The second is Pang Yuchang, male, 51 years old, widowed in his early years, transferred from Polytechnic University in 2000, used to teach chemistry, now teaches inspection and quarantine, graduated from Kiel University in Germany;

The third is Mu Weiyang, a 52-year-old male, unmarried, who also transferred from the Polytechnic University in 2000. He used to teach engineering design, and now he teaches chemistry. He graduated from the University of Freiburg in Germany. "

Zhou Hai was stunned, these people looked very similar to Yang Duxiu from the information, so he hurriedly grabbed the phone and asked:

"Do you have a photo?"

"Wait a minute, after checking their home addresses, I will send you the photos and this information!"

(End of this chapter)

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